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Code camps

Notes related to the code camps we offer.

A draft article on our data science code camp (Musing #386)

A short description of one of the summer code camps that our students design and run.

Surviving week one of code camp (Musing #667)

A report from the first week of code camp in summer 2018.

Designing a new code camp on language and code (Musing #680)

Thinking ahead to the third of three summer 2018 code camps.

A tangled web of Racket Web programs (Musing #688)

Writing libraries for the new code camp.

Transforming Web pages (Musing #693)

More procedures for the new code camp.

Configuring code-camper accounts (Musing #697)

That much configuration benefits from a shell script.

Programs for simple language generation (Musing #698)

Mediocre but fun.

Planning for SIGCSE 2019 (Musing #730)

Papers on the code camps and other projects.

Draft abstracts for SIGCSE 2019 (Musing #731)

Shouldn’t I write these last?