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Software for grading

Theme/tags: Teaching, the joy of code

Most faculty members compute student grades with relatively straightforward grading policies. From what I can see, the typical approach is to assign a certain number of points to each piece of work (e.g., assignment, exam) add up the points at the end of the semester, divide by the total number of points, and scale [1].

I don’t use that approach, particularly not in CSC 151. What are my grading policies in CSC 151? Let’s see …

  • I give weekly quizzes which count for 10% of their grade. I drop the lowest quiz. (That’s not a huge complexity, but it’s different than the normal everything counts.)
  • I give four exams across the course of the semester. Those are worth 40% of their grade. If students take the final, they can use the final to replace on exam grade, provided the final is higher than the exam grade [2].
  • I ask students to do daily short lab writeups. They can miss up to two. After that, I just grade based on the percentage of lab writeups they do
  • I ask students to write weekly flashcards, worth 5% of their grade. With some encouragement from my students, I’ve set a policy that they have to do at least eight sets of flashcards across the semester.
  • There’s homework, which is worth 15% of their grade. My general policy on homework is that A is supposed to represent exceptional work and that correct is expected, not exceptional. Students get grades on the plus/check/minus scale. Everything correct (or almost everything correct) is a check. Particularly clever solutions earn higher grades. Problems of correctness or clarity lead to lower grades. Plus grades are rare. At the end of the semester, a student who has about one plus per four assignments should earn an A on the homework.
  • 5% of their grade is based on their best individual work (quizzes, average exam, final). Among other things, that policy lets a particularly nice final exam boost their grade. In some semesters, I’ve also based 5% of their grade on their best group work.
  • I take off points for excessive unexcused absences. At one point, I had a non-linear scale that resulted in a percentage decrease. Now I just take off two points per unexcused absence where the student has notified me [3].
  • I give extra credit to students who attend academic and artistic events on campus and who support each other in their activities.

Amazingly, most grading software is not designed to handle these kinds of policies. When I last looked at the Blackboard grading software [4], it wouldn’t even allow me to assign more than 100 percent for a grade [5]. I couldn’t figure out how to do a drop the lowest in a natural way. And I certainly couldn’t figure out how to automatically add best of X, Y, and Z. There are ways to manually hack a lot of grading software to handle these kinds of policies, such as by manually computing the best of their individual work, but they seem inelegant to me and generally add to my workload.

But I’m a computer scientist. I can write software. And so I’ve written software that helps me grade. I’m not alone in this approach; I’m pretty sure that my colleague, Henry Walker, does the same thing. Writing my own software also lets me take advantage of all the wonders of Linux. For example, I store my grades as a tab-separated-value file of the form

 userid     thing   grade   notes

For example

 rebelsky   hw01    check   done with skyrebel
 rebelsky   ec      1       2018-04-05,acad,Danforth lecture
 skyrebel   exam01  95      id 812231, late prologue
 skyrebel   absent  1       2018-04-06,overslept

That form makes it really easy for me to quickly extract all sorts of information. I can, for example, pull out all the exam grades and sort them.

I’ve been using this form of grading more or less since I arrived at Grinnell. I originally used a Java program I wrote in my first year or two for the first decade or so. It eventually got stale. In the fall of 2013, I wrote a new piece of grading software in Perl. It’s served me relatively well. But it’s like all quick hacks; over time it got messier and messier and messier. I found that I was repeating code. I realized that I made some really bad programming decisions. And it was hard to change. It was hard enough to change that I didn’t get it to work for the first half of the semester.

At the end of spring break, I got fed up with the messy grading software and decided to start again from scratch, this time in Ruby. I had grand visions of ways that objects would help; for example, it seems natural to treat a grading policy (average these grades; drop one and then average, take the best of there other grades) as an object. Why an object and not a function? Because a grading policy might also want to do more than just compute a grade. It might, for example, want to describe itself. A good object-oriented approach would also help me avoid some of the bad design of the previous version, which did not encapsulate code well.

So I spent today writing new grading software from scratch. That may not have been my wisest use of time. I thought I could write it in about four hours. It ended up taking about six-and-a-half hours, and it still needs some work [6]. But I think I’ll be happy with it in the future. Along the way, I even learned how to write a Ruby Gem [8].

Tomorrow, my CSC 151 students will all get nifty grade reports generated by the software. The next day, my CSC 321 and CSC 322 students will get reports. Once they see those reports, I’m sure I’ll have a bunch of issues to address.

But you know what, six-and-a-half hours of coding doesn’t leave much room in my brain for doing much else. I wonder when I’ll find time to accomplish the rest of what I planned for this weekend [9].

Postscript: Those who want to see my not-yet-ready-for-prime-time code can find it at

Postscript: I was going to call this musing grading software. But that sounds more like I’m going to assign grades to software.

