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Transforming Web pages

Topics/tags: Code camps, Racket, Web, technical, rambly

As you may recall from a recent musing, we are having our Language of Code students write a variety of kinds of activities with Web pages: they are generating Web pages, writing forms and simple form handlers, and analyzing Web pages. We’d also like to have students transform Web pages.

Of course, that leaves me [1] with the questions of In what ways will students transform Web pages? and What tools will they need to transform Web pages? Let’s consider some possibilities.

  • They could transform some/all of the page into Pig Latin [2]. That example can also provide a good basis for other text transformations.
  • They could add some interesting statistics or commentary to the end of the page. For example, we could add counts of paragraphs, images, and italicized words. (A more sensible thing would be to provide a list of all the alt text.)
  • They could change the appearance by modifying the styles.

The Pig Latin example may be the most complicated of the tasks I’ve come up with. But that makes it a good starting point. I’ll first consider how I’d write that program and then think about what tools the students will need.

I’ll start by writing a simple procedure to convert any word into its Pig-Latin equivalent. Let’s see .. what’s the algorithm? Pig Latin, at least as I learned it, involves taking the first letter of the word, placing it at the end, and then adding ay. For example, pig becomes igpay. What if the word starts with a vowel? I was taught to add yay at the end. So aardvark becomes aardvarkyay.

;;; Procedure:
;;;   igpay-atinlay
;;; Parameters:
;;;   word, a string
;;; Purpose:
;;;   Convert word into Pig Latin, or some reasonable facsimile thereof.
;;; Produces:
;;;   ordway, a string
;;; Preconditions:
;;;   Word contains only letters.
;;; Postconditions:
;;;   ordway is the Pig-Latin equivalent of word.
(define (igpay-atinlay word)
  (if (starts-with-vowel? word)
      (string-append word "yay")
      (string-append (substring word 1)
                     (substring word 0 1)

We could make it a bit more sensible by handling capital letters. Let’s see. In cases that start with a consonant, I’ll need to capitalize the second letter. But the word may not have a second letter. So I’ll need to special-case that, too. Okay, we’re already getting beyond what the middle-school students can probably do. But it’s still worth demonstrating.

Whoops! My students remind me that Pig Latin is more complicated than that. For example, we might have words that start with multiple consonants. Oh well; I’ll leave that as another for future work exercise.

Next, we need to transform things. That’s a job for XSLT (or, SXSLT) and regular expressions, right? That is, I’ll use SXSLT to find all the strings and regular expressions to transform them [3].

Let’s work inside out. Can I apply igpay-atinlay to every word in a string? Fortunately, regexp-replace* will take a procedure as the replacement.

> (regexp-replace* #rx"[a-zA-Z]+" "This is a simple test." igpay-atinlay)
"Histay isyay ayay implesay esttay."

Next, we need to identify all of the strings. That turns out to be surprisingly easy. I can use the SXpath "//text().

> (define (silly element context root) (display element) (newline) element)
> ((sxml:modify (list "//text()" silly)) `(html (head (title "Sample")) (body (p "This is " (i "italicized")))))
This is 
'(html (head (title "Sample")) (body (p "This is " (i "italicized"))))

Now, let’s put those together and see what we get.

> (define (helper element context root)
    (regexp-replace* #rx"[a-zA-Z]+" element igpay-atinlay))
> ((sxml:modify (list "//text()" helper)) `(html (head (title "Sample")) (body (p "This is " (i "italicized")))))
'(html (head (title "Amplesay")) (body (p "Histay isyay " (i "italicizedyay"))))

Whoo! It works. But there’s no way that I’d try to teach any of that to the middle-school students [4]. So, it’s time to come up with the appropriate set of procedures to support this kind of action.

My first inclination was to write a procedure of the form (transform-words page proc) that takes each word on the page and applies proc. But I had my research students working on this project. When I reached the point that I was going to write that procedure, they had another set in mind. Let’s see … they gave me this list [5].

  • (page-transform-elements page tag procedure) identifies every element on the page that starts with tag and applies the given procedure. That seems to be the most straightforward way to change a tag.
  • (page-delete-elements page tag) identifies every element on the page that starts with tag and deletes it. That seems a bit excessive. But I’ll assume that they have some good ideas for using it.
  • (page-replace-text page pattern replacement) identifies every copy of pattern and replaces it with the given replacement. The students asked for replacements that are text (easy) and elements (harder). I decided to add a replacement procedure to support the Pig Latin example.
  • (page-add-to-end page newelement) adds a new element to the end of the body of a page.

That seems like a reasonable set. Adding to the end supports the add commentary approach I wanted [6]. I suppose page-transform-elements would let me add a style tag. But it probably requires a bit more to work with the individual element. By the time I use these procedures in CSC 151, I’ll probably add that. For now, these seem like a reasonable set. Certainly, my students ended up having a lot of fun with just the basic replace one word with another approach. I enjoyed replacing all instances of my name with my icon.

I look forward to seeing what variations the campers come up with.

[1] Well, us, since this should be a collaborative endeavor.

[2] I don’t expect perfect Pig Latin, but something approximating it.

[3] I won’t ask students to do this; I’m just thinking about the steps necessary for whatever procedure I write.

[4] I was going to say that I wouldn’t teach any of that to my CSC 151 students. But I’m beginning to think that I want to teach them SXpath and regular expressions.

[5] More precisely, they gave me a set of requirements that implied this list. For example, we want to replace all copies of string1 with string2 and we want to replace all copies of string1 with an appropriate image tag.

[6] I’ve even tested it.

Version 1.0 of 2018-07-20.