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A draft schedule for CSC 207 2019S

Topics/tags: Teaching, Java, CS2, rambly, excessively long, insufficiently edited

This spring, I’ll be teaching CSC 207, (Object-oriented Problem Solving, Data Structures, and Algorithms) for the first time in about five years [1]. Old-school CS faculty can think of it as CS2 with additional coverage of some core object-oriented topics. I’m glad to come back to CSC 207, since it’s one of my favorite classes to teach. The class has changed in many ways since I last taught it. We’ve moved from a 4x50 schedule to a 3x80 schedule. We’ve decided to add about two weeks on graphs, including mechanisms for representing graphs and some common graph algorithms. I’m dropping the theme I used the last time [2] because it’s likely that the support code I wrote no longer works. It’s also the case that some of my colleagues have done a nice job of creating a collection of substantive homework assignments that fit the model of interesting projects that students could naturally extend to make them personal projects. A colleague has also started [3] writing a textbook for the course. I need to figure out how much of their material I want to use and how much of my own materials I want to use. Oh, there’s also a new version of Java [4].

As I noted in my discussion of the schedule for CSC 151, one of the first things I do in designing a course is to put together the schedule. The schedule will necessarily be different than the last time I taught the course, not only because it’s switched formats, but also because I may need to cover topics in a different order to prepare students for the homework assignments I’m adopting [5]. Of course, I could also do the assignments in a slightly different order.

I suppose the best way to start is to gather some sample schedules to see whether there are natural commonalities and orderings. Here goes. Almost all of them are fall schedules, which means that I’ll likely need to do some shifting around as I plan for a spring course, particularly a spring course that starts on Wednesday [6].

Rebelsky 2014F

We’ll start with the most recent version I taught.

Usage: quickschedule format Where format is MWF, MTWF, MTWRF, or TR.

I’ll need to make room for five or so classes on graphs [7]. I also need to cut fifteen classes as I move from fifty-six (56) meetings to forty one (41) [8]. I can probably combine some of the two-day topics (e.g., one day on inheritance, rather than two). I don’t need the discussion of Ushahidi, the day of presentations, or the project debrief. I have five pauses for breath. Those are important to have in a schedule; they allow things to shift around if I discover that a topic needs extra time. If things don’t shift, they’ve also proven useful as a time to go over topics that may be confusing students.

Osera 2017F

Peter-Michael took ownership of the course after he came to Grinnell and I’ll likely be using many of his materials. Hence, it’s worthwhile to consider his schedule [9].

Usage: quickschedule format Where format is MWF, MTWF, MTWRF, or TR.

I see that PM uses Map rather than Dictionary. I guess that makes sense, given that Java uses Map for the purpose. I’ll have to think about switching; I think Dictionary is a clearer term, since Map can also mean something like a visual depiction of space or values, but I see that Dictionary is obsolete [10]. I don’t see explicit days on debugging, unit testing, exceptions, anonymous inner classes, and more. I assume some of these topics get incorporated into other issues; for example, I often use anonymous inner classes to implement iterators. I don’t think I’ll do the days on map/reduce, but I want to see what my other colleagues have done.

Walker 2018F

Henry taught a section this past fall. I know from the last time we both taught 207 that we approach the material differently. But I also know that he was planning to do something a bit more like PM. Let’s see.

Usage: quickschedule format Where format is MWF, MTWF, MTWRF, or TR.

Henry tends to group things into units, so there’s perhaps a bit less detail in my summary than there is in the other two schedules I’ve listed. But I can always look at his detailed schedule if I need more info. Henry spends more time on BSTs and generics than either PM or I. He does not cover map/reduce; I should feel comfortable doing without it. There’s an interesting split in the sorting material; perhaps I should find out why he made that design decision. I see that Henry has maintained loop invariants as a topic; we’d discussed moving those to CSC 301 when we added graph basics to 207.

Stone 2018F

John also taught a section this past fall. Let’s see if his looks like Henry’s.

Usage: quickschedule format Where format is MWF, MTWF, MTWRF, or TR.

