Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Handouts


This is an approximate schedule. Expect dates and topics to change. (I will try to keep due dates the same.)

Week 01: An Introduction to ...
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
01 Friday, 29 August 2014 An Introduction to Algorithms Introduction: What is CS? Exercise: An everyday algorithm. Debriefing on exercise.
02 Monday, 1 September 2014 An Introduction to Linux Lessons from day one. Common parts of an algorithm. About the course. Getting started with Linux. Some administrative details (if there's time). The Linux Environment and Parts of Algorithms Getting Started with Linux No writeup required. HW 1: Introductory Survey (due 10:30 p.m. Sunday night)
03 Tuesday, 2 September 2014 An Introduction to Scheme Why use programming languages? Scheme history. Scheme basics. The Parts of an Algorithm & The DrRacket Program-Development Environment & Beginning Scheme & How Scheme Evaluates Expressions (Take 1) Starting Scheme Writeup 03: Extra 2
04 Wednesday, 3 September 2014 Computing with Symbols and Numbers Values and types. Kinds of numbers. The modulo operation. Numeric Values & Symbolic Values Numeric Computation Writeup 04: Exercise 2, parts d, e, and f
05 Friday, 5 September 2014 Drawings as Values Representing images. Thinking about drawings through composition/decomposition. The underlying representation. Pure approaches vs impure approaches. Drawings as Values Drawings as Values Writeup 05: Exercise 4, parts a, c, and e Quiz 1
Week 02: Two Models of Images
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
06 Monday, 8 September 2014 Writing Your Own Procedures Sequencing operations in Scheme. The drawings-as-values model, revisited. Why define your own procedures? How to define your own procedures. Evaluating expressions in Scheme. Writing Your Own Procedures and How Scheme Evaluates Expressions (Take 2) Drawings as Values and Writing Your Own Procedures No writeup for today
07 Tuesday, 9 September 2014 Writing Your Own Procedures, Continued Lab, continued. Questions. Writing Your Own Procedures, How Scheme Evaluates Expressions (Take 2), and Wray: How Pair Programming Really Works Writing Your Own Procedures Writeup 07: Exercises 5 and 6 HW 2: Starting Scheme by Scoring Swimmers
08 Wednesday, 10 September 2014 Documenting Programs and Procedures Debrief on procedures lab. The need for documentation. The Six P's - a strategy for documenting procedures. A few additional P's. Practice. Documenting Your Procedures Writeup 08: Document the rectangle procedure from the procedures lab
09 Friday, 12 September 2014 Side Effects: Images, Output, and More Output with display and newline. Using output procedures to trace code. More procedures for working with images. Output in Scheme and Basic Image Operations Side Effects Writeup 09: Exercise 3a Quiz 2
Week 03: Design and Color
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
10 Monday, 15 September 2014 Testing Your Procedures Why test? Strategies for testing. The primary testing operations. Testing Your Procedures Testing Your Procedures No writeup
11 Tuesday, 16 September 2014 A Design Perspective A bit about design. A bit about color theory. Exploring some images and design spaces. Design and Color No writeup HW 3: Drawing Generally and Concisely
12 Wednesday, 17 September 2014 Raster Graphics and RGB Colors Representing images, revisited. Pixels and colors: The basics. RGB colors. Those weird numbers. Raster Graphics: Images from Pixels and Colors and RGB Colors Raster Graphics and RGB Colors Writeup 12: Exercise 10
13 Friday, 19 September 2014 Testing Your Procedures, Revisited Using testing to assess candidate solutions. A problem in testing. Some strategies for improving your tests. Testing Your Procedures Testing Your Procedures Quiz 3
Week 04: Transformations
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
14 Monday, 22 September 2014 Transforming Colors Review: Color basics. Integer-encoded RGB colors. Computing new colors from old. An example. Transforming RGB Colors Transforming RGB Colors Writeup 14: Exercises 5e and 7b
15 Tuesday, 23 September 2014 Transforming Images Transforming images by transforming each pixel. Sequencing transformations with compose. Anonymous transformations. Transforming Images Transforming Images Writeup 15: Exercises 4a, 5b, and 5e Exam 1 (due 10:30 p.m. via email)
16 Wednesday, 24 September 2014 Homogeneous Lists: Making and Manipulating Groups of Drawings Context: What and why lists? Building lists. Mapping lists. Other list operations. Making and Manipulating Homogeneous Lists Making and Manipulating Lists of Drawings Writeup 16: Exercise 5 Exam 1 (due in class in paper form)
