Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Outlines

Outline 38: On Two-Dimensional Design

Held: Monday, 10 November 2014

Back to Outline 37 - Geometric Art Through Numeric Recursion. On to Outline 39 - Project Kickoff.


We introduce the course project and consider some basic design principles that will inform your projects.

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Exam Notes

On the exam, should we have *all* of our procedures check preconditions?
E.g., should str-rot13 check that str is a string containing only capital letters, or should 'shift-up' check that its input is an integer between 0 and 25, etc.?

str-rot13 should check its preconditions. The problem 2 procedures need not check their preconditions. On the others, it's somewhat up to you.

Does the procedure in problem 7 do anything sensible? It just seems like it has a lot of let expressions that define variables as the null list.

Yes, it does something sensible. The one let expression you see seems to be a named let.

Can I solve problem 3 using 65 as the collating sequence number for #\A?

No. You may not hard-code the 65. But that doesn't mean that you can't write concise and general code that will work equally well if the collating-sequence number for \A is 65, or 200, or 11, or whatever..

You know that (shift-down (char->integer #\A)) has to be 0, (shift-down (char->integer #\B)) has to be 1, and so on and so forth.

You also know that the letters are in sequence. So the collating sequence number for #\B is one higher than the collating sequence number for #\A, the collating sequence number for #C is one higher than the collating sequence number for #B, and so on and so forth.

About the project

Quick code examples

Some design components

Relationships between elements

There are many ways to show relationships between the elements of an image, and these relationships are at the heart of your image. Broadly, you should think about unity (how are things the same) and variety how do things differ.

Broader design elements

(Yeah, it's a slippery slope as to what we classify where.)

Deck Wars

We will look at a variety of images. For each, we'll consider what design elements dominate.

Disclaimer: I found some of these analyses the most frustrating part of my art history courses.