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A tangled web of Racket Web programs

Topics/tags: Code camps, Racket, The Joy of Code, technical, disjoint [1]

Over the next week, we are putting together the final details for the third of three summer 2018 code camps. In this camp, we are focusing on language and code. I’ve already written about the overall structure of the camp. Now, I’m trying to put things together to make sure that my research students have an appropriate framework from which to build things.

The two primary languages we’ll be using in code camp are HTML, a markup language for the World-Wide Web, and Racket, a programming language that follows the intellectual heritage of Lisp and Scheme.

I’m starting to explore the interaction between the two. In some sense, the relationship is clear: an HTML document is a nested expression [3] which makes it natural to represent it as an s-expression, the basic data type of Racket [4]. Racket provides a lot of infrastructure for working on the Web. There’s a nice Web server, as well as a library for parsing HTML into s-expressions, a library for converting s-expressions into HTML, a library for working with URLs, and much, much more.

But, well, there are problems in imposing all of these libraries on novices, particularly novice middle-school students. Many of the libraries assume that you understand a wide variety of Scheme concepts, such as structures and back-quoted expressions. There’s also the issue that since different people wrote different libraries, they have somewhat different interpretations of what the s-expressions should look like. For example, the HTML parsing library represents the parameters to a tag as a list that starts with @ and contains the remaining name/value lists. In contrast, the Web server expects the parameters to be represented as a list of lists. The SXPath library for searching and the SXSLT library for transforming pages seem to prefer the form used by the parser. That form is called SXML/xexp.

So I’m writing a wrapper library.

What do we want our students to be able to do? Let’s see …

  • Write procedures that generate SXML/xexp expressions and have them appear as Web pages.
  • Create and process forms for interactive pages.
  • Fetch Web pages and see them as SXML/xexp expressions.
  • Extract plain text from SXML/xexp expressions. That way, we can have them do some of the plain text analysis on what they’ve fetched (e.g., determine the most frequent words or pairs).
  • Extract portions of SXML/sexp expressions. That may be the first step in doing some other kinds of analysis.
  • Transform SXML/sexp expressions. More precisely, write programs that read Web pages and make new Web pages.

I think that’s enough for now. There’s a separate list for text manipulation, but I’ll leave that for another musing.

Serving Web pages

While the Racket Web server provides tools for serving Web pages, it’s one of those things that I feel is too advanced for our students. So, let me think about what I’d like them to be able to do.

  • Pair a path (such as index.html) and a procedure for generating a page.
  • Pair a path (such as style.css) and a string that corresponds to the contents of the page.
  • Pair a path (such as static.html) and a file that stores the page.
  • Start the server.

In some ways, the Web server URL-based dispatch is designed to handle those first kinds of activities. I could use that behind the scenes. Or I could just use a hash table. So that it’s easier for my research students to understand, I’m going to try the latter rather than the former [5].

Let’s see …

  • We’ll call the first procedure (serve-procedure path proc).
  • We’ll call the second procedure (serve-string path str type).
  • We’ll call the third procedure (serve-file path filename).

That way, a student programmer can write something like the following.

(require lac-camp/server)

(define (sample-page stuff)
        (title "Sample Page")
        (link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
                 (href "styles.css"))))
         (h1 "This is page one!")
         (p (@ (class "first"))
            "This is the first paragraph")
         (p "This is the second paragraph")))))

(serve-procedure "sample" sample-page)
(serve-file "styles.css" "Desktop/styles.css")

It will clearly take them a bit to get used to the syntax for writing pages. But it’s not any worse than plain HTML.

Forms and form handling

Generating forms is straightforward, if a bit painful. We just follow the normal strategy for HTML. A form tag and some input tags. It’s a bit painful, but for the basics they can just use cut and paste.

(define (sum-form stuff)
     (head (title "Simple math"))
      (h1 "Let's do some math.")
      (p "Enter two numbers and I'll find their sum")
      (form (@ (method "get")
               (action "sum"))
            (p (input (@ (type "text")
                         (name "x")))
               (input (@ (type "text")
                         (name "y"))))
            (p (input (@ (type "submit")
                         (value "Add them!")))))))))
(serve-procedure "input" sum-form)

Or I could add a procedure, (text-field name). Maybe we could have them write it. No, we should provide them with the procedure. But if I do something similar in the new CSC151, I can ask those students to write it [6].

(define (text-field name)
  `(input (@ (type "text")
             (name ,name))))

(define (submit-button text)
  `(input (@ (type "submit")
             (value ,text))))

(define (sum-form stuff)
     (head (title "Simple math"))
      (h1 "Let's do some math.")
      (p "Enter two numbers and I'll find their sum")
      (form (@ (method "get")
               (action "sum"))
            (p ,(text-field "x")
               ,(text-field "y"))
            (p ,(submit-button "Add them")))))))

What about handling the form? I’ve written a (get input field default) procedure. I think that’s enough. I’m not sure that get is the best name, but we’ll stick with it for now.

