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Upgrading unfamiliar software

Topics/tags: The joy of code [1], technical, rambly


Once in a while, I take on a task that involves using and therefore maintaining someone else’s custom-written software. The SIGCSE Volunteer System, which I’ve written about in the past, is one such case. But there are others.

At present, I’m dealing with software that I use about once a year. It’s written in PHP, a language whose name I insist generally stands for Pretty Horrible Programs. When I inherited the program, it was already issuing error messages that some of the procedures it used were deprecated.

I went to use it this year. I first had to deal with a number of obstacles related to recent upgrades to our system. That meant working on group ownership issues, convincing our SysAdmin to re-install MySQL and reload an important database, and a few other things.

Once all that was done, I tried to run the program. Guess what? The formerly deprecated procedures are now deleted. PHP 7 no longer supports mysql_pconnect and some related procedures [2]. And so it’s time for me to figure out how to update a system that I didn’t write using a language that I encounter primarily when I’m dealing with someone else’s software.


My first step was to set up a Git repository. I’ve been making changes to the software over the past few years. I’ve always felt uncomfortable that I wasn’t documenting those changes in a version control system. This change seems significant enough that I’d really like to document the changes I’m making.

Of course, setting up the Git repository led me to make additional changes, even before I started attacking the code. For example, I decided to choose a consistent naming scheme for the files. Some had used camelCase. Others were snake_style. I settled on the third major style, which is to separate words with dashes [3,4]. I wasn’t up to thinking about the style for the underlying code.

There was a lot of cruft sitting in the directory in which the software lived. Hence, to figure out what files I needed, I rewrote the instructions. That had been on my long-term to do list, and it seemed like an appropriate start. I’m actually glad that I did so. When I hit the last part of the instructions, I realized that last year or the year before I had written some utilities of my own and, in doing so, had moved to one of the new PHP models for working with MySQL databases. Have I chosen the best one? Probably not. But it’s not deprecated.

Before committing anything, I decided to make sure that the MySQL account and password weren’t in any files I was using. That meant rewriting the non-working database commands to read those values from elsewhere. I was tempted to use environment variables, which is one standard approach to storing that information. In the end, I decided to use text files that aren’t in the repo. That may not seem like a significant difference, but it does ensure that all of the code is in the repo.

Planning for updates

Once I had everything in the repository, it was time to sit down [5] and get to the real work of updating the software. My main goal was to use a new approach to databases. But I can’t leave things well enough alone, so I had other changes to make, too. One simple change is to add a bit of documentation to the top of each file. I like being able to see the author of a file at the top.

A not-as-simple change, but one that’s also not likely to be as hard is to change the interaction paradigm. The people who wrote the software fall in the interactive camp. The program prompts you for a variety of inputs. I fall in the command line camp. I’d rather just specify as many inputs as possible on the command line.

In the past, I’ve found that change relatively easy to make. Many of the scripts require just one or two inputs. But some of these files have been more challenging. It’s clear that the mindsets of folks who like the command line and those who like textual prompts are somewhat different. But I’ll probably be using this system for another decade or so, so I might as well spend the effort now.

Updating the first script

The first program I needed to use had calls to mysql_pconnect, mysql_select_db, mysql_query, mysql_num_rows, mysql_result, and mysql_error. I’ve already replaced the calls to mysql_pconnect and mysql_select_db with a call to the appropriate mysqli constructor. mysql_query becomes a call to the query method of that object.

I have mixed feelings on what to do with something like mysql_num_rows($result). I could maintain the procedural syntax and use mysqli_num_rows($result). However, I feel a bit more comfortable switching to an object-oriented syntax and using $result->num_rows. But there may be more at play. I see from the documentation that For unbuffered result sets, mysqli_num_rows() will not return the correct number of rows until all the rows in the result have been retrieved.

