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How should a student learn compilers and interpreters? (#1132)

Topics/tags: Miscellaneous, technical

At the end of today’s session of CSC-282: Thinking in C and Linux, a student asked me about compilers. They had some explicit questions:

How do I learn about compilers? Since there’s not a compilers course anymore, can I do an independent study in compilers and interpreters?

I think there was also an implicit question or statement.

Why did you cancel Compilers? It sounds like a cool course.

I would agree that Compilers is a cool course. The Compilers course also plays an important role in my life; teaching Compilers at Dartmouth got me started in my professional career. And Grinnell is definitely a programming languages department; I’m pretty sure it’s the most common area for our students to pursue in graduate school. The Compilers course also sits at the intersection of theory and practice; I believe some schools that track courses give it theory credit and others give it systems credit. We used to give it project course credit. At that point, students could take either CSC-362, Compilers [1], or CSC-323, Software Design [2]. Our theory was Students should take a course in which they work in a team to build a large software project. Evidence suggests that a compiler is among the largest projects students build as undergraduates.

So, why did we do away with the Compilers course? My memory is a bit foggy, and I may be combining two curricular changes, but the rationale went something like this.

We had created a new software design course [3]. It seems like as a department, we felt that all of our students needed to do more than just work on a big project; they also had to more carefully consider issues of teamwork and project design, from methodologies such as agile and waterfall, through good practices guided by design patterns, to the experience of working with nontechnical clients. The design of the new software design course was also such that it had to be offered at least annually—preferably, each semester—so that students could work on multi-semester projects for our local clients. So we moved Compilers from meeting the build something big requirement to a Languages requirement, which students could meet with either Compilers or our Programming Languages course, CSC-302 [4].

What Programming Languages course?, you may ask. We did away with that course, too. Why? Well, traditionally the Programming Languages course teaches students the core programming paradigms: Imperative, Functional, Object-Oriented, and Declarative (or some subset of Declarative, such as Logic). Since our introductory sequence covers three of the four paradigms, it was not clear whether we needed a traditional PL course. And, as we considered one of the ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula, probably Curricula 2013, but perhaps its predecessor [5], we decided that we needed more choices in our curriculum and that languages could be an option in the major, rather than a requirement. We cut Compilers and some other four-credit courses to make room for more two-credit courses. We did include a course on Programming Language Implementation, CSC-312, which I recall a colleague planning as a 2+2 course: They would teach it as a two-credit half-semester course, and students could enroll for a plus two to continue it for the second half of the semester [6].

That course is still on the books. But it’s much more of an interpreters course than a compilers course; the focus is less on parsing and lexing and translation and more on thinking about how you represent different kinds of issues. At least I think it is. When we’ve offered it, it’s drawn upon the Friedman and Wand, Essentials of Programming Languages text [7].

Unfortunately, we remain significantly understaffed for the number of majors we have. It’s hard to find bodies to staff the two-credit courses. Our external reviewers have also recommended that we do away with the two-credit courses. I expect we’ll end up with one programming language course after everything shakes out, but it will probably be whatever PM comes with, perhaps a hybrid PL/HCI course [8].

So, that’s why we don’t currently have a Compilers course. At least I think that’s why we don’t have a Compilers course.

Let’s move on to one of the more explicit questions.

Can I do an independent study in compilers and interpreters?

Grinnell College policies do not allow students to do an independent study in a topic that matches a regularly offered course. Arguably, CSC-312 is a regularly offered course, even though it hasn’t been offered in the past few years. So one could argue that we shouldn’t offer an independent study in compilers and interpreters.

But there’s another reason this student probably can’t do an independent study in compilers and interpreters: The CS faculty are fairly close to the limits of their bandwidth; I don’t think any of us have the time or energy to supervise such an independent. When I was chair [9], I would have strongly discouraged my colleagues from taking on such an independent.

That leaves the last question.

How can I learn about compilers and interpreters?

I’m not sure that I have a great answer to that. It depends a bit on why you want to learn about compilers and interpreters. Do you want to include a language in a project you are building? Use one of those plug-in Scheme interpreters [10]. Domain-specific languages are all the rage these days.

But we’ll assume that you just want to understand the underlying ideas better. Most of the modern research in compilers is on optimization, which may be beyond what an undergraduate would want to do [11]. But lexing, parsing, translation, semantics, internal representations, and such?

You could take a MOOC. I see that Alex Aiken runs a free one that’s offered on Stanford Online. That appears to be a standard compilers class.

You could try to build one yourself. I’d recommend starting with an interpreter, perhaps even a simple Scheme interpreter. The Friedman and Wand Essentials of Programming Languages books is likely something that a few students could work through together.

I don’t think I told the student all of that. I just told them Talk to PM, or maybe Charlie.

If my readers have something else to suggest, I’m happy to pass it along to my students.

Postscript: Reader suggestions.

For students interested in building interpreters but with an imperative language, @munificentbob’s book Crafting Interpreters is a good (and free!) resource:

[1] Was that the number? It feels right. Sam checks. Yup. I taught it five times between the fall of 1998 and the fall of 2011.

[2] Maybe it was CSC-223. It’s had both numbers. We might even want to consider moving CSC-324 back to CSC-224.

[3] By we, I mean Janet. And by Janet, I mean my amazing colleague, Janet Davis.

[4] I taught that one six times between the spring of 1998 and the spring of 2011.

[5] If I recall correctly, CC 2013 added back in some PL stuff that the prior Computing Curriculum cut. Given the preponderance of functional approaches in modern programming, I wonder if those earlier designers regret cutting functional programming from the core curriculum.

[6] There are times that the members of our department are way too enthusiastic about doing extra work in support of our student’s learning.

[7] There’s a different Friedman, Wand, and Haynes text, right?

[8] I also don’t know what will happen with HCI. I’m enjoying teaching it this term, and I think it’s important to have HCI somewhere in our curriculum, but fitting it into our regular schedule will be hard.

[9] I’m calling myself Former Chair, at least for this year.

[10] Or plug in [language of your choice] interpreters.

[11] Was the gap between the course and the current research a reason we cut both Compilers and Programming Languages [12]? I don’t think so, but I’m not sure.

[12] Isn’t much of the current research in PL based around type theory?

Version 1.0 released 2021-04-06.

Version 1.1 of 2021-04-07.