Fetch Web pages as SXML/xexp

This one is fairly straightforward. I’ll probably add something to simplify it. However, for now, it seems to work.

#lang racket
(require html-parsing)
(require net/url)

(define (fetch-page url)
  (html->xexp (get-pure-port (string->url url))))

How well does that work Let’s see …

> (fetch-page "")
   (@ (lang "en"))
    (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content "text/html; charset=US-ASCII")))
    (title "SamR's Site: Samuel A. Rebelsky")
    (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css") (href "/~rebelsky/samr.css")))

Wow! There are a lot of "\n"’s in there. I wonder if I should filter them out. That may be a task for one of the future sections.

Extract plain text from SXML/xexp expressions

Let’s see … we’ll want to grab the body, filter out any comments, and then just grab the strings. Will SXPath do that? Let’s see. I can extract the body with something like the following.

(define extract-body (sxpath "//body"))

That part was easy. What about getting the strings? I tried a number of things before falling back on a search for the XPath format.

(define extract-strings (sxpath "string(/)"))

That seems to work for the body. But it doesn’t work if I extract the tags.

> (define home (fetch-page "https:/"))
> (define tags ((sxpath "//a") home))
> (take tags 4)
'((a (@ (href "#postlinks")) "Skip To Body")
  (a (@ (accesskey "f") (href "/~rebelsky/index.html")) "Front Door")
  (a (@ (accesskey "o") (href "/~rebelsky/origin.html")) "Origin")
  (a (@ (accesskey "s") (href "/~rebelsky/schedule.html")) "Schedule"))
> (extract-strings (take tags 4))
"Skip To Body"

I suppose I’ll have to use map.

> (map extract-strings (take tags 4))
'("Skip To Body" "Front Door" "Origin" "Schedule")

Yup, that works. But I’ll need to think more about how I’ll deal with the list. I don’t think a straight string-append makes sense. Let’s play with foldl.

> (define (join-with-space str1 str2) (string-append str1 " " str2))
> (foldr join-with-space "" (map extract-strings (take tags 4)))
"Skip To Body Front Door Origin Schedule "

That’s not bad. But there’s an extra space at the end. Let’s see …

> (define (join-with-spaces lst)
    (let ([rev (reverse lst)])
      (foldl join-with-space (car rev) (cdr rev))))
> (join-with-spaces (map extract-strings (take tags 4)))

Yup, that works. Now I’ll just need to think about the right interface. Perhaps (extract-page-content page). But I think we want more than that. Let’s see … can I extract the text from a bunch of paragraphs?

> (define example '(stuff (p "Hello " (strong "Hi")) (p "Goodbye " (em "'Bye"))))
> (define paragraphs ((sxpath "//p") example))
> (map extract-strings paragraphs)
'("Hello Hi" "Goodbye 'Bye")

That looks okay. So students can do interesting things with extract all the paragraphs as strings. That’s a good starting point. They should know map. We’ll give them extract-strings. I’ll probably need to write a simple select-by-tag procedure. I might as well do that now.

(define (select-by-tag tag xexp)
  ((sxpath (string-append "//" tag)) xexp))

 > (select-by-tag "strong" example)
 '((strong "Hi"))
 > (select-by-tag "p" example)
 '((p "Hello " (strong "Hi")) (p "Goodbye " (em "'Bye")))
 > (select-by-tag "strong" (select-by-tag "p" example))
 '((strong "Hi"))

Cool! It works better than I thought [8].

Extract portions of SXML/sexp expressions

See above. I’ll need to see what the research students come up with for activities before figuring out what the right interface is. I’ll chat with them about it tomorrow morning.

Transform SXML/sexp expressions

Given the complications I had with SXPath, I think I’m leaving SXSLT to another day.

Rethinking earlier decisions

Now that I see how SXPath works, I’ve realized that we don’t need the *TOP* at the start of documents. That will simplify things a bit. I wonder how far my students have gotten with the old library. And what does that say about what I should return from fetch-page. Should I drop the stuff around the page? It would make things a bit clearer.

As I said, I’ll talk to my research students tomorrow and see what they think.

[1] I thought about using the term rambly. But there’s more coherency to my rambly musings than there is to this one. So disjoint seems like a better term. I suppose I should consider rewriting it. But my point was really to use the musing to help me think through problems. I’ll add more coherent [2] musing about our library for Racket and the Web to my list of potential musings.

[2] Hmmm … if this is disjoint, should that be more joint rather than more coherent? I think not.

[3] Well, it’s supposed to be a nested expression. Early HTML renderers were pretty laissez-faire about what they accepted.

[4] And Scheme, and Lisp.

[5] Okay, not all of them understand hash tables. But hash tables are easier than the pattern syntax for dispatch.

[6] Of course, if they find this musing, it will be much easier for them [7].

[7] Well, they have to read this disjoint musing, so perhaps it won’t be all that much easier.

[8] I had assumed that it would not work with the list of paragraphs. But it did. Yay!

Version 1.0 released 2018-07-16.

Version 1.0.1 of 2018-07-27.