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Thinking like Sam (aka Some of SamR’s thoughts on software development) (#216)

Topics/tags: Don’t embarrass me, don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix

As I’ve noted already, the primary focus of this work [1] is trying to help you understand some of the ways C programmers approach software development and some of the ways Unix programmers approach software development. As you might expect, my reporting on these issues is colored by my perspectives and experience. And so, this work is also probably a reflection of Thinking like Sam. My goal is not to force you to think like me. However, I do want to warn you that what you see here will reflect my biases and approaches. Let’s consider a few.

Document diligently. I believe programmers have a responsibility to document their code to help those who come after them (and to help themselves when they return to the code). I don’t expect deep preconditions and postconditions (although they are nice), but each procedure should have a short comment that explains what it does, and any tricky parts of the code probably need an explanation. I tend to develop by listing steps as comments and then going back and coding. I realize that represents more comments than most programmers need, but I find it a useful strategy. I also realize that comments tend to go stale, so good programmers take the time to update (or remove) comments when they change their code.

Try to test. You have some responsibility to make sure that your code is correct. Careful analysis helps. But it also helps to have tests in place that you can easily run to check your code. I find that writing tests helps me think better about what I want the code to do, and what is likely to go long, particularly as I explore edges. [2]

Continue to concentrate on core concepts. Programming fads come and go. My long-time experience suggests that many key concepts that programmers and computer scientists needed to learn three decades ago remain important today. Computer scientists, computer programmers, and software developers (computer scientists, in the following). need to be able to design, read, and analyze algorithms and data structures. Computer scientists need to know the basic literature of algorithms and data structures: searching and sorting algorithms; stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, and graphs. Computer scientists need to understand memory layout. And yes, there are others concepts computer scientists need. Those are just some that immediately spring to mind.

Diagram and draw. Most of us understand what is happening in a program better if we draw it out, particularly when we are dealing with pointers or linked structures. I won’t draw much, if at all, in these essays, but I do expect to draw a bit in face-to-face conversations. And, even if I don’t draw, you should.

Generalize, generally. I prefer code that can be used in multiple situations to code that can only be used in particular circumstances. Consider, for example, the problem of sorting. We often start by writing a procedure that sorts a particular type using a particular comparator. Then we realize that we might want to sort in different orders, so we make the comparator a parameter. Then we realize that we may want to sort different types, so we find a way to make the type a parameter, or otherwise to allow different types [4]. While I may ground the details in particular examples, I will strive to help you write general code and to look for approaches that allow you to write general code.

Elucidate experience, both embedded and external (aka share stories). I learn from experience, both mine and others’. When I’ve solved a tricky problem [6], I remember the problem. When I’ve helped others solve a problem, I also remember the problem and the solution. I’ll include a few of these war stories along the way.

Recall readings. There are many classic pieces in CS that I regularly refer back to. I will use K&R for a variety of examples. I’ll probably pull out some things from The Unix Programming Environment. I’ll refer to columns in Joel on Software or Jon Bentley’s Programming Pearls. In general, I think that students are best served by sources that are designed for professionals, rather than for education, because such sources often force you to think more deeply given that their focus is not on pre-masticating ideas.

Choose clarity. C encourages you to write concise, sometimes obtuse, code. I generally recommend that you strive for concise but clear code, emphasizing clarity over extreme efficiency [7]. Clarity also includes practices like choosing good variable names, indenting your code appropriately, ordering your procedures for ease of searching, and so on and so forth.

Learn like a language lawyer. Good programmers know many of the ins and outs of the language. It takes time to learn them all, but you can develop habits that help. Ask yourself about edge cases. See what happens in those cases. Then find the official documentation to see if that’s what’s supposed to happen. For example, consider the following program.

silly (int a, int b)
  printf("%d,%d\n", a,b);
} // silly

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i = 2;
  silly (i++, i++);
  printf ("%d\n", i);
  return 0;
} // main

What are the possible outputs? Which of those outputs do you expect? How would you figure out what output is correct? Which output is correct? [8]

Here’s another example: When you’re dealing with procedures that parse, see what happens when they get incorrect or awkward inputs (e.g., integers larger than the largest representable integer).

Explore enthusiastically and Make use of the manual. We learn by trying. We also learn by reading. Do both. You’ll see me ask a question, then write code to answer it. You’ll see me then follow up with a quotation from the man page. I learn better by combining these approaches, and I hope you will, too.

Stick to standard styles. The way you structure code affects how readable others will find the code. There are a few standards for formatting C code. Follow one of them. I tend to try to follow GNU standards. I expect students in my course to follow those same standards.

Find, foster, and feel fun. Programming should be enjoyable, at least most of the time. Find joy in your work, even if it’s through stupid jokes or annoying alliteration.

I hope you find that these are all appropriate approaches. But even if not, you’ll find that I use them throughout my work. You’ve been warned.

[1] Notes, ’blog, book, course, whatever it is.

[2] I admit that I should have some unit tests in place for my Web sites. Too often, I make updates to the software or the source files that make things kerflooey, but don’t notice because I don’t have good tests [3] in place.

[3] Well, any tests.

[4] In C, we might end up sorting arrays of pointers, which, while not ideal, at least helps achieve one form of generality. We might also look for ways to use macros to parameterize [5].

[5] Yes, we will explore ways to write somewhat type-generic code in C. It’ll be loads of fun.

[6] Or even a simple problem. Today I knew that students were having trouble saving files because they left out an initial slash in the file name because I’ve seen that error dozens of times, and made it a few myself.

[7] Yes, I realize that we’re programming in C because we want to be efficient. However, I find that the kind of efficiency that leads to unreadable code is often pointless. It’s okay to manually optimize, but you probably want to profile first. Optimizers also tend to do better with clear code.

[8] These days, it seems that the output is relatively uniform across compilers. Just a few years ago, it was not. Or maybe it’s still not uniform; I’ll have to check again.

Version 1.0 released 2017-02-01 .

Version 1.2 of 2021-01-23.