Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Outlines

Outline 37: Geometric Art Through Numeric Recursion

Held: Friday, 7 November 2014

Back to Outline 36 - Trees. On to Outline 38 - On Two-Dimensional Design.


We use the techniques that we've learned so far (particularly numeric recursion and GIMP drawing tools) to build some interesting regular images. (You can decide whether or not it's "art".)

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Are there some questions and answers in yesterday's eboard?

Yes. I've also copied some of them into the exam.

What interesting questions have you seen in the prologue?

Amazingly, most of the people who have responded to the prologue included "start early" in their list of approaches.

Someone asked how many different tests I wrote for problem 2. My "first pass" set of tests explored eleven different issues, including two kinds of preconditions that might be checked.

Many of you seem overly enamored of append, particularly for problem 1. If you are only adding one element to the front of a list, you should probably use cons.

I'm trying to figure out what char-drypot is. Maybe auto-correct.

I appreciate that at least one of you noted that for both problems 5 and problem 6, you were likely to lose a lot of points if you failed to get the turtle back to the original position and orientation.

Should I use direct or helper recursion for problem 1?

It strikes me that direct recursion is better. I forgot to mention it on Wednesday, but if you're building a new list, and you want the elements mostly in the same order, direct recursion is often the way to go.

Can we see pictures for problem 8?
