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Simple macros for testing C programs

Good programmers test their code. Many languages have fairly standardized testing frameworks. For example, Java has JUnit, Racket has RackUnit, and Ruby has Minitest, Cucumber, RSpec, and more [1]. Because C was developed so long before the advent of test-driven development or even the xUnit series of test frameworks, there is less standardization in C. As we saw in an earlier essay, one can do simple testing using the assert macro. However, assert may be of limited value since it tells you only that an assertion failed. It then becomes up to you to trace why.

As a next step, we might develop our own simple testing framework. We’ll focus on the basics: We often want to check whether an expression has a particular value. For example, if we’ve written a square procedure, we might want to check that the square of 5 is 25. Let’s write a simple macro, CHECK_EQUAL_INT(EXPECTED, ACTUAL), that evaluates ACTUAL, checks whether it equals EXPECTED, and issues an error message if they are not equal.

Let’s see … we could write that as follows.

    { \
      fprintf (stderr, "Expected %d, got %d\n", EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \

Of course, we need a procedure to test. Let’s see … what would be useful? It’s surprisingly hard to choose a procedure that I want to implement incorrectly. But here’s one: Let’s write a procedure to round integers to the nearest multiple of ten. Here’s an incorrect implementation.

 * Find the multiple of ten closest to n.
nmo10 (int n)
  return n - (n % 10);
} // nmo10

Here are a few tests.

  CHECK_EQUAL_INT(0, nmo10 (3));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT(10, nmo10 (12));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT(20, nmo10 (18));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT(20, nmo10 (22));

Which of these does it pass? Let’s see.

$ ./a.out
Expected 20, got 10

Well, that’s nice. We got one error. But we don’t know which one it is. I suppose it would be useful to print out the expression as well as its value. But how? Fortunately, the gcc macro system lets us put an octothorpe [2] before a parameter and get a string. Hence, we can update our macro slightly for clearer output.

    { \
      fprintf (stderr, \
               "For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
               #ACTUAL, EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \

What’s our output now?

$ ./a.out
For 'nmo10 (18)', expected 20, got 10

Much nicer! Can we do anything to make it even nicer? Let’s compare this output to what we get from assert. First, we’ll rewrite our tests as assertions.

  assert (0 == nmo10 (3));
  assert (10 == nmo10 (12));
  assert (20 == nmo10 (18));
  assert (20 == nmo10 (22));

Next, we’ll compile and run the program.

$ ./a.out
a.out: example.c:24: main: Assertion `20 == nmo10 (18)' failed.

Let’s see … assert also showed us the problematic check, but didn’t tell us what we got for nmo10 (18). That makes our macro a bit more useful. On the other hand, assert did give us a file and line number. We should find a way to add those. A quick Web search gives us useful documentation for GCC macros. In particular, we can quickly learn that the macros __FILE__ and __LINE__ are available to us. We can add those to our output.

    { \
      fprintf (stderr, \
               "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
               __FILE__, __LINE__, #ACTUAL, EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \

We might also add a few more tests.

  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (0));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (3));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (10, nmo10 (9));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (10, nmo10 (12));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (20, nmo10 (18));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (20, nmo10 (22));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1000, nmo10 (998));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1000, nmo10 (1000));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1000, nmo10 (1005));

Is our improved output better?

$ ./a.out
example.c, line 25: For 'nmo10 (9)', expected 10, got 0
example.c, line 27: For 'nmo10 (18)', expected 20, got 10
example.c, line 29: For 'nmo10 (998)', expected 1000, got 990

Yes, that’s much better. We know where the error is. We know that we expected and what we actually got. We know what the expression is. We couldn’t want much more than that.

Now that we have a reasonable testing macro, we should follow the policies of test-driven design and fix our errors. What was that incorrect definition?

nmo10 (int n)
  return n - (n % 10);
} // nmo10

Hmmm … Ah! I’ve got it. If I’m subtracting the remainder when dividing by 10, I’ll always round down. That’s easy enough to fix. I’ll just check whether the remainder is less than five.

nmo10 (int n)
  if ((n % 10) < 5)
    return n - (n % 10);
    return 10 + n - (n % 10);
} // nmo10

This should pass our tests, right?

