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The joy of code: Linking endnotes

Warning! Technical stuff ahead.

Warning! More dumb jokes than normal ahead.

As both new and old readers know, I put a lot of endnotes in my essays. Some people, like my darling wife, seem to like to read the endnotes after the essay, and don’t pay too much attention to the relationship between the reference to the endnote and the endnote it refers to. But I think most of my readers want to jump back and forth between the reference and the referent. That seems like it should be a straightforward thing to set up, right?

I write these essays in Markdown, a convenient language for creating Web pages. About two decades ago, I wrote my own convenient language (one that I think is better than Markdown in many ways), but I’ve found it easiest to use Markdown because it’s a common simple language for the Web. However, Markdown is limited. While it allows me to make links to other pages and to format text in bold and italic, it does not make seem to have an obvious way to make links within a page. And so I went looking.

Because Markdown is small, there have been a number of extensions to Markdown for use in services like WordPress [1] and Github. One of the most powerful seems to be Pandoc. It’s even written in Haskell [3]. So I thought I’d try an experiment with Pandoc. Pandoc’s markup for endnotes (well, footnotes) is a lot like the one I use, except that they put a caret [4,5] after the open bracket. They also mark the referent with a colon. So, for endnote six [6], the reference would be [^6] and the referent would be [^6]:. Interestingly, Pandoc is willing to do the numbering for you, so no matter what number you use, it puts the numbers in order.

That approach seemed mostly appropriate [8], and so I tried it out. I discovered three things: First, Pandoc seems to like to change my nice bracketed in-text numbers to superscripts. I actually think the bracketed numbers look nicer. Second, it puts a stupid return to text character at the end. I could have lived with those two issues. However, I encountered a third problem. It appears that the designers of Pandoc did not anticipate writers who included endnote references within endnotes. While I’m sure that the CSC 395 students trained in type snobbery could probably dig through the source code to fix that issue, but I wasn’t really interested in that much work.

Fortunately, I’m a programmer. I should be able to write a program to do some simple text substitution in my sleep [10]. And, as long as I’m writing the program myself, I can avoid using the stupid carets which annoy me visually [11].

So, what’s involved in writing this program? I’m doing text substitution. There’s probably an awesome Haskell or Racket library for text substitution. But I’m a middle-aged Unix programmer; I’ll use Perl [12]. Let’s see, what are things I have to worry about. First, I need a way to distinguish the referents from the references. My initial inclination was to use a colon after the referents, just as in Pandoc Markdown, but without the caret [14]. I spent awhile working with that model and it seemed to be okay, until in my tenth test or so, I noticed that some of the endnotes disappeared. A bit of experimentation and I discovered that the endnotes only disappeared when I had one word after the endnote, as in the following.

[12.5]: Disappear

At first I thought it was a bug in my code. But then some searching through the Markdown manual showed me that the designers of Markdown had the clever idea that when you were writing external links, you could just refer to the link, and then describe the link elsewhere using that colon syntax. For example, I might write

But then some searching through the [Markdown manual][12.5] showed me ..."

and then later I could describe what that link meant with


and somehow Markdown would tie it all together. So here’s the fun part: Markdown treats anything of the form left bracket, character sequence, right bracket, colon, single word as a link to be incorporated elsewhere. However, most of the time that it sees the quite similar left bracket, character sequence, right bracket, colon, multiple words, it leaves it as is. How had I never learned that previously?

Anyway, that meant that the colons were a bad idea [17]. So then I was left with a problem: How would I distinguish the reference from the referent? Fortunately, I always had a blank line before each referent, so I could write a pattern for referents of the form blank line, left bracket, sequence of digits, right bracket and enable multi-line matching. I spent a little while remembering how to parenthesize patterns in Perl [18]. And then I came up with the following:

s/\n *\n\[([0-9]*)\]:?/\n\n[<a href="#reference\1" id="referent\1">\1<\/a>]/gm;

s/\[([0-9]*)\]/[<a href="#referent\1" id="reference\1">\1<\/a>]/gm;

Isn’t that beautiful? That’s why some people call regular expressions a write-only language [19]. But it’s not as bad as you think. The initial s means substitute. Substitute commands in Perl have three parameters, separated by forward slashes: a pattern, its replacement, and any modifiers for the match.

Let’s look at the first pattern. The \n means newline. The " *" means zero or more spaces. I included it just in case I had some blank spaces on the seemingly-blank line [22]. The \[ is a left bracket. Why the backslash? Because a normal left bracket has meaning in the Perl model of regular expressions (and in most models). The open paren means that we’re identifying a part of the regular expression for use later. The [0-9]* means any sequence of digits. [0-9] is any digit; that’s the normal use of a left bracket [23]. What’s left? As you might expect, the \] is the right bracket. You might not expect that the:?" is optional colon. Yes, I know that the colons were a bad idea. But I thought I should write code that accommodated a style I’d been using for the past week or two [24]. The next character is a forward slash. That means that we are done with the pattern.

