SamR's Origin

These are quick links to sites and pages that I often visit. Some are file links and may not be generally accessible.

Links (this page and elsewhere) ... Grinnell

SamR ... Bookings ... Office365 Calendar ... OneDrive ... Glimmer@GrinCo ... Author page on ACM DL ... CPanel ... Manage Groups

College Software Platforms ... 25 Live ... Health Portal (Accommodations) ... Interfolio ... Interfolio (alt) ... Lyris ... Mailfilter ... Metacomplicance ... Office 365 ... PCard Balance ... Qualtrics ... SAL ... SelfService ... Sharepoint (GrinCo) ... SHAW ... SmartEvals ... Verba (Textbooks) ... Webex

Registrar ... Registrar@GrinCo ... Priority Registration ... SelfService ... Student Dates to Remember ... Priority Registration Fall 2022 ... Search Schedule of Courses (new) ... All Courses (new) ... | ... All Courses (old) ... Search Schedule of Courses (old) ... wa3

Grinnell ... Accessibility Concerns Form ... D-F Illumination Form ... Student Concerns ... Pictorial Class List ... Submit APR ... Sample APR ... Campus Directory ... Faculty Handbook ... Drupal Login (edit page) ... Accommodations letters ... Beyond your tranditional benefits ... Student Employment ... IRB Training ... President Harris' Strategic Plan ... Staff Recognition ... EOCE Data

Dean's Pages ... Resources for Faculty ... Dean's Office Staff ... List of committees ... Faculty dates to remember ... Faculty Meeting Minutes

ITS, Instructional Technology, and Such ... Help Desk Requests ... New ITS Site ... List of approved software ... Before filling out the software request ... Events Calendar ... Request a Team (old) ... Request a Team (new) ... Request other things ... Instructional Continuity on GrinCo ... Pandemic Planning Messages ... Software request form ... Training ... Technology Request Status ... Feedback form ... RTW ... Approved Software Policy (Old) ... OnTheHub - Discount software ... MFD Instructions ... List of MFDs ... ITS on GenAI

Courses ... Dean's Office Tutorial Resources ... Tutorial 2010F ... LE21 (Dev) ... LFA (Dev)

Department ... Add to csstudents ... Add to wgmc ... FastX ... FastX instructions ... SSH Keypair instructions

ACM/SIGCSE ... ACM Database ... Proceedings in DL ... ACM Learning Center ... ACM Safari

Open Source Stuff (just getting started) ... OvioHub ... Rensselear Center for Open Source ... First Timers Only ... Funding ... on getting started ... Mozilla Voice (a good starting point?) ... Journal of Open Source ... Softare Freedom Conservancy ... How to support open-source software and stay sane ... Geeks for Geeks on Open Source

Misc ... ... The most cited things in CS ... Data on participation in CS by gender/race/ethnicity

Old Grinnell ... Pay bills ... Advisee Pictorial List ... HSSC WebCam

Copyright © 2017--20 Samuel A. Rebelsky.

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Samuel A. Rebelsky