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An introduction to Don’t embarrass me; Don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix (#175)

Topics/tags: Don’t embarrass me, don’t embarrass yourself: Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix

Welcome to a work [1] that is tentatively entitled Don’t embarrass me; Don’t embarrass yourself and tentatively subtitled Thoughts on thinking in C and Unix. As the subtitle suggests, the focus of the work is to help people develop skills as C programmers and as Unix programmers [2]. In case you weren’t sure, C is a programming language designed in the early 1970’s, and Unix is both an operating system and a user environment designed about the same time. That both have survived and perhaps even flourished is a testimony to certain aspects of their design, and that makes them worth knowing and knowing about.

This work has evolved from a series of conversations I had with students when I last taught our upper-level course in compilers [3]. I was teaching a fairly traditional version of the course, using either the Red Dragon Book or the Purple Dragon book [4] and the traditional tools of Lex and Yacc [6] to translate something that looked a whole lot like Pascal. However, almost every time I assumed that they knew how to do something that I thought should be obvious to seasoned undergraduates, most of them looked at me in puzzlement. It should be easy to track down that segfault, I would say, just use gdb or valgrind [8,10]. They’d say We’ve only used gdb once, and what is this valgrind thingy? Or I might say the following macro will help, and they’d not know what a C macro is. Don’t even get me started on function pointers.

So I started giving a series of optional, mostly impromptu, lectures [11] on topics I thought they should know as students who program in C in a Unix-like environment [12]. Most of the class came, as did a few hangers-on. Toward the end of the semester, they said Those lectures were great. You should offer a course like this. Now, a course in how to use various Unix tools and how to program better in C feels a bit too practical for a liberal arts college like Grinnell. But I agreed that the lectures seemed to be useful. So I came up with a compromise: During my next sabbatical, I offered a one-credit course [14,15] in which I gave a somewhat more in-depth treatment of these topics.

Somewhat in jest, I started referring to the course as Don’t embarrass me; Don’t embarrass yourself. Why? Because most of our students, having completed our introductory sequence, write that they are competent C programmers (or something equivalent) on their résumés. But a C programmer who doesn’t know macros; or can’t use a debugger well; or hasn’t figured out how to manage a moderate-sized, multi-file C project; or can’t use the obvious Unix tools to make her life easier isn’t really a competent C programmer. If they go off and claim that they are to someone else, it embarrasses me, and it should embarrass them.

I quickly realized that I was teaching more than tools and techniques; both C and Unix promote particular ways of thinking about programming and problem solving. Hence, in many ways, I was teaching students how to think in C and Unix. These are clearly useful ways to think; I’ve even heard from some of our students who go on to work at Microsoft and Microsoft prefers candidates with a Unix background because of how Unix encourages them to think.

The first offering of the course was pretty successful. I had one colleague from another department sit in on the course, and, at the end, pronounced it one of the most useful courses at Grinnell [16]. It continues to seem successful in that students keep taking it and students not enrolled still sit in on the course.

Why am I writing all of it down? Since I am more used to teaching in what our department calls workshop-style classes and which many people might think of as a flipped classroom (students read stuff in advance and do work during class), I thought it would be useful to turn some of my lectures into readings, which should allow a somewhat different in-class approach. This work, as I am referring to it, represents my attempt to create the appropriate readings to prepare students for in-class work. I expect that I’ll still expect them to do out-of-class programming exercises; we’ll probably end up using in-class time to discuss their answers to those exercises.

I’m also writing this stuff down for another reason, one of the reasons that I think the course is successful. My colleague, Jerod Weinman, tells me that all of the courses he ended up taking with one of us undergraduate instructors were effectively storytime with Frank. In many ways, this course is storytime with SamR. That is, I inject a lot of side notes from my experiences teaching and programming, and those side notes help provide additional context to why we approach things in the way we do. I hope my readers find those side stories and notes as useful as my students do, and I hope my students continue to find them useful in this different form.

