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Essays on writing, or at least on writing my musings

My audience (Essay #10)

I tell my students to pay attention to their audience when they write. This essay reflects my attempts to consider the audience (or audiences) for these essays.

Finding the time to write (Essay #17)

Relatively early into the essay a day experiment, one of my colleagues said Sam, I don’t know how you find time to write an essay each day. I don’t even find time to read your essays. Here, I attempt to consider how and why I am trying to find the time to write.

On making, breaking, and remaking the habit of daily writing (Essay #41)

Reflections on trying to restart these essays.

Essays I did not post (Essay #48)

In which I explore two (or maybe three) essays that I wrote and realized that I should not post.

Writing about people (Essay #57)

In which I think about a slightly different genre of essay.

Wrapping up (Essay #84)

On ending essays and other forms of writing.

The Freewrite typewriter (Essay #186)

A cool-looking writing device that does not fit my writing style.

Candidate’s statement, Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (Essay #195)

An exercise in editing.

(Un)professional development (Essay #200)

On the potential purposes of these essays.

Reinventing the wheel (Essay #222)

Some additional reasons I wrote the don’t embarrass me series.

Writer’s block (Essay #256)

On missing the third (?) voice in my head.

A draft description of the new CSC 151 (Musing #264)

The evolution of a description.

Fun with writing tools: The CSC 151 description (Musing #265);

Adventures using Grammarly and the Hemingway Editor.

Bad advice from Grammarly: Quotation marks and punctuation (Musing #278)

Why I should not trust electronic editors.

Bad advice from Grammarly: Repeated words (Musing #281)

More reasons not to trust electronic editors.

Fun with Grammarly (Musing #349)

What I learn (or don’t learn) from a writing tool.

Writing to learn (Musing #458)

One of the important reasons that I write.

Learning to satisfice (Musing #483)

A great word.

Becoming someone else’s assigned reading (Musing #532)

Something I had not expected.

I write like … (Musing #605)

SamR plays with silly Interweb tools.

A blurb for the new CSC 151 (Musing #712)

An exercise in editing.

Writer’s block (Musing #734)

It comes at the least opportune times.

Bad writing choices (Musing #737)

Strange and obscure jokes.

Writer’s block (Musing #780)

It continues.

Writer’s block (Musing #793)

Exploring causes.

No NaNoWriMo for now (Musing #797)

Maybe next year.

Reading for Ralph (Musing #993)

No, not reading to ralph.

Revising a blurb (Musing #1001)

Exercises in editing.

One hundred words (Musing #1005)

So few!

My first ENG-207 assignment (Musing #1016)

Seven points to consider.

Responding to my manuscript (Musing #1022)

I may not be the nicest editor.

Knock (Musing #1025)

Exploring a short-short story

Another assignment for The Craft of Creative Nonfiction (Musing #1040)

Did I make it too easy for myself?

My second manuscript for The Craft of Creative Nonfiction (Musing #1041)

Is it just an extended musing?

The Wrong Stuff (Musing #1049)

Does Ralph hate us?

Drafting my third essay for The Craft of Creative Nonfiction (Musing #1055)

So much effort!

My third assignment for The Craft of Creative Nonfiction (Musing #1057)

A pathography

Journals, notebooks, diaries, and blogs (Musing #1251)

So many options