$ ./a.out
example.c, line 34: For 'nmo10 (1005)', expected 1000, got 1010

Ah! That’s interesting. Nearest multiple of 10 is ambiguous for multiples of 5. In writing the tests, I assumed we’d round down. In writing the code, I assumed we should round up [3]. Which is correct? Arguably, either, as long as we document correctly [4]. Let’s round up, which means we should change our test.

  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1010, nmo10 (1005));

Does our program pass now?

$ ./a.out

No output means that it passes. Does that mean our program is correct? Let’s think about our tests. Have we checked all of the edge cases? We’ve tested using some large numbers. We might check even larger numbers. We have tested using 0 [5]. Wait! We haven’t tested using negative numbers. We definitely should.

  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (0));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (3));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (10, nmo10 (9));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (10, nmo10 (12));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (20, nmo10 (18));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (20, nmo10 (22));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1000, nmo10 (998));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1000, nmo10 (1000));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1010, nmo10 (1005));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (731230, nmo10 (731227));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (731230, nmo10 (731231));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (731230, nmo10 (731234));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (-1));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (-3));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (0, nmo10 (-5));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-10, nmo10 (-7));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-10, nmo10 (-9));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-10, nmo10 (-10));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-10, nmo10 (-11));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-731230, nmo10 (-731227));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-731230, nmo10 (-731231));
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (-731230, nmo10 (-731234));

These will pass, right?

$ ./a.out
example.c, line 41: For 'nmo10 (-7)', expected -10, got 0
example.c, line 42: For 'nmo10 (-9)', expected -10, got 0
example.c, line 45: For 'nmo10 (-731227)', expected -731230, got -731220

It looks like our code is wrong for some negative numbers, but not all of them. Why? Oh, yeah, when you use % to compute a remainder and you give it a negative number, it gives you a negative remainder.

We’ll leave fixing nmo10 as an exercise for the reader. Instead, we’ll look at a few more changes we might make to the CHECK_EQUAL_INT macro.

First, we should make it possible to turn off testing. We have two options. We could require that TEST be defined for the tests to run. Or we could require that NOTEST [6] be defined to turn off the tests. Let’s use the latter strategy.

#ifdef NOTEST
    { \
      fprintf (stderr, \
               "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
               __FILE__, __LINE__, #ACTUAL, EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \

The preprocessor should now give us different results depending on how we compile.

$ cc -E example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  if (0 != nmo10 (0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 30, "nmo10 (0)", 0, nmo10 (0)); };
  if (0 != nmo10 (3)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 31, "nmo10 (3)", 0, nmo10 (3)); };
$ cc -E -DNOTEST example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])

That’s not bad. The semicolons on lines by themselves worry me slightly. Here’s one strategy I was taught: do { } while (0) is a statement that does nothing, which means that the compiler eliminates it. At the same time, it does consume the semicolon at the end. Let’s make that change. We’ll make it in the primary macro, too, since it’s odd to have a semicolon after a close brace.

#ifdef NOTEST
#define CHECK_EQUAL_INT(EXPECTED, ACTUAL) do { } while (0)
  do \
    { \
      if (EXPECTED != ACTUAL) \
        { \
          fprintf (stderr, \
                   "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
                   __FILE__, __LINE__, #ACTUAL, EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \
        } \
    } \
  while (0)

We should examine the effects of that change.

$ cc -E example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  do { if (0 != nmo10 (0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 34, "nmo10 (0)", 0, nmo10 (0)); } } while (0);
  do { if (0 != nmo10 (3)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 35, "nmo10 (3)", 0, nmo10 (3)); } } while (0);
  do { if (10 != nmo10 (9)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 36, "nmo10 (9)", 10, nmo10 (9)); } } while (0);
$ cc -E -DNOTEST example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  do { } while (0);
  do { } while (0);
  do { } while (0);

Better. Surprisingly, as I was checking some of my sources while writing this musing, I did learn that some folks suggest a different approach [7]. In particular, you want the compiler to see the testing statement no matter what, just so you know that it’s syntactically correct. But you set things up in such a way that a smart compiler will eliminate them so that there’s no code executed. We’ll set a global constant to 0 or 1, depending on whether or not we want the test to run.

#ifdef NOTEST
#define __TESTING__ 0
#define __TESTING__ 1

  do \
    { \
      if (__TESTING__) \
        { \
          if (EXPECTED != ACTUAL) \
            { \
              fprintf (stderr, \
                       "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
                       __FILE__, __LINE__, #ACTUAL, EXPECTED, ACTUAL); \
            } \
        } \
    } \
  while (0)

Here’s a bit more output.

