Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Outlines

Outline 02: An Introduction to Linux

Held: Monday, 1 September 2014

Back to Outline 01 - An Introduction to Algorithms. On to Outline 03 - An Introduction to Scheme.


Today we begin to consider the content and structure of the course. We also prepare ourselves to use our laboratory environment (that is, the Linux workstations).

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Upcoming Work

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Structure of Today's Class

About This Course

Reflections on Making Sandwiches

What else did you learn from the No-Nut Butter and Jelly exercise?

The Components of an Algorithm

Variables: Named Values

Parameters: Named Inputs

Conditionals: Handling Different Situations


Subroutines: Named Helper Algorithms

Debriefing, Revisited

Lab: Getting Started with Linux

Administrative Issues

I am unlikely to cover these issues in class today. I include them in the outline mostly for your edification.