Dealing with mysql_result will be a bit more challenging. In the code I’m working with, it’s typically used in the form mysql_result($result, $i, $field) to select a particular field from the ith row of the result. The new model doesn’t provide for that. There are ways to simulate it [6]. However, it appears that in many cases it’s only being used for iteration. In those cases, I should follow the newer iteration model. My notes say that it looks something like the following.

while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())

Further on, there’s a bit of code that does a query that potentially returns multiple lines and grabs the last of them, calling it the latest row. But the query does not sort the rows in any order. I think that means that we have no guarantee about which row will be last. One of the problems of working with student-written code is that I can never tell whether I’m missing a subtle issue or whether they missed a subtle issue. Dare I change the program logic and just grab an arbitrary row? My reading of the program suggests that I can.

As always, I can’t resist making other changes. Repeated code? DRY it out. Awkward formatting? Fix it. Missing comment? Add it.

After three or so hours, I finally got the first script working. But I’ll admit that the git commit felt unclean. I’m used to making each type of change separately. I wonder whether I can do better on the next script.

Updating the remaining scripts

For the second script, I was able to divide my updates into (a) add documentation; (b) update the UI [7], (c) switch to the new database model, and (d) clean up a few pieces of cruft that offended my sensibilities. That git log feels a lot nicer.

Along the way, I discovered something interesting. The database has an id field that is stored as characters. But the ids have always been numbers. My experiments have all involved ids that include letters. That breaks a lot of the code. Fortunately, the fix is easy: I just have to remember to put the id in quotation marks in the SQL queries [8].

The next two scripts were ones that I had written. One already used the new database model [9]. The other did not [10]. Those changes were quick.

How many scripts is that? Four or so. There’s another one that I already know works. I think there are three or four more that still need updates. Why did I decide to take on this task? Wouldn’t I have been better off finding a machine with an old version of PHP? [11]

Okay, on to the next script. Once again, I’m trying to do separate commits for each of the four main activities (add comments, update UI, fix database, clean up code). I’ve now done the activities enough that it’s going a bit faster. But the database stuff is always the slowest. Fortunately, this one was mostly looping through input.

Done (for the time being)

I’m not done, but I’ve verified that I can make the important changes. I also seem to have covered most of the different issues involved. Everything else should be straightforward. A few more hours and I’ll have all of the scripts updated. I just need to keep myself from deciding to clean up more of the code.

Now I’m ready for the regular annual updates. I may make fewer than normal this year. We shall see.

Postscript: I chose the title for this musing when I started it. Now that I’m finished, I’m tempted to call it something like Another day and a half of my life down the drain.

Postscript: The to-do list for this software seems to grow every year. At some point, I should write automated tests. Or maybe I can just pass the whole shebang on to some other person and they can worry about them.

Postscript: One I posted this musing, I realized that the title could be misinterpreted; upgrading software usually just means installing the next version. Perhaps I should have called it upgrading legacy code. Or maybe updating legacy code. But I like the unfamiliar. Is unfamiliar implied by legacy. I’m not sure. In any case, I’ve spent enough time on the code that I don’t have the energy to think through those issues. I’m leaving the title as it is.

[1] That tag is almost certainly sarcastic.

[2] I’m pretty sure that it’s a sensible decision; it looks like the old model involved a single global database connection. The new model requires that you keep track of a database connection object. That makes much more sense.

[3] Can you tell that I regularly work in a Lisp variant?

[4] The InterWeb tells me that this style is sometimes called Kebab case.

[5] Okay, I was sitting down already.

[6] For example, see the comment from tuexdobob in the documentation for mysqli-result.

[7] Well, there was one bug in the UI that I didn’t catch until the next step. It’s hard to tell whether or not the UI works until the underlying code works.

[8] More precisely, I need to make sure that the code generates SQL queries that include the quotation marks.

[9] Yay! I was looking ahead.

[10] Boo! I was not universal in how I looked ahead. But I’m pretty sure that the script with the old database model is older.

[11] Maybe for this year. But then I’d be stuck with the same problem next year.

Version 1.0 of 2018-08-02.