Microsoft Word: C.

Vi: A-.

Emacs: A.

Sam’s Grading Software: F-.

Gosling Emacs: Zero.

Not very exciting, is it?

Postscript: I suppose that I could accomplish most of my goals using a spreadsheet. But I really like storing my grades in plain text files.

Postscript: For those who care, here’s a sample report [10].

Estimated grade report for Rebelsky, Samuel A. [rebelsky]

This is an experimental grade report and is not guaranteed to be
accurate.  Esimated grades are based on current status in the
course.  Final grades may therefore be much different.


Participation .... ( 5.0%): 90.0
Flash cards ...... ( 5.0%): 81.3 (6.5 out of 8)
Lab writeups ..... (10.0%): 100.0 (14.0 out of 16, up to 2 missing permitted)
Homework ......... (15.0%): 85.8 (average of 3.1 on a four-point scale)
Project .......... (10.0%): [No grades available]
Quizzes .......... (10.0%): 98.3 (average of 9.8 on a 10-point scale, dropping the lowest 1)
Exams ............ (40.0%): 87.0 (average)
Final ....................: [No grades available]
Best individual .. ( 5.0%): 98.3 (best of exams, quizzes, final)

Estimated numeric grade: 81.0/90.0 = 90.0
 with 4.0 units of extra credit: 91.0


Participation: 90.0
        participation   90      about average

Flash cards: 81.25
        flash02 1       
        flash03 1       
        flash04 1       
        flash05 0.5     late
        flash06 1       
        flash07 0       missing
        flash08 1       nice job!
        flash09 1       

Lab writeups: 100
        lab04   1       
        lab05   1       
        lab07   1       
        lab09   1       
        lab10   1       unnecessary helper
        lab11   1       
        lab14   0       missing
        lab15   1       nice documentation
        lab16   1       
        lab17   1       
        lab19   1       
        lab20   0       my-quotient produced incorrect answers
        lab21   1       
        lab22   1       forgot part d
        lab23   1       
        lab25   1       

Homework: 85.83
        hw01    check+  
        hw02    check   with skyrebel
        hw03    check   
        hw04    check   
        hw05    check-  problems with formatting
        hw06    check-  late

Quizzes: 98.33
        quiz02  10      
        quiz03  8       
        quiz04  8       
        quiz05  10      
        quiz06  10      
        quiz07  6       
        quiz08  13      

Exams: 87.0
        exam01  81      543159
        exam02  93      800141
        exam03  X       missing prologue

Extra Credit: 4.0
        ec      1       2018-01-25,misc,Data Buddies
        ec      1       2018-01-25,acad,Convo
        ec      1       2018-04-05,acad,Danforth lecture
        ec      1       2018-04-08,peer,Singers

Absent/Late: 1.5
        absent  1       2018-04-06,overslept
        absent  0.5     2018-04-02,late to classa

I hope students enjoy getting grade reports with this level of detail. I find it useful when I submit Academic Progress Reports.

[1] Well, not everyone scales. I had at least one faculty member who, when asked if he scaled, offered to scale our exams down a flight of stairs. I generally feel that I’m experienced enough as a teacher that I should be able to design consistent levels of challenge. If a group of students all do better than what students have done in the past, they should all get higher grades. If they all do lower then what students have done in the past, they should all get lower grades.

[2] That’s right. There’s no penalty for taking the final. I should write more about that final policy at some point.

[3] They generally don’t lose points for excused absences: Illness, conferences or class trips, etc. They lose more points if they don’t notify me.

[4] I last looked at that software about five years ago.

[5] When I use general purpose grading software, I sometimes try to hack the homework policy using a grade more than 100%. It’s also the case that students can earn extra credit on their exams and therefore score more than 100% on an exam.

[6] Needs some work == Shows inconsistent programming style typical of a programmer who does not use the language regularly [7] + Leaves some policies unimplemented + Does not reveal good test-driven design + ….

[7] For example, Ruby does not require parentheses for procedure calls. I’ve been inconsistent in whether or not I use them. I’ve also not been consistent in the parameters to my constructors. In most cases, I’ve used the approach of making the parameter a hash and then setting default values. In a few others, I’ve specified particular parameters.

[8] I may not have done it quite right. And I’m sure that I haven’t figured out naming conventions. I hate having to write things like{ ... }). There must be a sensible way to make that shorter.

[9] At least I found time to muse.

[10] Including that report helped me find yet another error. I think it’s fixed now. If you see any obvious computation errors, let me know [11].

[11] I found one, which I’ve now corrected. My homework grades were not computed correctly. Amazingly, it wasn’t so much a problem in the program as in the data; I was using spaces instead of a tab. I call that the Make problem. I should fix my code to address it.

Version 1.0 released 2018-04-08.

Version 1.1 of 2018-04-09.