17 Friday, 26 September 2014 Boolean Values and Predicate Procedures Boolean values. Predicates - Procedures that return Boolean values. Combining booleans with and and or. Boolean Values and Predicate Procedures Boolean Values and Predicate Procedures Quiz 4
Week 05: Control
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
18 Monday, 29 September 2014 Programming the GIMP Tools A new model of images making. Coding algorithms for drawing. Other useful techniques. The GNU Image Manipulation Program and Programming the GIMP Tools Scripting the GIMP Tools No writeup
19 Tuesday, 30 September 2014 Conditionals The parts of an algorithm, revisited. Choosing between two options with if. Optional evaluation with when. Making multiple choices with cond. Comparing approaches. Conditionals Conditionals Writeup 19: Exercises 3c and 4d HW 4: Transforming Colors, Drawings, and Images
20 Wednesday, 1 October 2014 Anonymous Procedures What is a procedure? Describing procedures. Anonymous procedures. Anonymous procedures through lambda expressions. Other kinds of anonymous procedures. Anonymous Procedures Anonymous Procedures No Writeup
21 Friday, 3 October 2014 Naming Local Values Why name things. Naming things with let. Naming things with let*. Naming procedures. Local Bindings Local Bindings Writeup 21: Exercises 5d and 6b Quiz 5
Week 06: Recursion
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
22 Monday, 6 October 2014 Images as Functions from Position to Colors Models of images. Iterating over positions: Images as functions from position to color. Blends and other positionally-computed images. Drawing simple shapes. Some strange computations. Building Images by Iterating Over Positions Building Images by Iterating Over Positions No writeup required.
23 Tuesday, 7 October 2014 Revisiting Lists Lists, revisited. New list operations. Drawings as values. Building Data Structures with Heterogeneous Lists Exploring Lists Writeup 23: Exercise 4 HW 5: Conditionals and Colors; Exam 2 assigned
24 Wednesday, 8 October 2014 Recursion Basics Some challenges. The idea of recursion. Some sample recursive procedures. Expressing recursion in Scheme. Recursion Basics Recursion Basics No Writeup
25 Friday, 10 October 2014 Recursion Basics, Continued Reflection. Questions. Recursion vs. other forms of repetition. Recursion Basics Recursion Basics Writeup 25: Exercises 4 and 5 Quiz 6
Week 07: Recursion, Continued
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
26 Monday, 13 October 2014 Recursion with Helper Procedures Basics of helper recursion. A term: Tail recursion. Recursion with Helper Procedures Recursion with Helper Procedures Writeup 26: Exercise 4l and 5b
27 Tuesday, 14 October 2014 Recursion with Helper Procedures, Continued Further issues in helper recursion. Tail recursion. Recursion with Helper Procedures Recursion with Helper Procedures Writeup 27: Exercise 4l and 5b Exam 2 (due 10:30 p.m. via email)
28 Wednesday, 15 October 2014 Other Forms of List Recursion Questions and answers. Some notes on yesterday's lab. Some key ideas from the reading. List Recursion, Revisited List Recursion, Revisited Writeup 28: Exercise 3 Exam 2 (due in class in paper form)
29 Friday, 17 October 2014 Numeric Recursion Recursion, generalized. Numeric recursion. Numeric Recursion Numeric Recursion No Writeup Quiz 7
Fall Break
Week 08: Other Image Models
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
30 Monday, 27 October 2014 Preconditions, Revisited Verifying preconditions. The error procedure. Husk and Kernel programming. Verifying Preconditions Verifying Preconditions Writeup 30: Exercises 3h and 4
31 Tuesday, 28 October 2014 Naming Local Procedures Why have local procedures. Creating local procedures with letrec. Creating local procedures with named let. Local Procedure Bindings Local Procedure Bindings Writeup 31: Exercise 4
32 Wednesday, 29 October 2014 Characters and Strings Representing text. Characters: The basic building blocks. Combining characters into strings. Characters and Strings Characters and Strings Writeup 32: Exercises 5 and 6
33 Friday, 31 October 2014 Turtle Graphics Modeling images through process: Turtle graphics. Some historical notes. Turtle graphics in MediaScheme. Turtle Graphics Turtle Graphics Writeup 33: Extra 1 Quiz 8
Week 09: Data Structures
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
34 Monday, 3 November 2014 Iteration Reflecting on procedures and side-effects. A useful tool for repetition: for-each. Contrasting map, for-each, repeat, and recursion. Iteration Iteration No Writeup
35 Tuesday, 4 November 2014 Pairs and Pair Structures Representing lists: Pairs and cons cells. Why care about the underlying representation? Pairs and Pair Structures Pairs and Pair Structures No Writeup HW 6: Exercises in Recursion; Exam 3 distributed
