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A note on SamR’s musings for members of SIGCSE-members

Topics/tags: Miscellaneous, short

Recently, someone on the SIGCSE-members mailing list asked about good ’blogs on computer science education. For some reason, SamR’s musings ended up on the list of recommendations. This note is for the SIGCSE folks who have ended up here unexpectedly.

Dear SIGCSE Colleague,

I will admit that I’m not sure why someone recommended my musings as a good ’blog on Computer Science education. While I am a computer science educator and active in SIGCSE, I write about a wide variety of topics. Only a small percentage of what I post has to do with CS education [1].

If you are looking for past posts related to CS ed, the best places to look are my posts on teaching, many of which are also about teaching CS, my notes on teaching C and *nix, which served as prototype readings for a class I taught in spring 2017, or my notes on the joy of code, which contains some random comments on programs I’ve enjoyed writing or reading.

Other than that, you’ll mostly finding me alternately praising and ranting about issues at Grinnell College, the institution at which I teach, or whining about my workload. But, hey, if you find those topics of interest [2], you should feel free to read [3].

– SamR

[1] I do have readers who are also computer science educators, but most of them are friends and are not reading just to think more broadly about CS education..

[2] Or even if you don’t.

[3] You’ll also find a variety of other topics. Many readers find it easiest to skim the subjects in the list of musings by number.

Version 1.0 of 2018-05-20.