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Thinking in Unix (#179)

Topics/tags: Don’t embarrass me, don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix

We’ve just considered what it means to think in C. Unix is an operating system [1]. How does one think in an operating system? I suppose, like a C programmer, one could pay attention to underlying representation issues, such as file structures. But that’s not what I mean when I say that one thinks in Unix.

Rather, thinking in Unix refers to a series of programming and software development practices typically associated with the Unix operating, most often with the Unix command-line interface. Various lists of these practices appear around the Interweb. Here are mine.

Unix programmers know a variety of small tools, and achieve powerful results by combining those tools appropriately. What tools? I think each Unix programmer ends up relying on a different set, but most include grep, head, tail, wc, sort, cat [2,3], and such in their toolkits [5]. How do they combine them? Well, because most Unix tools use human-readable sequences of characters (a.k.a. text files) as input and output, one can combine tools using pipes or by taking the output of one command as the command-line arguments of another [6].

Unix programmers realize that there are a variety of ways to solve problems and look for the most efficient ones. Of course, there are many models of efficiency. For a one-off task, efficient use of programmer time is the most relevant. At the other extreme, for a large number of related tasks, building a general tool might be the most efficient approach.

Unix programmers don’t do things by hand when they can do them by code. That is, Unix programmers know that they can be much more efficient if they write small programs for tedious tasks (and then chain them together, as above). How does one do things by code? Sometimes, it’s just a matter of chaining together tools. Sometimes, it’s writing Makefiles to automate tasks. Sometimes, it’s writing a short script in a scripting language (e.g., Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, Bash). And sometimes, it even involves writing a nicely efficient C program.

Unix programmers know enough of a shell (most typically bash [7], but sometimes tcsh) to tie everything together. Unix programmers know about pipes and other forms of file redirection, about environment variables, about command line parameters, and so on and so forth.

Unix programmers share. ’nuff said [8].

As we proceed through this series of essays [9], we’ll consider most of these issues in more depth. We’ll visit a variety of useful tools, look a little at scripting, and then spend some time making Makefiles, considering tasks to automate, and such. It should be fun!


Here are some tasks that can be solved in a variety of ways [10]. Think about how you’d solve them (or, better yet, solve them). We’ll discuss the strengths and weaknesses (and time constraints) of various approaches. You can use existing tools, write C programs, write scripts, or anything else within reason [11].

  • Given a DOS-formatted text file, one in which lines end with \r\n rather than just \n, convert it to a standard text file, one in which lines end with just \n.
  • Given a standard text file, convert all uppercase letters to lowercase.
  • Given a standard text file, remove all blank spaces at the end of lines.
  • Make a list of all misspelled words in a text file.
  • Given a CSV file in which each line has the form
    find the five highest grades on homework 2. (You can choose to output the whole lines, the numbers, or the names.)
  • Given a similar file, find the five lowest grades.
  • Bonus (optional): Find the average of the five highest grades on homework 2.
  • Given an HTML file, find the URLs of all images. In case you don’t know HTML, those will typically look like
    <img ... src="*URL*" ...>
    • The img can have any capitalization (img, IMG, Img, iMg, etc.)
    • There can be other text between the img and the src. (That text cannot include a greater than sign.)
    • You may find it easier to start this problem by assuming that there’s only o ne image tag on a line.

[1] Well, more precisely, an operating system, a set of standard utilities, and some other stuff.

[2] Carolyn Jacobson suggested the inclusion of cat. Thanks, Carolyn.

[3] And, no, the cat command is not responsible for the introduction of lolcats [4], nor does it create one. It is short for conCATenate. The cat command permits users to view and join files.

[4] Remember lolcats? At one point, they were a big thing. It seems like few of my students know of them anymore.

[5] Assignment for my students: Find six other Unix utilities that are likely to be useful.

[6] Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use pipes. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use the output of a command as the parameters of another command. We’ll cover it.

[7] Perhaps zsh these days.

[8] Well, maybe not, since I haven’t indicated what Unix programmers share. They share code. They share ideas. They share tools. They share libraries. Perhaps most importantly, they share a joy in programming.

[9] Or this book, or this course.

[10] Note that most of these tasks were developed as part of one of the sections of my Thinking in C and Unix course.

[11] You cannot, for example, open a file in Microsoft Word and use Word to achieve one of these goals.

Version 1.0 released 2017-01-04.

Version 1.3 of 2021-01-23.