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Determining whether or not a string starts with an upper-case letter (or why Sam may fail programming interviews)

At an upcoming session of CS table, we are discussing a series of essays on the programming interview process. One of the essays is Version 3.0 of Joel Spolksy’s Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing. About midway through the essay, Spolsky gives a variety of simple programming challenges that any programmer working today should be able to solve in about one minute.

Here’s the first one:

Write a function that determines if a string starts with an upper-case letter A-Z.

Reading that got me thinking about how I’d perform at one of these interviews. Here’s the dialog I imagine with the interviewer. I’ll put the interviewer’s text in bold and mine in italics.

Write a function that determines if a string starts with an upper-case letter A-Z.

Okay, what language would you like me to use?

Well, you’ve taught a course on C, why don’t you use C.

Great. I love C. Can I use isupper from the standard C library? It’s a nice, general-purpose procedure.

No, I’d like you to think through the details.

Okay, am I working in English, or am I possibly working in some other language that may have a different alphabet?

You can assume that you’re working in English.

Thanks. The encoding of characters is not guaranteed in C. Can I assume that we’re working with ASCII, or at least an encoding in which the uppercase letters appear in order?

You may assume that the upper-case letters appear in order. Note, however, that you should pronounce the dash [1]. Are you done with these questions yet? It feels like you’re trying to delay writing the code.

I’m not trying to delay. I’m trying to understand the parameters of the problem so that I write a procedure that meets the requirements. Should I write robust code that checks for a null string?

Whatever you like. Just write the code!

Well, I tell my students to do test-first design, so I’ll begin with a few tests. I’m just going to use assert, unless you have a preferred testing framework.

assert is fine.

What would you like me to name the procedure?

Whatever you like.

Do you prefer camelCase or snake_style procedure names?

Are you ever going to write code?

I’ll take that as a either. I’m going to call it starts_with_upper_case. I know that violates the C custom of short and barely understandable procedure names, but I like readable procedure names and a good development environment makes it easy to use them. Here are a few of the tests that I’d start with.

assert (! starts_with_upper_case (NULL));       // Non-string
assert (! starts_with_upper_case (""));         // Empty string
assert (starts_with_upper_case ("A"));          // One-character string, edge
assert (starts_with_upper_case ("Z"));          // One-character string, edge
assert (starts_with_upper_case ("E"));          // One-character string, other
assert (starts_with_upper_case ("Q"));          // One-character string, other
assert (! starts_with_upper_case ("a"));        // One-character string, edge
assert (! starts_with_upper_case ("z"));        // One-character string, edge
assert (! starts_with_upper_case ("0"));        // One-character string, nonchar
assert (! starts_with_upper_case ("."));        // One-character string, nonchar

Stop! You’re just writing a simple C program! You don’t need that many tests.

It appears that you haven’t seen the code that my students sometimes write [2]. But okay, I’ll move on. Here you go [3].

starts_with_upper_case (char *str)
  return (str != NULL) 
    && ('A' <= str[0])
    && (str[0] <= 'Z');
} // starts_with_upper_case

Are you sure that this works correctly with the empty string?

Isn’t that why I write tests? Are you just reading some questions from a list?

Um, maybe.

Well, in addition to knowing that this code passes my tests, I know that the empty string has one character, the end-of-string mark, or zero. You’ve told me that the uppercase letters appear sequentially, so I know that zero is not in that range.

I have to ask: If I hadn’t stopped you, what other tests would you have written?

I would have looked at longer strings. I would probably have found a way to create a string that starts with the character right before 'A' and another string that starts with the character right after 'Z' so that I check boundary conditions. If I was particularly energetic, I might have written a loop. But I agree, I do tend toward overkill in writing tests. As I said, I teach novice programmers. They make the most fascinating mistakes

Why are you returning an int rather than a bool.

Um. I learned K&R C and don’t believe in bool. But I can adapt if you’d like.

No, that’s okay. Let’s move on to the next problem. Add up all the values in an array.

Should I worry about overflow?

Wow, where does the time go? This interview is over. It looks like we don’t have any more scheduled for you today [4]. Thanks for visiting. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

[1] I said uppercase. The interviewer said upper-case.

[2] My students are novices. They occasionally write incorrect code. Good tests help catch errors I’d never expect.

[3] Yes, it took me under one minute.

[4] Spolsky suggests that a good strategy is not to tell someone in advance how many interviews they are doing. That way, when they bomb one interview, you can just send them away.

Version 1.0 of 2017-04-10.