Does the world really need another book on thinking in C and Unix? Probably not. Eric S. Raymond’s The Art of Unix Programming is an excellent text that is available free online [17]. Kernighan and Pike’s The Unix Programming Environment is a classic [18]. Although Mike Gancarz’s The Unix Philosophy, is less widely read than those two works, it also has very useful parts. Beyond that, there’s a whole Web of information on these topics.

However, I still find it useful to present these materials in a way that will make sense to our students, and that reflects my own perspectives on programming and program development. I also find that each of those books is simultaneously too basic (e.g., my students don’t really need to learn about directory structures; they learned that in CSC-161 [19] and elsewhere) and too advanced (e.g., I don’t need to cover low-level system calls; they should learn those in CSC-211 [20] or CSC-213 [21]). I’m targeting somewhere in between And, as noted above, the writings will allow me to teach more of a workshop-style class [22]. Also, lots of people continue to write books on topics that have already been covered in classic works.

Will there be an audience beyond my students? I don’t know [23]. I’m not sure that I really care. If this work allows my students to learn better, it’s worth my time.

In the next two parts of the introduction, we will consider what it means to think in C and to think in Unix.

[1] Right now, the work consists of a series of comparatively short writings posted to the World-Wide Web. Eventually, it may end up in book or pamphlet form. I will refer to it as a work so that I do not bias toward any particular form.

[2] Unix programmers has multiple possible meanings. In this case, I mean programmers working within the textual user interfaces typically associated with the Unix and GNU Linux operating systems.

[3] A compiler is a computer program that translates from one programming language (typically one that is more easily understood by humans) to another programming language (typically one that is more easily understood by computers). The last step of this translation is typically taking various pieces of the translated code, as well as some standard code, and compiling them together into one piece. For some reason, instead of calling the whole process translation, computer scientists and computer programmers started referring to it in terms of the last step, which is compilation.

[4] For a time, some classic computer science textbooks were referred to by the drawings on their cover. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, is a classic book on compilers and has a knight fighting the red dragon of compiler complexity using the various tools of a compiler writer [5]. Hence, the Red Dragon book. A recent revision has a purple dragon on the cover.

[5] My snobbish programming language faculty tell me that while the kind of compilation that Aho, Sethi, Ullman, and now Lam focus on has great historical and intellectual interest, it is not how modern compilers work. I still think it’s a useful way to teach compilers. the compiler

[6] Lex is a program that makes it easy to identify the individual parts of speech in a program; in technical terms, it does lexical analysis. Yacc does the more complex portions of the compilation [7]. Its name stands for Yet another compiler compiler.

[7] No, that’s not called Yaking.

[8] Although the name valgrind makes it sound like you are grinding values; the i in grind is pronounced more like ih as in sin (doing something bad, not the trig function) [9].

[9] I was going to say It rhymes with wind, but then I realized that wind can be pronounced one way to mean blowing air (which is what I meant) and another way to mean twist and turn.

[10] These days, address sanitizer or something similar seems to be a more common approach. I’ve used it a bit, but need to use it more.

[11] I don’t really lecture. I talk for a bit, and then ask students to answer questions. In my experience, you learn better by trying and thinking on your own, than by listening. I also find that you learn many things better if you’ve tried yourself, and then someone suggests a better approach.

[12] E.g., Linux, macOS.

[14] Typical Grinnell courses are four credits.

[15] My choice to offer a one-credit course during a sabbatical says something about my personality. My decision to write something like a textbook for the course likely says something similar.

[16] I think that was a compliment.

[17] I have heard that many people are not comfortable reading ESR, so it may be appropriate to write some new things.

[18] It does not have a cover illustration, so it has not alternate name.

[19] CSC-161 is Grinnell’s Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures, the second course in Grinnell’s CS curriculum. It covers the basics of C programming, including some pointer management, as well as simple linked data structures and a bit of Linux.

[20] CSC-211 is Computer Organization and Architecture.

[21] CSC-213 is Operating Systems. Well, it’s really Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms. But it’s primarily an OS course.

[22] I suppose I could find parts of those other readings to do the same. However, I actually think it’s easier to write the stuff myself.

[23] I did have a colleague at another institution tell me that they were using parts in their intro systems course.

Version 1.0 released 2017-01-01.

Version 1.2.1 of 2022-01-23.