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Thanksgiving 2018

Topics/tags: Autobiographical

Things to be thankful for today (and every day)

  • My wonderful and supportive wife who impresses me each day with her commitment to helping those around her.
  • My three incredible sons, each of which finds his own way to make me proud. I was glad to have two of them home for Thanksgiving.
    I wish the third could have been here.
  • The forty-five or so years I got with the force of nature that was my mother. I wish we’d had more Thanksgivings together. I’m glad that together and apart, we often found ways to invite others to join us.
  • What’s left of my family, including my cousins, who I don’t talk to nearly enough, and my brother- and sister-in-law, who, among other things, are excellent travel companions.
  • A group of friends who make me feel like family. This year, I feel particularly thankful for two old friends who visited us in late summer and early fall and the family who invited us for Thanksgiving.
  • A job that I enjoy, that lets me make a positive difference to some great young adults, and that compensates me well for those activities.
  • Many of those young adults, who make their own difference.
  • Live music [1].
  • I have the opportunity to write each day and I have people who read what I write.
  • A host of other things that I’m too lazy to write about.

This year, I’m also thankful that I did not have to have the dreaded political argument with an uncle at Thanksgiving dinner. But then I’m rarely faced with such challenges.

Next year, I hope to add having all three sons home for Thanksgiving and hosting another morning of bagel making to the list.

[1] Recorded music is pretty great, too.

Version 1.0 of 2018-11-22.