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To compose or to pipe

Topics/tags: CSC 151, functional programming, Scheme, technical

Recently, I’ve been working on a reading on higher-order procedures for CSC 151. Higher-order procedures are those that either take other procedures as inputs or produce other procedures as output. We introduce function composition and sectioning early in the semester, when students learn to use them, and then return to them later in the semester, when students learn how to write them (or at least simplified versions). In writing the early reading, one thing I’ve been thinking about is whether to change the way we address function composition.

You may remember function composition from your study of mathematics. The composition operation, ∘, gets written between two functions and means apply the second function and then the first. For example,

(fg)(x) = f(g(x))

For as long as I’ve been teaching function composition in 151, I’ve followed that pattern, although with Scheme syntax. For example, (o square add1) represents a procedure that adds one to its parameter and then squares it. I like that order because it matches not only what we do in mathematics, but also how you’d write things in Scheme. That is,

((o square add1) 4) = (square (add1 4))

But humans tend to think from left to right. So it feels like add then square should have the addition procedure appear before the square procedure. That’s also the order in which we write things in the Unix or Linux shell when we want to sequence operations. So let’s call that operator pipe [1].

((pipe square add1) 4) = (add1 (square 4))

I recall a student stopping by my office early this year telling me how excited they were to learn about something like pipe. From my perspective, the order of parameters to the operation is a relatively small matter. That is, once you know how to use o, pipe should be comparatively trivial, and therefore less necessary.

Nonetheless, I’ve been playing with the question of function composition today. Should I continue to teach the original model of function composition, should I teach the pipe order, or should I teach both?

I’m disinclined to teach both, at least early in the semester. Experience suggests that students get confused by multiple procedures that do similar things but with slightly different parameters [2]. As I mentioned, I like that our traditional composition matches both mathematics and what you normally write in Racket. But there’s also an advantage to matching how we think (do this, then this, then this). And, in some ways, that matches another kind of ordering we see in Scheme or Racket: Given a series of expressions, we evaluate the first, then the second, then the third, and so on.

As I said, it’s not that hard to write to write pipe if you’ve written o, or vice versa [3]. So the question is mostly conceptual. And, the more I think about it, the more I’m going to stick with the original ordering. But perhaps I’ll talk to the student again about why they found pipe so compelling.

I’ll note that thought processes like these are one of the reasons that it’s taking me a lot of time to write FunDHum. Rather than sticking with what we’ve done before, I’m questioning many of our traditional approaches. That takes time. The associated decision to write new macros or new code adds even more time.

Postscript: You may recall that I mentioned that we introduce two higher-order approaches early on. After fumbling through these issues, I spent even more time thinking about sectioning. I’ve decided to use a new syntax for sectioning, one that is a bit further from cut, which was almost certainly the basis of my design of section. Because I’m using a new syntax, I should also have a new name. So I spent much of the remainder of today thinking through those issues and writing new code. I like the new approach, but I haven’t found a good name. More on both issues tomorrow.

[1] I won’t have students write it as |. Or at least I don’t think I will.

[2] Unfortunately, that hasn’t always stopped me from providing such sets of procedures.

[3] It’s gotten a bit harder since I decided to rewrite o as a macro today. Now, (o f g h) literally rewrites to (lambda (x) (f (g (h x)))), except with a parameter whose name is generated by gensym.

Version 1.0 of 2018-11-12.