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Preconditions for strcpy (#1130)

Topics/tags: Don’t embarrass me, don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix

As you may recall, I often use the K&R explanation of strcpy to explain what it means to think like a C programmer [1]

void strcpy(char *s, char *t)
  while (*s++ = *t++)

Why does this code require a special kind of thinking? Well, among other things, it requires you to understand how pointers and dereferncing work, how post-increment works with pointers, precedence, that strings are zero-terminated, and that assignment expressions return the value assigned.

Here’s the next question: Given two strings (character pointers), u and v, how do we know whether we can safely call strcpy(u,v)? Computer scientists often refer to these as the preconditions of strcpy.

There are at least two aspects to that question. First, what expectations do we place on those strings and second, how do we determine whether or not those expectations are met?

The basic expectations seem fairly obvious, at least to me. The source (conveniently called t) should be a null-terminated string. The target (conveniently called s) should have sufficient space allocated to it to hold all of t, including the null terminator. For example, if we are calling strcpy(u,v) and strlen(v) is 12, then we should have at least 13*sizeof(char) free space in the memory associated with u, starting at u.

Of course, this is C, so things are a bit complicated. We can’t really say that u’s size is at least 13*sizeof(char), since u may not have its own size. Consider, for example, the following code that allocates some space and has u point to the middle of it.

    char *str = malloc(128);
    char *u = str + 64;

We can copy strings of up to length 63 [2] to u.

But let’s ignore that complication. Suppose we just have strings allocated in the normal ways, either with malloc, as above, or by declaring them as a fixed length. Suppose that we only pass around pointers to the start of allocated space. Is there a way to programatically check whether a call to strcpy(u,v) will be safe?

When I ask students that, they usually give one of three answers. We can use sizeof, We can use strlen, or I’m not sure. Unfortunately, the last answer is probably the most correct. sizeof works fine in a few situations. strlen only works well when the allocated space is terminated with a zero and has no intervening zeros. Let’s see …

helper (char *name, char *str)
  printf ("helper: sizeof(%s) = %d\n", name, (int) sizeof (str));
  printf ("helper: strlen(%s) = %d\n", name, (int) strlen (str));
  printf ("\n");
} // helper (char *, char *)

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  char *s1 = malloc(128);
  char s2[64];
  char *s3 = "this is a string";

  printf ("sizeof(s1) = %d\n", (int) sizeof (s1));
  printf ("strlen(s1) = %d\n", (int) strlen (s1));
  helper ("s1", s1);

  printf ("sizeof(s2) = %d\n", (int) sizeof (s2));
  printf ("strlen(s2) = %d\n", (int) strlen (s2));
  helper ("s2", s2);

  printf ("sizeof(s3) = %d\n", (int) sizeof (s3));
  printf ("strlen(s3) = %d\n", (int) strlen (s3));
  helper ("s3", s3);

  return 0;
} // main(int, char*[])

Can you predict the output? Let’s look at the first two lines, at least on my MacBook.

sizeof(s1) = 8
strlen(s1) = 0

Hmmm … Where does the 8 come from? It appears we’re using eight bytes per pointer. And the 0? Well, I guess malloc is giving me space that happens to start with 0. I don’t think it’s guaranteed to do so [3].

Okay, what will the next outputs be? Those are from the first call to helper.

helper: sizeof(s1) = 8
helper: strlen(s1) = 0

That makes sense. s1 is still a pointer. It still points to a chunk of memory that starts with zero.

How about the next case, s2. Let’s check the first two output lines. 8 and 0 again, right?

sizeof(s2) = 64
strlen(s2) = 6

Whoops. I guess not. Why not? Let’s start with the size. It turns out that within the same scope, sizeof can usually tell the size of an array [4]. What about the length? Where does the 6 come from? I have no idea. It’s remarkably consistent on my Mac, although if I try to print out s2, I get a variety of results. On one of the virtual MathLAN Linux workstations, I consistently get a strlen of 1. In any case, it appears to bear no relation to the 64.

What do you think the output from the helper will be? Will we see 64 and 6 again (or 64 and 1), or will we see 8 and 0 again, or what?

helper: sizeof(s2) = 8
helper: strlen(s2) = 6

I get a strlen of 1 on the Linux workstation. And if I take a minute to think about it, the outputs do make sense. Within helper, all the compiler knows is that s2 is a character pointer. Those require 8 bytes on the machines I use. And the length of strings doesn’t change.

On to the third case. Remember that? It’s a constant string. We won’t be able to copy into s3, but it would be nice to know something about it.

Have you made your prediction? I have. It a character pointer, so it requires eight bytes. The string has sixteen characters (if I count correctly), so the string length will be sixteen.

sizeof(s3) = 8
strlen(s3) = 16

What about the last two lines of output? I think we have enough data to use. The size of any char pointer is 8 bytes, at least on the architectures and compilers I’m using. The length of a string doesn’t change. But let’s see.

helper: sizeof(s3) = 8
helper: strlen(s3) = 16

So far, so good. Or perhaps so far, so bad. We’re having trouble getting any information on the size of a chunk of allocated memory. Is it still worth checking one more situation? Why not. Let me add one more declaration.

  char *s4 = s2;

What will sizeof(s4) report? Recall that sizeof(s2) was 64.

Do you have an answer?

Are you sure?

Well, it turns out that sizeof(s4) is 8. It’s a character pointer. The standard C compiler will not trace assignments in computing sizes. I’m still not completely sure why it does for array declarations.

Where were we? Oh, that’s right. We were trying to ensure that we could safely call strcpy on two strings and asking whether we could check that safety programatically. Guess what? We can’t, at least not easily. Why not? Because C doesn’t give you easy access to the size of the chunk of memory associated with a pointer. Can it? Not necessarily. Not with changing a lot of other assumptions. In the end, C expects the programmer to be smart enough to keep track of how much memory they have available.

Isn’t that fun?

So what are your options as a C programmer? You can be careful about how you code. You can carry about sizes along with pointers, either as separate variables, or in structs. But you have to accept that not all the information you’d like is available programatically, and so you either write code carefully or risk crashes.

Postscript: These days, I assume there are some good static analyzers that can help answer questions like this. I should find time to look into them. But not today. And not tomorrow. And, after all, this is a course/book/whatever about traditional modes of thinking in C.

[1] Perhaps I should say Think like a C language designer.

[2] I think that appropriately acknowledges the string terminator.

[3] Not at least in my quick tests. Maybe I’ll write about those separately.

[4] It may always be able to tell the size of an array. I’m just hedging my bets.

Version 1.0 of 2021-04-01.