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I’m an idiot

Topics/tags: Autobiographical, short

Yesterday, I drove to the annual high school swim invite at South-East Polk high school [1]. We had fresh snow, and the highways were slick. But we made it with time to spare.

When I got there and started to park, I said to myself, It’s much better to be facing forward out of a space and decided to plow over the hump of snow at the end of the space. Unfortunately, the hump of snow obscured one of those short concrete barriers they use to mark the ends of spaces, and I went right over [2]. Of course, the hump put my car high enough that, with the snow, I did not have enough traction to back up over it.

Did I mention that I’m an idiot?

Fortunately, Eldest Son was with me and was able to help push it back over the barrier. But, boy, do I feel stupid.

[1] Their team is the Rams. My traditional dad joke is that they should call the team the Tics.

[2] My family thinks that I should have remembered that they had barriers

Version 1.0 of 2019-01-13.