Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Outlines

Outline 47: Binary Search Lab

Held: Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Back to Outline 46 - Binary Search. On to Outline 48 - An Introduction to Sorting.


We continue our explorations of binary search, grounding our explorations in practice.

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Exploring the Search API

Suppose we have data for various students on campus: Last Name (string), First Name (string), Graduation Year (integer), Box Number (integer), and Phone number (string). We might search by any of the four criteria (and by other criteria) and we might therefore order in various ways.

(define people
    ("Aanderson" "Aan"    2017 4114 "x4410")
    ("Brown"     "Bruin"  2016 8123 "x9000")
    ("Doe"       "J"      2018 9999 "none")
    ("Smith"     "Kieran" 2015 4112 "x9231")
    ("Taylor"    "Mic"    2017 1234 "x0001")))
