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The spectre of Spectre

This week, two major security flaws were identified in most modern processors: Meltdown and Spectre. As a computer science educator, I find most security flaws interesting as they reveal issues our students should be thinking about and I should be teaching about. The most common flaws have to do with programmers not thinking carefully enough about their memory model and, for example, failing to make sure that a memory reference is valid [1]. And many flaws have to deal with one particular program or component of the environment.

These two sounded different than most flaws because they hit the computer at a different level. At first, my interest was mostly academic because (a) it was clear that most major operating systems had already installed a patch for Meltdown and (b) because the first article I read on it, from The New York Times, suggested that

Phones and PCs are more difficult targets. Before they can exploit the chip flaws, hackers must find a way of getting their software onto your device. They could fool you into downloading an app from a smartphone app store. Or they could trick you into visiting a website that moves code onto your machine.

However, as I started to read more on other sites, I realized that what the Times calls moves code onto your machine can just mean includes a JavaScript program that takes advantage of the flaw. In fact, the researchers who found the flaw had already written a short JavaScript program that dumps the memory of the browser. That’s a serious problem. So I’ve patched my primary computers as best I can. The folks at Mozilla, makers of Firefox, have found one approach that disables Spectre; the implications of that patch are not completely clear.

Anyway, as I said earlier, I like to learn more about security flaws for what they might help me teach my students (and because it’s interesting). These newest flaws take advantage of modern processor designs, designs that I did not know a lot about. So I started to read the research paper on Spectre. I found it remarkably clear, even for someone like me who does not study architecture. That’s also where I discovered that they already had a browser-based proof of concept. The approach is interesting. I’m going to attempt a bit of a summary here. You can skip over the summary and read some other comments later in this musing.

Technical summary

Let’s start with something that may be a bit surprising to my non-technical readers: The processor on a computer is much faster than the memory on a computer. That is, the computer can do a bunch [4] of computations (additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions) before you can read a value from your fast solid-state drive. Processor designers have developed a number of techniques to handle this issue. The traditional technique is to put a bit of really fast (but really expensive) memory in the processor and copy the most recently used data there. This memory is called the cache [5]. When programs need a value from memory, the processor first checks whether or not it is in the cache and, if it is, can quickly grab it. If not, the processor needs to load the data from the disk into the cache.

What should the processor do while it’s waiting? One option is to do some work on other programs that are not currently waiting for data to load. But switching from program to program can be expensive. And so it seems that processors made the decision to use a technique that is called speculative computation: they save the state of the processor and continue with the computation until the load finishes. If the data loaded suggests that they should have done that computation, they are fine. If not, they restore the state of the system. Here’s a really contrived example.

if (a > values[x])
    discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;
    tmp = sqrt (discriminant);
    divisor = 2*a;
    root1 = (-b + tmp) / divisor;
    root2 = (-b - tmp) / divisor;

While we’re waiting to find out the value of values[x], we can probably do the four multiplications, one call to sqrt, two divisions, and a few additions and subtractions necessary to compute the roots [6]. When the memory finally loads, if we made the right prediction, then we’re done with the computation. If not, well, things aren’t really any slower (except for the cost of restoring the state of the system, which is supposed to be fast and is certainly fast compared to a memory load). I admit that I find it strange that we see gains from what seems to be just a little extra work while waiting for memory (after all, don’t we tend to use the memory we’ve just requested after the test?), it seems like empirical evidence suggests that this approach makes a big difference.

Of course, this approach does require that the processor can restore the state of the system if it speculated incorrectly. But what does it mean to restore the state of the system? Saving and resetting the cache is expensive, so the cache is not considered part of the state. Rather, I believe it is a just a few values [7] that get saved or restored. Changing the cache should not change the overall behavior of a program, but it may change the speed of the program because some data that were in the cache will now take longer to access and some data that were not in the cache and are now in the cache will now take less time to access.

It turns out that the Is data in the cache? question is a key component of the Spectre approach. While there isn’t a check whether a memory location is in the cache command, or at least I don’t think there is. But it’s easy to figure out if you want to: You start a timer, you load the memory location, and you stop the timer. If the time to load the memory location was quick, you know that the memory was in the cache. If the time to load the memory location was not quick, you know that it was not in the cache.

Knowing whether or not a particular memory location is in the cache tells you nothing about the contents of that memory location. And that’s where we get to the interesting part of the Spectre approach. The authors provide the following sample code.

if (x < array1_size)
  y = array2[array1[x] * 256];

This type of compound instruction makes conceptual sense. You don’t want to access array1[x] unless x is less than the size. And so this is a compound instruction you would find in many programs, often behind the scenes.

The note that for the approach to work, array1_size should not be in the cache (and, presumably, x and array1[x] should be in the cache, if at all possible). With some work, they are able to set the value of x to something outside of the range and to choose the value that array1[x] refers to [8].

