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C library design: Arbitrarily large integers

Part of an ongoing series of essays tentatively entitled Don’t embarrass me, Don’t embarrass yourself: Notes on thinking in C and Unix.

As C programmers develop their skills, they eventually find that they want to build utility code that both they and their colleagues can use. Such utility code often goes in libraries. Like much design, successful library design involves careful consideration of needs and expenses. And, like much modern programming, library design often requires separating interface from implementation. That is, we think about what the client will want to do, and then we think about how to deal with those requirements.

Let us consider an example of type and library design that many programmers eventually find that they need: arbitrarily large integers. Some languages, like Scheme, seamlessly move from fixed-size integers and arbitrarily large integers. C, in contrast, provides you with a few sizes of integers and lets you figure out what to do when you need numbers outside those ranges.

What issues do we need to consider as we design the interface for this library? We should not need to specify the implementation [1]. However, we do need to decide upon the operations we provide. For integers, the natural operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, quotient, and remainder. Each of those is fairly sensible: They take two ALInts [2] and return an ALInt.

But this is C. That means we’ll need to decide whether we’re actually passing pointers to ALInts, however they are represented, or whether we’ll pretend that they are basic types. Since arbitrary length suggests to me that we’ll be building dynamic data structures, we probably need to make the pointers explicit in both the procedure signatures and the documentation for those procedures. Here’s an example.

 * Add two arbitrarily large integers, creating a newly allocated
 * arbitrarily large integer.  The client is responsible for freeing
 * any memory associated with the new value using ali_free.
ALInt * ali_add (ALInt *a, ALInt *b);

It’s clear why the return value is a pointer. Why did I also make the parameters pointers? Because my experience suggests that it will be easiest to consistently work with pointers. The signatures for ali_subtract, ali_multiply, ali_quotient, and ali_remainder should be similar.

What else do we need in our library? Well, we did note in the documentation above that we need a procedure to free ALInt values [3].

 * Free the memory associated with an ALInt.  Afterwards,
 * i should no longer be used.
void ali_free (ALInt *i);

If we are freeing values, we should also have a way to create new values. I expect that we’ll want to build ALInts from strings, from integers, from longs, and from doubles. Let’s call those procedures str2ali, int2ali, long2ali, and double2ali.

  * Create a newly allocated ALInt whose value is i.
 ALInt * int2ali (int i);

What’s left? Tradition suggests that if we provide procedures that convert from a to b, we should also provide procedures that convert from b to a. So we should include ali2str, ali2int, ali2long, andali2double`.

 * Find the long that corresponds to a.  If a > LONG_MAX,
 * returns LONG_MAX.  If a < LONG_MIN, returns LONG_MIN.
long ali2long (ALInt *a);

 * Convert a to string representation.  Returns a newly-allocated
 * string.
char * ali2str (ALInt *a);

Do I really like that we have to reflect on whether or not our return values are newly allocated? Not particularly. But that’s one of the side effects of working in C, rather than a modern garbage collected language. It’s also one of the benefits of working in C, since it means you understand just what is going on behind the scenes.

Would I put anything else in the ALInt library? I’d probably define a few constants, such as ALI_ZERO, ALI_ONE, and ALI_TWO, that I expected to use a lot. But how does one get constants in when we’re probably using dynamic structures? Typically, one adds an ali_init procedure that fils them in. Programmers must call that procedure before they use your library. Sometimes the library init procedure does other things, too, such as setting up counters or reserving memory. It’s a good practice to plan for such initialization. And, because I like bookends, I’m going to suggest that you have an ali_cleanup procedure, too. We’ll require programmers to call ali_cleanup at the end of their programs.

So, where does that leave us? We have five basic arithmetic operations. We have four constructors (???2ali). We have one destructor (ali_free). We have four conversion functions (ali2???). We have one library initializer and one library finalizer. We have a few optional variables. That’s not too bad.


There are three basic design decisions we’ll need to make as we think about implementing arbitrarily large integers. First, we’ll want to decide whether we want to represent them as linked lists of digits or as arrays of digits. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages to each. Next, we’ll need to decide on the size of each digit. Is a digit a bit, a decimal digit, a byte, the square root of INT_MAX, an int, or …? Finally, we’ll have to think about how to represent the sign.

Here’s an example of one set of decisions.

struct ALInt 
    int ndigits;
    int sign;       // 1 for positive, -1 for negative
    int[] digits;   // Each represents one base-16 digit
typedef struct ALInt ALInt;

Here’s an example of a different set of decisions.

struct ALIntDigit
    byte val;
    struct ALIntDigit *next;
    struct ALIntDigit *prev;
struct ALInt
    int ndigits;
    struct ALIntDigit *front;
    struct ALIntDigit *back;
    // Note: Leftmost digit determines sign
typedef struct ALInt ALInt;

Once we’ve decided on an underlying representation, it should be (relatively) straightforward to implement all of the operations. After all, those are the operations that we learned so many years ago in elementary school [4].

I’m not going to give an implementation of ALInts in this essay, in part because it’s going to be an assignment to my students. But check back in a month or so, and I’ll probably have a solution.

Until then, good luck on developing your own!

[1] We’ll come back to that a bit later.

[2] ALInt is my new not-quite-three-letter acronym for Arbitrary Large Integer.

[3] Note that free is not appropriate in this case, because we may have also done some additional allocation within the struct or other value we use to represent ALInts.

[4] Or maybe middle school.

Version 1.0.1 of 2017-03-05.