Nope; not at all like Henry’s. I’m not sure whether it’s comforting or troublesome that each of us has such a different take on the course. In the end, I’m relatively confident that we all cover the same core ideas; we just approach them differently and add different extras. John, like Henry, includes some time on loop invariants and does not cover map/reduce. I’ll probably follow their lead in both issues. I don’t see explicit coverage of the Java debugger or unit testing. That’s okay; I’m keeping both in my section because both are topics I consider essential. I’m a bit puzzled that interfaces come after polymorphism; I find that interfaces provide a good ground for discussing subtype polymorphism. But we each have our own approach. As I may have already noted, PM leaves inheritance to the end of the semester while the rest of us cover it relatively early on. John has added two days on random number generation. As I said, we each add different extras. John is also doing a lot more than Henry or PM on graphs. I probably won’t do as much as John, either.

Vostinar 2018S

One more section to go. Anya taught the course in Fall 2017, the same semester as PM, and received some encouragement to use his approach the first time through. She then taught her own version the next semester. Anya has generally been creative in how she’s adapted courses. Let’s see what she did with the course when she taught it in Spring 2018.

Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Introduction Programming in Java Using Git
2 Using objects Defining classes Object-oriented design
3 Linked sequential structures Array-based sequential structures Program correctness
4 Subtype polymorphism Parametric polymorphism Inheritance I
5 Inheritance II (Pause) (Review)
6 (Exam 1) Big-Oh Recursive analysis
7 Searching and sorting Merge sort Quicksort
8 Merge sort, revisited Quicksort, revisited (Pause)
9 Trees Tree deletion The Map ADT
10 Integer maps Collision resolution Hash maps
11 Iteration Streams and map/reduce (Exam 2)
12 Representing graphs Traversing graphs Minimum spanning trees
13 Dijkstra’s algorithm I Dijkstra’s algorithm II Priority queues
14 Huffman encoding (Work day) Course evals

I see that she’s moved inheritance much earlier in the semester. That seems like a good idea. She’s kept map/reduce. There is a nice tie to CSC 151 in using map/reduce, so I may consider keeping it [11]. We’ll see whether it fits when I include other topics that I don’t see covered as explicitly. I don’t see an explicit day on unit testing, but I know that Anya covers JUnit, since some of the labs reference it. Maybe everyone else assumes that students will pick it up as they go.

Anya’s also added some interesting HackerRank problems. I’ll have to consider whether or not I want to include some of those.

Detour: Outcomes from department planning

Last summer, the department sat down and made a list of what belongs in the course. I see I even wrote a musing in preparation for that meeting. Here’s a slightly edited version of the list we came up with.

  • Object-oriented model of computation
    • Polymorphism
      • Subtype
      • Parametric, with Java Generics
    • Inheritance
  • Core ADTs and data structures
    • Arrays
    • Lists
      • Linked and array-based
    • Trees
      • Binary search trees (not balanced)
    • Maps
      • Hash tables with chaining
      • Hash tables with probing
    • Graphs
      • Nodes and vertices
      • Representation: Adjacency matrix versus adjacency list
      • Traversals
      • Minimum spanning tree (Kruskal)
      • Shortest paths (Dijkstra)
    • Heaps
  • Software construction
    • More testing
    • Version control with git
  • Other algorithmic issues
    • Amortized analysis
    • Sorting
    • Post-hoc analysis of program correctness
  • Optional
    • Lists: Fold and filter
    • [Im]mutable data structures

Interesting. I had thought we’d decided to put something from the primary literature in CSC 207, just to get students started thinking about how you deal with translating those kinds of descriptions of algorithms into code. I’ve traditionally used skip lists, but I’ve also considered timsort [12].
I also see that we have not put the set ADT anywhere. I expect it naturally goes with union find, which we cover in CSC 301. I don’t see iterators mentioned explicitly, but it seems that we all cover them.

Putting it together

It looks like it will make the most sense if I start with something like Anya’s schedule and adapt it to my preferences. I’d like to add sections on unit testing, debugging, loop invariants, quadratic sorts, and the list ADT [14]. I might also want to make it clear where arrays, input and output, exceptions, Javadoc, and such go.

You know what? I’ve figured out what I want to do with anonymous functions. It makes sense to do anonymous functions immediately after iterators so that we could, for example, make filtered iterators [16]. I think it also makes sense to do them before sorting because we can use anonymous functions as comparators [17].

Here’s my first draft of the schedule.

Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 MLK Day Getting started Imperative programming in Java
2 Basic types (Numbers, Strings, Arrays, I/O) Java development (Git and Eclipse) Unit testing and debugging
3 Objects and classes Object semantics (incl. references) (Pause)
4 Subtype polymorphism and interfaces Parametric polymorphism (with generics) Inheritance
5 List ADTs Array-based sequential structures (stacks and queues) Linked sequential structures (stacks and queues)
6 Iterators (and anonymous inner classes) Anonymous functions (Pause)
7 Algorithm analysis with Big-O notation Analyzing recursive procedures Linear and binary search
8 Loop invariants An introduction to sorting (w/quadratic sorts) Merge sort
9 Quicksort (Pause) Linked lists
10 Doubly- and circularly-linked lists Trees and tree traversal Priority queues
11 Heaps and heap sort The Map ADT (incl. associative arrays) Binary search trees
12 Deletion in BSTs Hash tables and hash functions Probing in hash tables
13 Chaining in hash tables The Graph ADT (and implementations) Traversing graphs
14 Minimum spanning trees Shortest paths Wrapup

I’d like room for at least one more pause for breath toward the end of the semester. But I’m not sure what I’d cut for that. It may be that we could do without deletion in BSTs [19]. It also doesn’t feel like four days are enough on graphs. But, once again, I’m not sure what I’d cut to free up that space.

Oh well, at least I have a starting point. I’m likely to make some changes to deal with other issues, such as the timing of SIGCSE [20].

Next up: Making the Web site, adding detail to each day [21], choosing readings [22], and choosing labs [24]. I should also decide on the assignments and make sure that I cover the necessary prerequisite materials before the assignments are due. All of those tasks can wait until another day.

I’ve also reminded myself that I don’t want a lab each day; I know that there’s real benefit to think-pair-share activities, particularly as we do design work, so I want to make sure to include time for such activities. I’ll figure that out as I do the rest of the work.

[1] I last taught it in the Fall of 2014, so it’s slightly less than five years. Arguably, it’s four years and one month since the end of the last time I taught it and when I’m starting to teach it again. But five years seems like a reasonable estimate.

[2] We explored ways to extend and use Ushahidi, a social mapping platform originally designed to map election violence in Kenya.

[3] But not finished.

[4] I’ll muse about versions of Java in the near future.

[5] I’m probably adapting the assignments, rather than just adopting them wholesale.

[6] This is one of those years in which MLK day falls on the first day of class. Instead of classes, we have a variety of talks and such. Or at least we’re supposed to have a variety of talks and such.

[7] Maybe as few as three, maybe as many as six.

[8] Why did I hyphenate fifty-six but not forty one. In the first case, it’s serving as an adjective. In the second, it is not.

[9] PM seems to have removed his course Web site, so I’m relying on files he sent me.

[10] Dictionary has been marked as obsolete since at least Java 1.5. I assume it was changed because someone realized that the use of an abstract class was not appropriate, rather than because Map is such a preferable name.

[11] Upon further reflection, I see that I covered these kinds of issues in a lab I called anonymous functions.

[12] That earlier musing also explains why I call it timsort.

[14] I don’t mean java.util.List. I like students to design their own list ADT and to reflect on the issues that distinguish lists from, say, arrays, on the one hand, and pairs (nodes), on the other. It’s also a chance to read Joe Bergin’s Lists with current considered harmful [15].

[15] At some point, Bergin is going to retire and I’ll lose access to that paper. I should probably make a local copy.

[16] Whoops. I see that Anya already had them in that order. I’m just doing it a bit earlier.

[17] More precisely, as java.util.Comparator objects [18].

[18] Am I the only one irritated that Oracle has changed the form of Java API URLs between Java 10 and Java 11? The Java 10 documentation for Comparator is at The Java 11 documentation is at I understand why they added java.base, but it makes it harder to switch between sets of documentation. Since Google tends to return old documentation, it also means a few extra steps to find the current docs.

[19] Or that we could do it as a homework assignment or exam problem.

[20] I try to choose topics that others can more readily teach for the days that I’ll be away. That means either topics with clear labs or standard topics that don’t require an understanding of my particular approaches.

[21] As my old syllabus suggests, I like to have a list of topics for each day. I’m currently debating between the list of topics and the blurb that I tend to write for each class.

[22] While I anticipate relying on PM’s material for much of the class, I also know that I prefer my approach to some topics. And I have written most of the material for the course.

[23] Neither PM nor I have written anything on graphs. I’ll address that issue closer to the time graphs come into play.

[24] Once again, I’ll need to choose between PM’s materials and mine. In the first few instances I’ve checked, such as inheritance, I’ve found a preference for my approach [25].

[25] That’s not so surprising.

Version 1.0 of 2018-12-29.