36 Wednesday, 5 November 2014 Trees Thinking about trees in terms of cons. Thinking about trees recursively. Writing recursive tree procedures. Trees Trees Writeup 36: Exercises 2 and 4a
37 Friday, 7 November 2014 Geometric Art Through Numeric Recursion Using numeric recursion for making images. Parallel lines, concentric circles, and beyond. Geometric Art Geometric Art Writeup 37: Exercise 5 Quiz 9
Week 10: Thinking About Image Making
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
38 Monday, 10 November 2014 On Two-Dimensional Design Background: About the project. Two sample projects. General elements of design. Relationships between elements. Broader design principles. Some examples. Elements and Principles of Two-Dimensional Design & About the Project
39 Tuesday, 11 November 2014 Project Kickoff Time to form groups. A few more notes on design. Playing and brainstorming. Project Ideas Playing with Project Ideas Exam 3 (due 10:30 p.m. via email); Project assigned
40 Wednesday, 12 November 2014 Vectors Problems with lists. A solution: Vectors. Behind the scenes: How Scheme implements vectors. Important vector procedures. Vectors Vectors Writeup 40: Exercise 5 Exam 3 (due in class in paper form)
41 Friday, 14 November 2014 Randomized (Unpredictable) Drawing Random art. Why use randomness. The random procedure. Simulation. Randomized Drawing Randomized Drawing Writeup 41: Exercise 4c Quiz 10
Week 11: Thinking About Procedures
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
42 Monday, 17 November 2014 Higher-Order Procedures, Revisited Some program design principles. Thinking about repetition. Procedures as first-class values. Design Patterns and Higher-Order Procedures Design Patterns and Higher-Order Procedures Writeup 42: Exercises 3 and 4 Project proposal due at 10:30 p.m.
43 Tuesday, 18 November 2014 Analyzing Procedures Comparing algorithms. Two related metrics: Time and Number of steps. Counting procedure calls by printing. Tools for analysis. Analyzing Procedures Analyzing Procedures No Writeup Project proposal images due
44 Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Association Lists Storing information in tables. Representing table entries as lists. Representing tables as lists. Association lists: Scheme's standard table representation. Implementing key association list procedures. Association Lists Association Lists Writeup 44: Exercises 1 and 4c
45 Friday, 21 November 2014 Pause for Breath Project work time. Key techniques. Quiz 11
Week 12: Searching and Sorting
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
46 Monday, 24 November 2014 Binary Search The problem of searching. Analyzing algorithmic efficiency. Making searching more efficient using divide-and-conquer. A demo: Destructive binary search. Considering the parameters to binary search. Search Algorithms
47 Tuesday, 25 November 2014 Binary Search Lab Exploring the search API. Remaining questions. Search Algorithms Binary Search Writeup 47: Exercise 4 Project due
48 Wednesday, 26 November 2014 An Introduction to Sorting The problem of sorting. Writing sorting algorithms. Examples: Insertion, selection, etc. Formalizing the problem. Exam 4 distributed
Thanksgiving Break
Week 13: Miscellaneous
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
49 Monday, 1 December 2014 Insertion Sort Insertion sort basics. Four questions about insertion sort. Analyzing insertion sort. Sorting Insertion Sort Writeup 49: Exercises 2e and 4f
50 Tuesday, 2 December 2014 Project Assessment: Images Reviewing images: The "big picture". Reviewing images: Policies for doing individual images. Image review. Debrief, if appropriate.
51 Wednesday, 3 December 2014 Project Assessment: Algorithms Additional images. Debriefing from image analysis. Students discuss programming techniques. Programming challenges.
52 Friday, 5 December 2014 Merge Sort More efficient sorting techniques. Divide and conquer, revisited. Merge sort. Analyzing merge sort. Merge Sort Merge Sort
Week 14: Wrapup
Date Topic Reading Lab Work Due
53 Monday, 8 December 2014 Objects in Scheme Motivating problems: Circles, turtles, and counters. Building and using compound values. Objects: A new approach to compound values. Creating objects in Scheme. Building Objects in Scheme Building Objects in Scheme Exam 4 (due 10:30 p.m. via email)
54 Tuesday, 9 December 2014 Pause for Breath (aka 'The Network is Down') Debriefing on the course. Surveys galore! Quick discussion of the final. Exam 4 (due in class in paper form)
55 Wednesday, 10 December 2014 Objects in Scheme, Continued Objects, revisited. Building a four-way switch. Reflection. Building Objects in Scheme Building Objects in Scheme
56 Friday, 12 December 2014 Wrapup The subject matter(s) of the course. Course evaluation. Final comments.