Why does this help? Suppose I care whether memory location m contains the value 42. I set array1[x] to m [9]. I let this code execute. By the time the processor realizes that x is greater than or equal to array1_size, it has also loaded array2[array1[x] * 256] (which equals array2[m*256]) into the cache. To see whether memory location m contained 42, I check whether or not array2[42*256] is in the cache.

We can generalize this technique to find the exact value and not just whether m contains 42. It’s slow, but it’s doable. And processors are fast.

So, here’s the thing: JavaScript code runs in the same memory space as your browser. JavaScript code gets compiled. When JavaScript code gets compiled, the new code likely has checks about array indices. Even if it doesn’t, you can force some. Hence, a bit of JavaScript code can use this technique to probe any area of browser memory, even if the browser has tried to sandbox the code. But writing the code understands some understanding of various aspects of the browser, and different browsers will therefore require different code. And there’s more to it than what I’ve covered; you also need to clear some things out of the cache in advance and otherwise configure the system just right. But it’s doable.

I’ll admit that I haven’t taken the time to look at the particular JavaScript exploit they provide [10]. I was interested more in the high-level concept than the details of the implementation.

The solution that the folks at Mozilla seem to have used is to add some noise to time measurements, which makes the is it in the cache check no longer useful. I believe they’ve done some other things, too.

Okay, we’re back from the technical detour. What’s left to write about? The more I read about Spectre and Meltdown, the more I find myself interested in the social aspects. These flaws were discovered about six months ago; good cooperation kept them secret for six months. That’s impressive, but I also think that’s typical of the relationship between security researchers and the major OS makers. It’s kind of neat, once you think about it.

However, cooperation did not work perfectly. The two flaws were not supposed to be announced until January 9 and some other factors led to an early announcement. In particular, an engineer at AMD revealed details about Meltdown in a Linux Kernel Patch. There has been an earlier patch whose primary note was that x86 CPUs are insecure.

/* Assume for now that ALL x86 CPUs are insecure */

This engineer seemed to be offended by that claim that all x86 CPUs are insecure since AMDs do not seem to have the meltdown flaw. And so he wrote the following in a public forum.

AMD processors are not subject to the types of attacks that the kernel page table isolation feature protects against. The AMD microarchitecture does not allow memory references, including speculative references, that access higher privileged data when running in a lesser privileged mode when that access would result in a page fault.

Since this musing is mostly on Spectre, I have not described the details of Meltdown. However, the Meltdown flaw has to deal with speculative references to higher privileged data. And so his posting helped others discover the Meltdown flaw before it was supposed to be public. Is that the only reason that Meltdown and Spectre got announced a week or so early? I assume not, but I also assume that it contributed to the earlier-than-expected notification.

What should you do? The obvious answer is patch your system. I think my Mac updated itself a few days ago. But, just to be sure, I downloaded and applied the appropriate security update for macOs Sierra. Our Linux machines at work are being patched over the weekend, so I’m waiting for those patches before I do any additional serious work on those systems.
Oh, my iPhone is up to date and running iOS 11.2.1.

What do you do if you have an older operating system that Apple or Microsoft or whoever has decided not to patch? I’m not sure. Apple has patches for High Sierra (10.13), Sierra (10.12), and El Capitan (10.11). If you have an earlier Mac that can be updated to El Capitan, I’d recommend updating. If not, I’d suggest that you be cautious about the software you install and that you use a browser extension like NoScript. I don’t use Microsoft Windows if I can avoid it, so I have no idea what’s happening in that realm.

But, you know what? Don’t rely on me for advice on these issues. There should be better (and more up to date) information on the Interweb. Look there and look at sources you trust.

Good luck!

[1] There is a reason that I tend to reject programs from upper-level students that have obvious memory flaws [2].

[2] An obvious memory flaw is one that I can find with a tool like valgrind [3] or through manual inspection of the code for a few minutes.

[3] Or, were I more up to date, AddressSanitizer.

[4] Bunch is intentionally vague. I have no idea what the ratio of read time to multiplication time is; I just know that it gets larger every year.

[5] To be accurate, most modern processors have multiple levels of cache of different speeds. That difference is not relevant to this discussion.

[6] It may be that we can do even more than those operations. But they suffice for the example.

[7] Primarily the registers, including things like the program counter, if I understand correctly.

[8] C programmers can probably figure out some straightforward techniques.

[9] More precisely, I set some other variable that I know to be at the same location as array1[x].

[10], listings 2 and 3.

[11] From

Google said it informed the affected companies about the Spectre flaw on 1 June 2017 and later reported the Meltdown flaw before 28 July 2017. Both Intel and Google said they were planning to release details of the flaws on 9 January, when they said more fixes would be available, but that their hand had been forced after early reports led to Intel stock falling by 3.4% on Wednesday.

Version 1.0 released 2018-01-06.

Version 1.0.1 of 2018-02-25.