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My first big programming project

In a recent musing, I mentioned that my first programming project for my advisor involved rewriting a program that had one comment. At the time, I promised to explain more about the project. Here’s the broader explanation.

My advisor, the legendary Michael J. O’Donnell, had invented a programming language, which he called Equational Logic Programming (ELP) and which his graduate students tended to refer to as O’Dbol [1,2]. ELP was an interesting language. Programs were series of equations. In some sense, it was like some lazy functional languages. But Mike was a purist at heart; for example, it offended him that the order of evaluation of if was fixed in most languages [4]. ELP was certainly an interesting language.

In any case, his prior graduate student had written an ELP compiler in Franz Lisp that generated VAX assembly code. We no longer had a VAX or a Franz Lisp interpreter. My job was therefore to rewrite the compiler in T [5] and generate 68000 assembly code [7]. Of course, my knowledge of LISP-like languages came primarily from my first course in CS. I’d never taken an architecture course. And, well, neither pair of languages were really what you could call compatible. VAX assembly is a fairly high-level language, even compared to a CISC assembly languages like 68000. Franz Lisp, like many early Lisps, was dynamically scoped. T, as a dialect of Scheme, was statically scoped. I’d never really studied the difference between the two scoping mechanisms, or if I had, I hadn’t understood it.

I called the project my zero knowledge port. I translated things bit, by bit, by bit [8]. But the resulting compiler worked. We could run ELP programs on our new system, and they ran at least as well as they ran on the old system.

But I don’t think anyone would ever want to touch that code. Fortunately, soon thereafter, Mike’s other graduate students decided to do a ground-up rewrite of the compiler. If I recall correctly, Steph Bailey wrote the core parts of the new compiler and David Sherman did an amazing job adding memoization. David’s memoization strategy formed the core of his dissertation [9]. After a failed attempt at writing a structure editor, I went on to explore strange models of program communication, particularly with regards to how we could have imperative programs and lazy functional programs interact.

What did I learn from what must have been a full semester of translation? I didn’t learn T’s object system, which I’m told is awesome. I didn’t learn enough VAX assembly or 68K to be anything close to competent as an assembly language programmer. I did learn that with enough elbow grease, you can get code to work, even if you don’t quite understand it.

More seriously, I gained experience in working on a large project, I learned the value of writing clear and well-documented code, I came to understand why we have intermediate representations when writing compilers, I got really good at reading documentation, and I suppose I developed a better understanding of functional and assembly programming.

Perhaps at some time, I’ll tell you about my attempt to understand an Algol 68 compiler written in Algol 60 [12].

Postscript: Although I have a series of musings called the joy of code, this musing does not belong in that series.

[1] A.k.a. Oddball.

[2] There was a tendency at one time for languages to end with bol. SNOBOL [3] and COBOL are the ones that come to mind, but I’m sure there were others.

[3] Really. Even though I misspelled it as Snowbol in my first iteration of this musing.

[4] It’s been awhile; let’s see if I can remember. It was something to do with the relationship between the equations

(car (cons a b)) = a
(cdr (cons a b)) = b


(if #t a b) = a
(if #f a b) = b

Both pairs of equations let us select one of two values depending on a third. In the first case, the selector value is whether we use car or cdr. In the second, the selector value is whether we use #t or #f. If I recall correctly, Mike was bothered that in the second case, most language implementers make the initial determination that you evaluate the second parameter to if before looking at the other parameters. He felt that the language system, rather than the implementer, should make that determination.

I should also note that my use of Scheme syntax is for the reader’s benefit. Mike believed that the language should be indepedent of the external representation and so ELP had multiple front end syntaxes.

[5] T is a variant of Scheme, T bears no relation to S or R [6]. It appears that Paul Graham has an interesting History of T.

[6] Yes, S and R are programming languages. R is a more modern version of S. Both R and S are commonly used for statistics.

[7] The 68000 series of chips were Motorola’s competition to whatever Intel was making at the time. Motorola no longer makes chips. Guess who won?

[8] Not those 0/1 bits, but small part by small part by small part.

[9] David, who was one of the most organized people I know, also had the misfortune of being my office mate. I was as much of a packrat then as I am now [10].

[10] Among other things, our office was the proud possessor of an HP counter [11] that the Physics department had discarded, dozens of old bound issues of Science from the beginning of the twentieth century that the library had discarded, and assorted journals that the faculty had discarded. Oh, yeah, we also had a bunch of shelves that I trash picked. David can probably tell you what else.

[11] A three-foot by three-foot by three-foot metal cube that must have weighed over 100 pounds. As far as we could tell, its only purpose was to count the number of times an electrical signal was sent to it. It made sense that I got rid of it, but I do miss it.

[12] That musing will almost certainly wait until I find the printout of the compiler that I hope still lives somewhere in my lab.

Version 1.0.1 released 2018-01-19.

Version 1.0.2 of 2018-01-21.