$ cc -E example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  do { if (1) { if (0 != nmo10 (0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 40, "nmo10 (0)", 0, nmo10 (0)); } } } while (0);
  do { if (1) { if (0 != nmo10 (3)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 41, "nmo10 (3)", 0, nmo10 (3)); } } } while (0);
  do { if (1) { if (10 != nmo10 (9)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 42, "nmo10 (9)", 10, nmo10 (9)); } } } while (0);
$ cc -E -DNOTEST example.c
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  do { if (0) { if (0 != nmo10 (0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 40, "nmo10 (0)", 0, nmo10 (0)); } } } while (0);
  do { if (0) { if (0 != nmo10 (3)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", "example.c", 41, "nmo10 (3)", 0, nmo10 (3)); } } } while (0);

Aren’t you glad that you don’t have to read preprocessed C with any regularity?

We still have a bit more work to do for this macro. As we saw in our initial exploration of macros, we should worry about side effects in the expressions passed to our macros, since we might end up calling an expression twice. Here’s an example in which someone misunderstands the purpose of postfix ++ in their tests.

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int x = 0;
  CHECK_EQUAL_INT (1, x++);

  return 0;
} // main

Logically, the first test should fail and the second test should succeed. However, that’s not what happens.

$ ./example
example.c, line 59: For 'x++', expected 1, got 1
example.c, line 60: For 'x', expected 1, got 2

What happened? x++ got called twice, once in the comparison and once in the call to printf. We really want it called once, no matter what. One way to address that issue is to add local variables. Let’s do so.

  do \
    { \
      if (__TESTING__) \
        { \
          int expected = EXPECTED; \
          int actual = ACTUAL; \
          if (expected != actual) \
            { \
              fprintf (stderr, \
                       "%s, line %d: For '%s', expected %d, got %d\n", \
                       __FILE__, __LINE__, #ACTUAL, expected, actual); \
            } \
        } \
    } \
  while (0)

That change should fix our problem.

$ ./example
example.c, line 42: For 'x++', expected 1, got 0

Yup. That fixed it. We’ve gone about as far as I normally go in writing a testing macro. It was a lot of work, but it’s work we’re going to do once and then use in a wide range of code [8].

Are we done? Although we’re done with the definition of CHECK_EQUAL_INT, we are not done with our framework. If we were making a full-fledged testing framework, even a simple one, we’d want to do a few more things.

We should add support for more types: strings, longs, doubles, etc. Floating-point types will present a small UI challenge, since we’ll want to think about how to deal with approximation. For strings, we may also want to consider whether we want to support both exact equality and case-insensitive equality.

We should find a way to make our program return 1 if any test failed and 0 if all the tests pass. We could change the definition of CHECK_EQUAL_INT so that it exits immediately upon failure. But most programmers find it useful to see all of their errors, not just the first one.

We should provide access to the number of tests and the number of failed tests, primarily so that we can report those to the programmer. We also want access to those so that the test program knows what to return.

But each of those tasks requires some effort. We’ll leave them as topics for a future section or exercise.

The Hemingway Editor tells me that this piece is comprehensible to people with a Grade 2 education. I knew that the CS10K initiative was getting programming into our schools, but I didn’t realize that it was so early. I must also admit that if I were to choose a language for 2nd graders, I’d choose Scratch rather than C.

[1] Ruby definitely has an interesting developer community.

[2] hash, pound, #

[3] Yes, I really did make that pair of inconsistent decisions.

[4] Some implementations of rounding of decimal numbers round 0.5 to the nearest even number. So round(1.5) => 2, but round(4.5) => 4. We won’t worry about being that sensible.

[5] As long as 0 is a valid input to your procedure, you should test with zero.

[6] NOTEST is intended to represent NO TEST not NOT EST. Even though I reside in the midwest, I have no opposition to Eastern Standard Time.

[7] While I don’t always trust StackOverflow, some advice on StackOverflow can be good.

[8] As importantly, once you’ve done the work to write these kinds of macros once, you find it much easier to do so again in the future. And, as was the case when I wrote this piece, sometimes you learn new things doing it again.

Version 1.0 of 2017-04-08.