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Adventures in Web server transitions (#1108)

Topics/tags: Miscellaneous, Technology [1], Rambly

Warning! This musing is too technical for non-technical people and not techincal enough for technical people. It’s also rambly and unedited. But my muse insisted I get something out, particularly since this has been on my to write list since January 12. Deal.

As I noted in a no-longer-recent musing, my Web pages are moving from to [2]. As I looked at the task ahead, I knew it would be an adventure. Here are some of the things I worried about along the way.

Paths and URLs. While I try to use relative URLs, I haven’t always done so. It’s not always possible to do so, either. I’ve put further notes on this issue at the end, since I wrote them first [3].

CGI scripts. I’d swear they didn’t work in January, when I started the adventure. But they work now [4]. So all is good.

http-to-https redirects. The Web relies on two basic protocols, plain Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) and Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (https). Most modern Web servers that permit secure access automatically redirect http requests to https requests. I believe some pundits even suggest that you should never use non-secure [6] http. I didn’t expect to need to fiddle with this issue but the redirects were not enabled automatically. I wish I’d written down what I did, because I’m pretty sure I’ll need to regenerate a certificate at some point.

File suffixes. The MathLAN Web server was configured to automatically negotiate file suffixes. For example, if you visited, our server would figure out that you wanted the file with the .html suffix [7]. Our new servers were not configured that way. Why? I’m not sure. But it seemed that I would need to learn more about Apache configuration as part of this transition. More details after this list.

Error handling. What happens when you request a page and the page does not exist? You typically get an error message. I assumed that the default configuration would have a useful error message. I was wrong. Here’s what you see.

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

More on error handling will also appear after this list.

Canonical URLs. You can often refer to the same Web page with multiple URLs. For example, you can refer to the home page for the musings as or or or or or or a bunch of other things. To help various Web software, you often associate a canonical URL with each page. That URL is not supposed to change. So what happens when my URLs have to change? I’m not sure. The biggest issue will be with I haven’t had time to investigate the issue. For now, I’m hoping I can keep the old URLs as canonical and rely on redirects.

Building pages. I rarely author in raw HTML. Instead, I rely on a host of programs to build the pages, from scripts I wrote more than twenty years ago [7] to Jekyll and Pandoc. While I know that modern practice is to build the pages in one place and then transfer them elsewhere, I like to build pages in place. That’s not going to work any more, at least not with Pandoc [8]. Time to change my workflow! I wonder what that means for the eboards? And what about my custom scripts? I almost forgot about those. I’ll get back to you on them.

Google PageRank. Some of my Grinnell pages have existed since before there was a Google [9]. That meant that many of them had some historical PageRank value, or something like that. All I know is that some of my pages show up surprisingly easily in Web searches. I wonder if I’ll lose that, too.

Negotiating file suffixes

It appears that my original communications with our hosting company about this issue were not clear or not clear enough. They dealt with the issue that should load, but not with any of the other suffixes, like .cgi, .jpg, or .png. The reason was fairly obvious; they added a rewrite rule.

RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]

But that’s only for the single case of no suffix means use .html. I wanted a more general solution. After some time playing, I realized that There’s a standard server setting for that. It appears that I can’t edit the Apache config file, but I can add the following to the top-level .htaccess file.

Options +MultiViews

It took awhile to find that setting. After all, if you think of it as suffix completion, realizing that the proper feature name is Content Negotiation takes some time. I just wish (a) the folks at Reclaim hosting would have suggested this and (b) we had started with configurations that matched that MathLAN Web server.

Error handling

Apache lets you configure how to handle errors. I had assumed we’d have some default setup, but it appears we do not. That’s okay; it gives me an excuse to learn a bit more about this issue and maybe even figure out how to use it with the musings.

Here’s what the documentation I received suggests as a basic approach.

ErrorDocument 404 /error_pages/404.html

Of course, that’s not really the best way to handle errors, but it’s a start. And yes, it works. But I like nicer messages. Let’s see what I can figure out. Let’s start with the real documentation. That suggests that I can access the some environmental variables. But then I need to worry about sanitizing my inputs. And it appears that I can’t install new CPAN modules on GrinnellSites. Bleh. Well, I’ll stick with a simple script. I shouldn’t be spending my time on such tasks right now. Classes start in less than two weeks. But I now have a framework in place. And the Apache-related environment variables should be safe. Right? Fingers crossed.

You can see what it does by going to a URL like

Eventually, I’m going to write a custom handler for the musings, one that figures out which musing you want if you only type part of the title. But that’s an adventure for another day [10].

Building Sites

As I mentioned earlier, I know that current practice is to build sites on one host and then push them to another. But I really like building them in place. Among other things, it means that it’s easy to, say, quickly push a formatted version of an eboard. I guess that’s not going to happen any more.

For the Jekyll subsites, things should be easy. I have a script to push the pages. I just don’t use it. I may have to update it.

For the musings, things will be a little bit harder. Basically, I need to write instructions for copying over the html files. rsync is the typical command. I just need to get the settings right. Here’s my first step.

time rsync -avz *.html
time rsync -avz images

I didn’t really need two separate commands, but it seemed a bit easier to do things that way. About 18 seconds to sync the .html files. A bit longer to sync the images. And when I write a bit longer, I seem to mean a lot longer. Four minutes and forty-five seconds, to be exact. But that’s probably because it was transferring files. What happens if I try again? 1.4 seconds and 1 second, respectively. I love rsync.

