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File permissions

Part of an ongoing series of essays tentatively entitled Don’t embarrass me, Don’t embarrass yourself: Notes on thinking in C and Unix.

Unix systems were designed with the assumption that lots of people would be working on the same system. And, when multiple people work on the same system, people may want to look at each other’s files. Good system designers therefore include appropriate mechanisms for ensuring privacy.

In introducing Unix permissions, my graduate advisor used to say The Unix filesystem is like a file cabinet. How would you interpret that statement? Well, this is what he meant: By default, things are unlocked unless you explicitly lock them. That may seem strange, until you realize that he kept file cabinets of papers that were unlocked so that his graduate students could rummage [1] through them to find things of interest [2].

In any case, you should assume that files are accessible unless you explicitly make them inaccessible. That’s no longer true on most Linux systems, but it’s still better to be safe than sorry.

So, what permissions does Linux let you set? There are three basic categories of permissions for each file and three sets of people for whom we set permissions. Let’s look at them in reverse order.

The three sets of people are user, group, and other. As you might expect, the user is you, the person who owns the files. The group is the set of people in your workgroup. On some systems, everyone is in one workgroup. On others, you can be in multiple groups [3]. We’ll return to groups later. And, as you might expect, other represents everyone else.

The three categories are read, write, and execute. For files, they represent what you might think. If a file has read permission, you can look at its contents. If a file has write permission, you can edit or change it. If a file has execute permission, it’s intended to be a program (including shell scripts).

You can see the permissions associated with a file or directory by including the -l flag when you use ls.

$ ls -lF
total 28
drwx-wx-wx 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:07 dropbox/
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac   13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt
drwx------ 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:06 private/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rebelsky mathfac   26 Mar  2 21:05 program*
drwxr-xr-x 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:06 public/
d--x--x--x 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:09 semipublic/
-rw-rw---- 1 rebelsky glimmer    7 Mar  2 21:07 shared.txt

You can see that the permissions are grouped into triplets, with r representing read, w representing write, and x representing execute. A dash means that the permission is not active. You can also see that directories have a d in the first column.

Now, let’s consider what the permissions might mean. There are three files: file1.txt, program, and shared.txt. Because there are r’s in all three entries, file1.txt can be read by everyone. However, since there’s only a w in the user section, I’m the only one who can edit it. In contrast, shared.txt cannot be read by people not in the glimmer group, but can be both read and written by anyone in that group. Finally, program can be run by everyone, but only changed by me. (Note that it rarely makes sense to have a file executable but not readable, since it’s hard to execute something you can’t read.)

How do we change permissions? With the chmod command [4,5]. When calling chmod, you give the permissions you want and the files whose mode you want to change [6]. Permissions can be specified numerically or mnemonically [7]. For the mnemonic approach, specify three things:

  • The people whose permission you want to change: user, group, other, or all.
  • The change you want to make: + (add permission), - (remove permission), or = (set permissions).
  • The permissions you want to change: read, write, or execute.

Let’s consider a few examples. I generally won’t bother to explain them.

$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

$ chmod g+w file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

$ chmod a-rw file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
---------- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt
$ more file1.txt 
file1.txt: Permission denied

$ chmod o+r file1.txt 
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-------r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt
$ more file1.txt 
file1.txt: Permission denied

$ chmod ug+rw file1.txt 
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt
$ more file1.txt 

$ chmod g=x file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-rw---xr-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt*

$ chmod a=r file1.txt
$ chmod u+w file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

Note that if the user doesn’t have read permission, they can’t read their own file, even if others can. Note also that if anyone can execute a file, ls marks it with a * to indicate that it is executable.

You may recall that we noted that you need to be able to read a program in order to execute it. Let’s check that claim.

$ ls -lF program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rebelsky mathfac 26 Mar  2 21:05 program*
$ ./program

$ chmod u-r program
$ ls -lF program
--wxr-xr-x 1 rebelsky mathfac 26 Mar  2 21:05 program*
$ ./program
/bin/bash: ./program: Permission denied

Okay, that’s all well and good [8]. But if novices use mnemonics, what do expert users use? File permissions can be thought of as a sequence of three octal values, with the user in the leftmost column, the group in the middle column, and other in the rightmost column. Read permission has value 4. Write permission has value 2. Execute permission has value 1. You add the permissions up and use that number.

