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Thinking in C (#176)

Topics/tags: Don’t embarrass me, don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix

The philosopher Benjamin Whorf suggests that the language we speak influences how we think. Even though most linguists and philosophers dispute the Whorfian hypothesis, there’s some pretty clear evidence that the programming language you speak significantly affects how you think about problem design. The paradigm of the language clearly has an effect; John Backus’ paper from his Turing Award lecture, Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs, provides one elegant example: Imperative and functional programmers write inner product very differently, and the functional approach is much more amenable to parallelization. There’s also some evidence that object-oriented programmers think very differently about conditionals.

Note that these differences are not differences of syntax. Rather, different capabilities in different kinds of languages lead people to develop and express solutions to problems in very different ways.

At Grinnell, we teach three different paradigms and three different languages in our introductory sequence so that our students can approach problems from multiple perspectives. We teach Scheme in the first course to get students accustomed to higher-order programming, anonymous procedures, recursion, and the benefits of side-effect-free approaches. We teach C in the second course not only to help students think imperatively but also for the additional ways of thinking that C encourages [1]. We teach Java [2] or C# [3,4] in the third course to develop models of object-oriented thinking and to give students the experience of working with a language that does not trust the programmer [5]. We’ve found that not only do these three approaches give students the background to think about problems in multiple ways, they also prepare students to master almost any modern programming language [6].

But we’re here to consider thinking in C. So, how do C programmers think? From my perspective, there are four key characteristics of a C programmer.

First, C is an imperative programming language. Hence, C programmers think imperatively. How do imperative programmers think? They design programs in which they explicitly sequence operations that affect the state of the system. That means that they emphasize sequence and state when designing programs.

Now, there are a wide variety of imperative programming languages, programming languages that support imperative programming [9]. C differs from most of them in that it gives you more direct access to the underlying machine. The second characteristic of C programmers is that they pay attention to the underlying machine. They think about the representation of different types and about ways they can take advantage of the different representations. They are willing to work in terms of individual bits. As an example of this, in the C implementation of Racket, one bit [11] is used to indicate whether a value is a comparatively small integer (representable in 31 bits or less) or a reference to a value structure [12].

One of the key ways in which C programmers think about the underlying machine is that they understand pointers and how memory is used. They worry about the stack and the heap, about allocation and deallocation, about array overflows, and more.

Why would someone work in C rather than some other imperative language, particularly given the need to handle all of the joys [14] of memory management in C? Well, because you have more direct access to the underlying machine, you can write very efficient code. And that’s another hallmark of C programmers: They pay close attention to efficiency, and they consider how their code uses resources. A Python programmer concatenates two strings and doesn’t consider the cost. A C programmer reflects on the associated costs and then looks for ways to ameliorate them.

Finally, C programmers are Unix programmers. They tend to program with the associated tools and techniques of the Unix environment. We’ll consider those tools and techniques soon.

I find that a short comment in Kernighan and Ritchie’s The C Programming Language (p. 106) shows much of what it means to think like a C programmer. They note that strcpy would most likely be written as

void strcpy(char *s, char *t)
  while (*s++ = *t++)

Inexperienced C programmers find this vague. Experienced C programmers find it perfectly clear. Of course, experienced C programmers would probably write it as follows:

char *
strcpy(char *t, char *s)
  while (*t++ = *s++)
  return t;

Why the extra return? It helps avoid the Shlemiel the painter problem. Why swap the names of the parameters? So that we can think of t as target and s as source. Why the different formatting? Because real C programmers follow GNU coding standards [15].

In any case, C programmers (a) think about computation in terms of manipulating state; (b) pay attention to underlying issues, including representation and memory; (c) understand the costs of their code, and try to optimize based on those costs; and (d) take advantage of the Unix programming environment. There’s a bit more associated with all of that, but those are the key ways one thinks in C. We may discover more in the rest of this work.

[1] This essay is on thinking in C. We’ll consider those additional ways in more detail later in the essay.

[2] Java is not an acronym. It should not be written in all capital letters. People who write Java as JAVA should not be trusted.

[3] C# is usually pronounced C sharp. However, if you prefer, you can pronounce it C hashtag or C octothorpe or even C mesh.

[4] When I first wrote this, in 2017, we were considering switching our third class to C#. However, we’re still teaching it in Java. It’s probably worth revisiting that question.

[5] When I teach our third course, I encourage students to remember that Java is your nanny.

[6] I originally wrote Any other modern programming language. But C is about forty-five years old, Scheme is about forty years old [7], and Java is about twenty-five years old.

[7] Scheme’s general approach and syntax are close variants of LISP [8], which is close to sixty years old.

[8] LISP is also written Lisp. It is not quite an acronym. The original name stood for LISt Processor. At some point, some folks started thinking of it as LIst and Symbolic Processor. But now it’s just Lisp.

[9] Some people refer to imperative programming as procedural programming. I worry that the term has confusing similarity to functional programming, particularly since we often treat procedure and function as the same term [10].

[10] Some computer scientists suggest that a function’s primary purpose is to compute and return a value, while a procedure’s purpose is to affect the state of the system. In that model, procedures don’t usually return values. However, like many close distinctions in computing (e.g., argument vs. parameter), the subtlete differences are lost in common usage.

[11] I think it’s the low-order bit, but I’m not sure. I can’t find the documentation at this moment.

[12] At least that used to be the case. I don’t know if it still holds. I haven’t played with Racket innards for some time.

[14] In case you couldn’t tell, joys was intended sarcastically. However, Bill Joy was almost certainly a C programmer.

[15] We will cover coding standards in a future essay.

Version 1.0 released 2017-01-02.

Version 1.3 of 2022-01-23.