On to the replacement. The \n\n[ means that I want the two newlines in the result, as well as the open bracket. The<a href="#reference"" is HTML code for an anchor (both the source and target of a link). The \1 indicates that we should use the value matched within the parentheses on the pattern. Everything else is mostly more of the same to set up the HTML appropriately.

What’s left? The options. m means that I want to do multi-line matching. That’s necessary, because I’m trying to identify the blank line before the referents. g means global, which indicates that we should replace the pattern every time it matches. Since I often write more than one endnote (even more than one endnote on each line), that’s clearly necessary.

If I hadn’t tried to write this code in my sleep, it probably would have taken five minutes. But I did try to write it in my sleep [25], so it took closer to fifteen minutes. Not too bad. That’s probably one-fourth the time it took to write the essay about it.

One additional advantage of writing the script myself: I could handle cases like [26,27], in which I have two references. Pandoc would require the much uglier [^26] [^27]. Here’s my code.

$contents =~ s/\[([0-9]*),([0-9]*)]/[<a href="#referent\1" id="reference\1">\1<\/a>,<a href="#referent\2" id="reference\2">\2<\/a>]/gm;

What’s the takeaway from all of this? First, you should now see links between endnote references and the endnotes to which they refer. Second, knowing regular expressions and a language like Perl makes your life much easier. Third, writing about coding often takes much longer than doing the coding. Finally, I should spend the effort to learn the languages I use.

[1] Okay, that’s utterly terrifying. When I went to, I discovered that WordPress powers 27% of the internet [2].

[2] I’m still not sure why the Associated Press decided that Internet is not a proper noun. The word internet, with a lower-case i, should refer to any network of networks. The word Internet, with a capital I, should refer to the particular one that joins most of the world’s computers. However this is one of many battles that I’ve lost.

[3] Haskell is a functional programming language of particularly interest to type snobs like the Prime Minister.

[4] A caret is the small upward-pointing v-like symbol that looks like this: ^.

[5] No, not a carrot; it doesn’t even look like one. That’s probably a mondegreen.

[6] This is number six. Unlike the Prisoner [7], it does not have a name, and is only a number.

[7] The Prisoner is both an awesome cult TV show from the late 1960’s and the name of the main character on that show.

[8] Unfortunately, that approach also means that I would lose my ability to skip footnote 13, unless I as able to apply some tomfoolery [9].

[9] Not to be confused with tum-fullery, which is what happens when you eat your fill.

[10] That is, I should be able to write the program in my sleep; not that I should be able to write a program that runs while I sleep. Although I guess I could do that too, particularly if I use cron.

[11] Avoiding the carets also means that I won’t have to go back and change 100+ essays that don’t use the carets.

[12] Unix programmers older than I probably use Sed and Awk. Younger Unix programmers probably use Ruby, PHP [13], Python, or possibly one of those fancy functional languages I just mentioned. But many Unix programmers of my generation got used to Perl, and it’s good for quick hacks, which is what this program is.

[13] I apologize to my junior faculty for including this evil language in the essay. I hope that real Unix programmers don’t use PHP.

[14] No, I am not intentionally using the word caret repeatedly. It’s just coming up a lot [15].

[15] Since it points upward and is above the bottom of the line, it probably makes sense that the caret comes up regularly [16].

[16] That was supposed to be a joke, in case you weren’t sure.

[17] Your organ known as the colon is probably a good idea, unless you are naming a Hammond organ or something like that.

[18] The two environments in which I most frequently write regular expressions with parenthesization are vi and Perl. vi requires that you put backslashes before the parens; Perl does not.

[19] Those people may never have encountered APL, my favorite write-only language. I miss the old terminals at Usite [20] that had the wonderful Greek keyboards for writing APL programs.

[20] The central computer user’s site at UChicago, up on the top floor of Harper library, open twenty-four seven. I spent way too much of my life in Usite. Maybe I’ll write more about it some time. Of course, since I worked the graveyard shift (midnight to 6am), my memory is likely fuzzy [21].

[21] At the time, my hair was also fuzzy.

[22] I probably should have used \s*, which handles any whitespace, not just tabs. Maybe I’ll go back and fix it. But then I’ll have to worry about whether or not newlines count as whitespace. Maybe [ \t]*. Okay, maybe I’ll just leave it as is.

[23] No, I don’t know why the Unix regular expression designers decided to use square brackets for sets, when mathematicians use curly braces. It’s probably because curly braces ended up marking stuff in C code.

[24] I thought I was thinking ahead. I was wrong.

[25] Well, at least when I was sleepy.

[26] This is a sample endnote.

[27] This is also a sample endnote.

Version 1.0.2 of 2017-05-28.