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Cyclic imports in Python

Topics/tags: Rants, code, Python

As is typical, I have committed to too much this summer. I’m running three code camps for middle-school and late-elementary students, one of which we need to design from scratch [1]. That’s probably enough to occupy more than enough time. But I also agreed to do a variety of other things. One of those is to supervise a student who is trying to complete a Grinnell-specific port of Project Callisto, Web-based software that provides a secure and supportive mechanism for survivors of sexual assault to record and, optionally, report.

The reasons that Grinnell didn’t just hire Callisto to build that port are complex; some are clearly beyond my pay grade. I do know that we wanted a form of branching, so that we could provide different sets of questions depending on the circumstances.

My CSC 322 students have been working on the Callisto port for two semesters. It’s time to finish the project, not only because we want it up and running, but also because it’s been a bit of an outlier in the course: Everything else is code that students designed from scratch in Ruby on Rails. This project uses Python and Django code developed by others. If I’m passing the course on to someone else, they shouldn’t have to support students working in two languages and environments.

In any case, the student is wrapping things up and I’m doing the best I can to support them, even though I don’t particularly enjoy programming in Python and don’t regularly use Django.

This week, we’ve been working on a major architectural change. When we started working it, Callisto was two separate pieces of software: callisto-core, which does the main work, and django-wizard-builder, which one uses to build the set of questions and works as a module for callisto-core. My students struggled a lot dealing with two projects. It appears that the Callisto developers did, too. Last December, they merged django-wizard-builder into the main repo. Since the two student teams made lots of changes to both projects, we’re manually merging our two versions.

With some reference to the main project’s merge, we were able to get most of the work done. It would have been easier if some of the messages were clearer. A few times, we’d have a hidden reference to the old wizard-builder that took some time to track down or that we didn’t think to change at first [2].

Then we hit what first seemed to be a confusing problem. A module called models couldn’t find a class in a module called managers, even though we could see the class. My student thought that since models were involved, it was a problem with the database. However, I was fairly sure that it had to do with the underlying Python code. We scratched our heads for a few minutes and then realized that the two classes had a fascinating cyclic dependency. managers imports models and models imports managers. Cyclic dependencies generally cause problems and different languages deal with them differently.

As far as I can tell, Python does something straightforward. Suppose module A imports module B and vice versa. If we import A, Python [3] adds A to the list of imported classes and starts processing the lines until it hits the import B command. At that point, it starts importing B. That is, Python adds B to the list of imported classes and then starts interpreting the lines of B until it hits the import A line. At that point, it realizes that A is already in the list of imported classes and continues on in B. That’s a good thing. Otherwise, we’d get an infinite recursive cycle of imports. However, if B uses any part of A [4], we get into trouble because, well, Python has only read just a little bit of A.

In general, programmers try to avoid cyclic dependencies. But, well, we’re dealing with the code we’ve inherited and, as far as I can tell, the cyclic dependency between models and managers persists in the latest version of Callisto. We could rewrite the code to eliminate the dependency, but it will take some consideration. So, for the time being, we chose a bit of a hack. Exploring the code, we saw that models called part of managers during initialization, but not vice versa. So we had to ensure that the models module was imported first.

We solved that problem in about five minutes. But boy, do I feel unclean.

[1] We need to design the camp from scratch, not the student.

[2] For example, it’s really uncomfortable updating auto-generated migration files.

[3] When I say Python, I really mean the Python interpreter.

[4] More precisely, if B’s initialization routine uses any part of A.

Version 1.0 of 2018-06-07.