CSC 151 Grading Sheet, v 0.1.3 ============================== Assignment: Students: Note: No penalty for formatting, style, or documentation on the first assignment. There will be penalties on subsequent assignments. Note: The grading scale is Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, Zero. Requirements ------------ Does the submission meet the requirements of the assignment? [ ] Yes: Base grade is good [ ] Mostly: Base grade is good [ ] Somewhat (about 60-90% correct): Base grade is fair [ ] A little (less than 60% correct): Base grade is poor If the submission did not meet the requirements of the assignment, what are its primary failings? Formatting ---------- Did the student format the code in the assignment correctly? For example, are lines no more than eighty characters wide and are lines properly indented to show nesting? [ ] Yes. No modifications to base grade. [ ] Mostly (no more than four obvious violations). No modifications to base grade. [ ] No (more than four obvious violations). Drop one grade. If there are violations, please include exemplars here. Style ----- Do the programmers choose good variable and method names and segment the program into appropriate procedures? Do the programmers avoid repeated code and choose efficient solutions to the problems? [ ] Yes. No modifications to base grade. [ ] Usually (a few exceptions, but generally appropriate). No modifications to base grade. [ ] No. Drop one grade. If there are stylistic problems, please summarize them here. Documentation ------------- Do the programmers document each procedure with Six-P style documentation or at least with a line or two describing the main purpose? Do the programmers include comments that explain more complicated parts of the code? [ ] Yes. No modifications to base grade. [ ] Usually (a few exceptions, but generally appropriate). No modifications to base grade. [ ] No. Drop one grade. Extra Credit ------------ If particular forms of extra credit were specified on the assignment, did the students correctly do those forms of extra credit? [ ] Yes. Increase by one grade. [ ] The assignment did not specify particular forms of extra credit. Does the submission have characteristics that clearly go beyond the central requirements of the assignment? For example, are there particularly creative, efficient, or elegant solutions to some problems? [ ] The assignment goes beyond the basic requirements in many ways. Increase by two grades. [ ] The assignment goes beyond the basic requirements in a few ways (e.g., on one problem out of three). Increase by one grade. [ ] While the assignment meets the basic requirements, it does not go beyond those requirements. No modifications to base grade. [ ] The assignment does not meet the basic requirements. No modifications to base grade, as failure to meet the basic requirements should have been addressed earlier. Please summarize any special characteristics of this assignment. (Copying and pasting code is fine.) Grade ----- Followup Comments ----------------- What is something that the student(s) should be proud of on their work for this assignment? Give one or two things the student(s) should work to improve on for the next assignment.