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Class wrappers

Part of an ongoing series of things I needed to write anyway.

We’re discussing Design Patterns in our software design class this week. For those of you who don’t know, Design Patterns represent common solutions to problems that occur in the design of software projects. They were inspired by Christopher Alexander’s A Pattern Language. They’ve gone on to inspire a host of other kinds of Patterns, including CS Teaching Patterns.

I ran out of time at the end of Monday’s class, so I thought I’d put what I was going to say into a musing. I was talking about a class of patterns that I call wrappers, starting with the Adapter pattern.

The Problem. We find ourselves in a situation in which the application we are developing requires an object with a certain set of operations and, while we don’t have that object, we do have objects with a similar set of operations.

The Solution. Create a class that provides the expected operations, but delegates the work to the extant class.

An Example.

We’re designing an awesome time management system for overcommitted faculty members. One thing we need in the system is a first-in-first-out to-do list. We might describe that as follows.

public interface SimpleToDoList {
  public void addItem(String item);
  public String nextItem(void);
  public boolean empty(void);

When we get to the implementation stage, we might decide that these requirements are really similar to a StringQueue [1] class that we’ve written in the past.

public class StringQueue {
  public void enqueue(String str);
  public String dequeue(void);
  public boolean hasMoreItems(void);

The wrong thing to do is to say Oh, we’ll just use StringQueue instead of SimpleToDoList. Why? We might later realize that we want to add another feature to our to-do lists. We’ll then have extra work and cognitive overload in figuring out which instances of StringQueue represent our simple to-do lists and which actually represent queues of strings.

The Adapter pattern suggests that we write a simple class that delegates. Here’s a sketch.

public class SimpleToDoListOne implements SimpleToDoList {
  StringQueue queue;

  public SimpleToDoListOne() {
    this.queue = new StringQueue();
  public void addItem(String item) {

  public String nextItem(void) {
    return this.queue.dequeue();

  public boolean empty(void) {
    return !(this.queue.hasMoreItems());

It’s a comparatively trivial class to write. But writing that adapter makes our code much more, well, adaptable. If we decide to add a feature to SimpleToDoList, or to change policies, or whatever, we can work there, rather than in the client class (our life manager) or in the wrapped class (the queue). We keep the responsibilities where they should be.

Other kinds of class wrappers

Before I learned Design Patterns, I generally used the term wrapper for this approach [2]. You take an existing class (or procedure, or data structure) and you wrap some code around it. You’ll find that there are multiple Patterns that you use this wrapping approach. And you’ll find the process of wrapping generally useful.

Here’s one of my favorite uses of wrapping. There’s probably a design pattern name for it, but I’m never sure whether it’s Decorator or something else. Suppose we have an interface, a class that implements that interface, and an additional expectation we want to add. For example, we might want a version of a SimpleToDoList that logs each action (for historical purposes, for debugging, whatever). Let’s write that.

public class LoggingSimpleToDoList implements SimpleToDoList {
  /** The real to-do list we're wrapping. */
  SimpleToDoList core;

  /** Where the log goes. */
  PrintWriter out;

  public LoggingSimpleToDoList(SimpleToDoList core, PrintWriter out) {
    this.core = core;
    this.out = out;

  public void addItem(String item) {
    this.out.println("ADD " + item);

  public String nextItem(void) {
    String str = this.core.nextItem();
    this.out.println("GET " + item);
    return str;

  public boolean empty(void) {
    return this.core.empty();

The underlying principle is the same. We have a core object with some capabilities. We write an object that uses the other object to do most of the real work and adds some other capability. We’ve effectively wrapped one class with another.

Wrapping procedures in Scheme

Note that you can wrap Scheme procedures, too. We do a form of that in CSC 151 when we create equivalents to extant procedures that log their steps. But we could generalize that approach. Let’s see. Here’s a simple procedure that takes a procedure and a symbol as input and returns a procedure that displays the call to the wrapped procedure and then calls the wrapped procedure.

(define logproc
  (lambda (proc name)
    (lambda params
      (write (cons name params))
      (apply proc params))))

And here’s that procedure in action.

> (define + (logproc + '+))
> (+ 2 3)
(+ 2 3)
> (+ (+ 2 3) (+ 4 5) 6)
(+ 2 3)
(+ 4 5)
(+ 5 9 6)

Here’s a fancier version of that procedure.

(define log-call
  (lambda (proc name)
    (lambda params
      (let ([result (apply proc params)])
        (write (cons name params))
        (display " => ")
        (write result)

And here’s that fancier version in action.

> (define + (log-call + '+))
> (+ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4) (+ 5 7 8))
(+ 1 2) => 3
(+ 3 4) => 7
(+ 5 7 8) => 20
(+ 3 7 20) => 30
> (define sum
    (lambda (lst)
      (if (null? lst)
          (+ (car lst) (sum (cdr lst))))))
> (sum (list 5 1 2 3 6))
(+ 6 0) => 6
(+ 3 6) => 9
(+ 2 9) => 11
(+ 1 11) => 12
(+ 5 12) => 17

It behaves even better than I would expect [3].

> (define sum (log-call sum 'sum))
> (sum (list 5 1 2 3 6))
(sum ()) => 0
(+ 6 0) => 6
(sum (6)) => 6
(+ 3 6) => 9
(sum (3 6)) => 9
(+ 2 9) => 11
(sum (2 3 6)) => 11
(+ 1 11) => 12
(sum (1 2 3 6)) => 12
(+ 5 12) => 17
(sum (5 1 2 3 6)) => 17

Isn’t Scheme great [4]?

[1] Well, probably Queue<String>, but let’s not worry about that right now. We’re considering these issues conceptually, not in terms of actual Java.

[2] I still do.

[3] That is, I did not expect the following example to work. But Scheme, or at least Racket, scopes a bit differently than I expected.

[4] Or perhaps just terrifying.

Version 1.1.0 of 2018-03-06.