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Live music

Topics/tags: Miscellaneous, short

On Thanksgiving, I posted a list of things for which I am thankful. Somewhere in the middle of the list was live music. While I haven’t made it to all the live music I’d hoped [1], I’ve made it to a reasonable variety of music recently.

On Saturday the 8th, I saw Squirrel Flower’s last concert in Grinnell before she heads off on her European tour [2]. She opened up for Elizabeth Moen. There was a lot to appreciate about both parts of the show. I’ll admit that I was particularly struck by the covers both did. Ella did a great not-quite-acoustic cover of Springsteen’s Tougher Than the Rest; I wish I’d thought to record it. Moen and her band did a wonderfully rockin’ version of Simon and Garfunkel’s Kathy’s Song [3]. I know I can’t see Ella any time soon, but Moen’s based in Iowa City, so perhaps there’s a chance to see her [4].

On Sunday the 9th, the Grinnell Singers, the Oratorio Society, and some guest musicians presented Considering Matthew Shepard. It’s definitely a moving work. There are many highlights, but one thing I particularly appreciated was seeing the guest vocalist shake hands with a local student. I wonder which parts the Singers will do on their spring tour.

On Monday the 10th, the high school had its annual winter concert, with both the band and choirs performing. It’s hard to believe that it’s the tenth such concert I’ve attended and that it’s the last one in which a Rebelsky child will perform [5]. For the past few years, I’ve worried that Sleigh Ride would feel trite after so many listenings. But I still enjoy the piece. It’s not so much the nostalgia as the arrangement. I also enjoyed seeing one of the percussionists swaying to the music.

Here’s looking forward to more live music in the near and far future [6]!

[1] Among other things, I missed the Collegium concert of about two weeks ago, the Jazz band concert a week or so ago, Richard Thompson last Monday night (conflict with HS concert), the carols at noon last Tuesday (meeting), and Kris Delmhorst last Wednesday night (too tired to drive back from CR afterwards).

[2] I’m pretty sure that she’s graduating during that time, too.

[3] Browsing her YouTube channel, I see that she does a variety of covers from time to time. Or at least she has both Don’t Let Me Down and True Love Will Find You In The End posted in various places.

[4] She’s playing the Mill on December 21. Unfortunately, that’s the same night as the College holiday party. The holiday party wins.

[5] Maybe in a few decades, a Rebelsky grandchild will perform.

[6] And here’s looking forward to having time and energy to attend!

Version 1.0 released 2018-12-17.

Version 1.0.1 of 2018-12-18.