What’s left? That’s right, the hacky set of scripts I wrote right before and after I came to Grinnell that I refer to as Siteweaver. Basically, an extended version of Markdown before there was Markdown (and before I was smart enough to write something better than what I wrote). Amazingly, even though I haven’t touched the code in nearly forever (e.g., one of the key libraries was last updated February 3, 2003), it seems to have ported fine, once I remembered what I needed to move [11]. It appears that mediocre, simplistic, old Perl code ports well.

The joy of references

I started this musing in January 2020. Here’s a slightly updated version of some of the text I wrote back then, having to do with the problems of references.

One part of the adventure was dealing with the 36,000 files [12] in my public_html hierarchy.

Why wasn’t it just a matter of copying files over? There are lots of reasons.

The most significant issue has to do with how files are connected. We connect files in multiple ways. For example, we might create a link from one page to another so that you can click on a phrase in one page and end up on the other or we might assign a style sheet to a Web page so that the Web browser knows how to render the page. There are three basic ways we refer to these other files: We can provide a full URL, including the site name; we can provide a relative URL, specifying where the other file is relative to the current one on the same server; or we can do something in-between, an absolute from the root path to a file on the same server. For example, another musing might link to this in any these ways

  • Absolute:
  • Relative: adventures-web-server-transition-2020-08-18.html or ./adventures-web-server-transition-2020-08-18.html or even ../musings/adventures-web-server-transition-2020-08-18.html
  • From-the-root /~rebelsky/musings/adventures-web-server-transition-2020-08-18.html

Which is the best strategy? It depends on what you’re doing. These days, I often use relative URLs because it makes it easier to move sites around. But I haven’t always done that. I know that some sites recommend from the root URLs, like the third of my examples above, and I’ve certainly used that strategy in the past. I see that I even use it for my home page. Oh, that’s right; I have a wide variety of pages in multiple directories that use the same template. They should also use the same URLs to reach things.

So, what will happen when my pages move? Ideally, those that use relative URLs will be fine. Those that use absolute URLs may work, at least for a bit of time, because we’re supposed to have automatic redirects from the old CS URLs to the new ones. But the from-the-root URLs? Those will all break. I wonder how many files have that issue.

A day or two later, I figured out an evil hack.

ln -s /home/rebelsky/public_html /home/rebelsky/public_html/~rebelsky

That seems to work.

At some point, I need to look through and see what I’ve broken. But for now, I’m pretty happy, or at least as happy as I can be.

Concluding thoughts. This started out as a somewhat overwhelming project, not least because the first few things I tried didn’t work. Each time I came back to it, something new seemed to go wrong. But these last few days have gone smoothly. I figured out the content negotiation. I figured out the error handling. I was able to write a quick script to shove the musings on the new site. Technology isn’t supposed to work like that; something must be wrong [14].

Am I done? No. I need to a pass through the old site to see what I haven’t copied to the new site. I need to make a list of the different workflows for the different subsites. I probably need to set up a few repos for the things not yet in repos.

Someday, I’ll also need to clean up the random cruft that lives on my Web site. But that someday is not today.

In any case, I’m done enough for now. I wonder when our SysAdmin expects to be able to move the links.

Postscript: I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to do about my normal teaching processes. For those who haven’t been in my class, I use the computer as my white board, typing in a terminal window. Since I type in Markdown, I can quickly convert that file to HTML. That means that students can easily read what I’m typing on their individual computers as well as on the big screen and that the materials are available after class. It also means that students who are sick in their rooms can follow along if they so choose [15].

However, I don’t think our new Web model will easily support this approach. I probably can’t do live editing on the new server.

Postscript: I was right. Or maybe I was wrong. In any case, after I published this musing, I learned that the rsync commands I wrote did not work as expected. I wonder why not. I’ll need to consult with a colleague. But not tonight.

Update: After two more minutes, I realized that I had written the path incorrectly in the rsync command. I’ve fixed it above. But it’s definitely time to quit now.

Postscript: Thanks to our Linux SysAdmin and our GrinnellSites Admin for dealing with all of my questions and issues.

[1] I keep telling myself that I need a page of technology musings. Some day I’ll even create it.

[2] Yes, other folks pages are moving too.

[3] I’m not sure that makes sense to me, either.

[4] It looks like I can even send electronic mail, but only to email addresses [5].

[5] I’m sure that feature will be disabled now that I’ve mentioned it in a public posting. That’s okay; I wasn’t planning to rely on it.

[6] insecure?

[7] I still use the Siteweaver software that I wrote right as I came to Grinnell. Among other things, most of the pages in my home directory get built with Siteweaver.

[8] The response about using Pandoc on the server was, approximately, It’s compatible with CPanel, but installing it requires root access that we don’t normally give. Wouldn’t you rather set up a site on our new Cloud platform?

[9] If I recall correctly, the Web search engine I used back then was build by the now-defunct Digital Equipment Corporation.

[10] A day after I clean up the repo.

[11] The primary Perl script and the directory of Perl modules. I had notes as to where things belong.

[12] files include Web pages (.html), cascading style sheets (.css), server-side scripts (traditionally .cgi or .php), JavaScript (`.js), and more.

[14] I was right. Something was wrong. I also need to work out a new workflow for my CV.

[15] Yes, students have really done just that. Some have even messaged me with questions during class.

Version 1.0 released 2020-08-18 .

Version 1.1 of 2020-08-18.