$ chmod 700 program
$ ls -lF program
-rwx------ 1 rebelsky mathfac 26 Mar  2 21:05 program*

$ chmod 555 program
$ ls -lF program
-r-xr-xr-x 1 rebelsky mathfac 26 Mar  2 21:05 program*

$ chmod 755 program
$ ls -lF program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rebelsky mathfac 26 Mar  2 21:05 program*

$ chmod 000 file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt
---------- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

$ chmod 460 file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt
-r--rw---- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

$ chmod 644 file1.txt
$ ls -lF file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 13 Mar  2 21:05 file1.txt

Most Unix users make 755 their default mode for executables and 644 their default mode for other files.

What about directories? Do the r, w, and x have similar meanings for directories? Somewhat. Read permission means that you can see what’s in the directory. Write permission means that you can create files in that directory. Execute permission means that you can access files in that directory. Interestingly, if you have execute access to a directory, but not read access, you can see only the files whose name you know.

$ ls -ldF public
drwxr-xr-x 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:40 public/
$ ls public
file1.txt  file2.txt
$ ls -lF public
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 16 Mar  2 21:40 file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac  0 Mar  2 21:40 file2.txt

$ ls -ldF private
drwx------ 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:40 private/
$ ls -lF private
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 16 Mar  2 21:40 file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac  0 Mar  2 21:40 file2.txt
$ ls -ldF private
d--------- 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:40 private/
$ ls -lF private
ls: cannot open directory private: Permission denied

$ ls -ldF semipublic
d--x--x--x 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:09 semipublic/
$ ls -lF semipublic
ls: cannot open directory semipublic: Permission denied
$ ls -lF semipublic/file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 16 Mar  2 21:09 semipublic/file1.txt
$ cat semipublic/file1.txt
This is file 1.
$ ls -lF semipublic/file*.txt
ls: cannot access semipublic/file*.txt: No such file or directory
$ cat semipublic/file3.txt
cat: semipublic/file3.txt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ldF strange
dr-------- 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:49 strange/
$ ls -lF strange
ls: cannot access strange/file1.txt: Permission denied
ls: cannot access strange/file2.txt: Permission denied
total 0
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? file1.txt
?????????? ? ? ? ?            ? file2.txt
$ cat strange/file1.txt 
cat: strange/file1.txt: Permission denied

$ ls -ldF dropbox
d-wx-wx-wx 2 rebelsky mathfac 4096 Mar  2 21:42 dropbox/
$ ls -lF dropbox
ls: cannot open directory dropbox: Permission denied
$ ls -lF dropbox/newfile
ls: cannot access dropbox/newfile: No such file or directory
$ cat > dropbox/newfile
$ ls -lF dropbox/newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 rebelsky mathfac 5 Mar  2 21:54 dropbox/newfile
$ ls -lF dropbox
ls: cannot open directory dropbox: Permission denied
$ cat > dropbox/newfile
-bash: dropbox/newfile: cannot overwrite existing file

Although we’ve explored a few strange directory permissions, you’ll generally focus on whether or not you want people to be able to read files in the directory (both r and x) and whether or not you want them to be able to create files in the directory (both w and x).

Are there other things you will eventually need to know about file permissions? Certainly. Should what we’ve covered suffice for now?
Most certainly.

[1] Is rummage the right word? Maybe riffle? Maybe look?

[2] Yes, this was before the days of a large Interweb; we often relied on actual paper for the papers we read.

[3] On MathLAN, I’m in a bunch of groups.

$ groups
mathfac users wireshark sudo pg_omar pg_us pg_bob hyper csc362 blazers games networks glimmer cvs card statsgames csc325

It appears that groups live more or less forver. blazers is the trailblazers group that included the legendary Rachel Rose ’01 and probably got formed in 1998 or so. The pg_* groups are project groups from some time period. The mathfac group is all faculty.

[4] chmod is often pronounced see aitch mod or chuh mod.

[5] It is so named because it changes file modes.

[6] Yes, you can change permissions for more than one file at a time.

[7] No, not daemonically.

[8] Or perhaps not.

Version 1.0 of 2017-03-02.