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grep and regular expressions

Part of an ongoing series of essays tentatively entitled Don’t embarrass me, Don’t embarrass yourself: Notes on thinking in C and Unix.

At some point in your career, you will realize that you have enough files that you don’t know where some things are. It may be as simple as wondering where a procedure is defined amongst a few dozen [1] source files. It may be as complex as trying to remember where you took notes on a particular topic. It may even involve digging something out from someone else’s files.

Fortunately, there’s a standard Unix tool for finding text in files. It’s called grep [2]. You write grep PATTERN FILES, it shows you everywhere in the files that the pattern appears. For example, if I want to see everywhere I use the procedure str2long, I’d write grep 'str2long' *.c [3]. If I wanted to see where my email appeared in a bunch of files, I’d use grep '' * [4].

Of course, we sometimes want more complicated patterns. For example, if I want to figure out where a procedure is defined, rather than where it is used, I probably want the one place in which the procedure name appears at the start of a line [5]. In grep, we use a caret (^) to represent the start of a line. We might want to handle multi-word phrases in which one or more spaces can appear between words. We might want to handle variants of the same word.

A long time ago [6], computer scientists [7] were looking at ways to model language and computation. Stephen Kleene [8] developed a set of languages called the regular languages as well as a structure for describing them, known as regular expressions. When you take a course in automata and formal languages, you’ll learn a lot more about regular languages and regular expressions, including how to write machines that match them quickly. In any case, regular expressions have now entered the common toolset of most computer scientists and computer programmers. Of course, because we can’t agree on anything, there are multiple syntaxes for regular expressions, some closely related and some not so closely related. We will explore the basic concepts and syntax of regular expressions as they are used with grep.

  • The simplest regular expression is a sequence of regular characters [9], such as numbers and letters of the alphabet. A sequence of regular characters matches the same sequence of characters in a file.
  • A few special characters match positionally. Caret matches the beginning of the line. A dollar sign ($) matches the end of the line.
  • What happens if you want to match a special character as a character, and not in terms of its special meaning? You precede it with a backslash (\) [10].
  • Backslash before some normal characters can also have meaning, as in
    1. For example \t is a tab.
  • If you want to allow any of a collection of characters, you enclose that collection in square brackets. [aeiou] matches any lowercase vowel. Similarly [aeiou][aeiou][aeiou] matches any sequence of three lowercase vowels. You can also use a dash in a collection to indicate a range. For example, [a-z] represents the lowercase letters.
  • If you want to allow any single character, you use a period, ..
    So sm*g matches smug and smog and even smmg or sm g.
  • If you want to allow zero or more repetitions of a pattern, you can follow the pattern with an asterisk [11]. For example, d* matches zero or more repetitions of the letter d, and mad* matches ma, or mad, or madd, or maddd, and so on and so forth. Some forms of regular expressions use + for one or more repetitions. Unfortunately, it does not seem like the standard Linux grep does so.
  • To do grouping (e.g., for repetition), you surrounded the group with backslashed parens. For example, ^\(no\)*$ matches lines with zero or more repetitions of no with no intervening spaces. Hence, it will match the empty line, and a line containing just no or the Human Beinz’s "nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono’.

As you get more experienced with regular expressions, you will discover other forms of regular expressions and the subtleties of the syntax of each implementation.

Where were we? Oh, yes, we were talking about grep. You should also know some of the command-line flags for grep. Here are the ones I use most frequently.

  • grep -l lists the files that match, but not the particular lines in the file. I find this particularly useful as input to another command.
  • grep -v prints only the non-matching lines [12].
  • grep -n adds line numbers.
  • grep -i ignores case.

There are also many others. You can read about them on the man page.

Once you’ve developed some basic skill with grep and with regular expressions, you’ll find that you use it regularly to search your files. It should make you more efficient.

[1] Or a few hundred, or a few thousand.

[2] Wikipedia tells me that [i]ts name comes from the ed command g/re/p (globally search a regular expression and print).

[3] *.c stands for all files ending with dot c.

[4] * stands for all files in the current directory.

[5] I know that the procedure name appears at the start of a line because I format according to GNU standards.

[6] Okay, in the 1950’s or so.

[7] They may not yet have called themselves such.

[8] My great-grand advisor.

[9] As we’ll see, a few characters, such as the caret we already examined, are designated as special characters.

[10] And yes, if you want to match a backslash, you must precede it with a backslash.

[11] That asterisk is typically called the Kleene star.

[12] I had never previously tested grep -vl, but it appears to list the files that do not contain the pattern.

Version 1.0 of 2017-01-16.