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Thank-You Notes

Thank You (Essay #50)

The first in a series of thank you notes. This one is to someone who works at the JRC welcome desk.

Feeling Fortunate (Essay #56)

Not so much a thank you note to an individual as a reflection on all of the parts of my profession for which I am thankful.

I am fortunate to have worked with my summer research team because … (Musing #395)

Okay, this one isn’t a thank-you note either. But it does reflect thanks toward my aweseome summer research students.

Thank You (Musing #418)

A note to my Dean and President.

Thankful for President Kington (Musing #441)

Another note to my (college) president.

The magic commons fairies (Musing #527)

I have no idea who you are, but I appreciate you.

Making connections (Musing #542)

Not quite a real thank you, but still an appreciation of the wonderful people I know.

Feeling fortunate (Musing #551)

A few of the many things for which I am thankful.

Proud and Thankful (Musing #1034)

So many wonderful people!

Good intentions gone awry (Musing #1070)

Another SamR screwup, of sorts

Appreciating the Registrar’s Office (Musing #1101)

So much work in so little time!

Appreciating the ITS staff (Musing #1102)

An appreciation you may not have expected.