Having sat and jumped on the bleachers through numerous games, I have heard, as I am sure many have, the groaning of the old seats. Although it would make for an amusing sight, people falling through the bleachers would create a large problem, not only to the poor sap who broke their arm, but to the school as well, who could have to deal with a much unwanted law suit.
We all regard athletes as "strong", "arrogant" "studs" who would love taking on the challenge of something closely related to athletic busy work, but if you take a second to look around America, our obesity is up. Why walk when you can drive? Society in general is becoming increasingly lazy. athletes who sweat off ten pounds in a practice should be given some slack. The new gymnasium is boasting a crane for moving wrestling mats into place, rather than the wrestlers themselves, which would increase productivity of wrestlers (wrestling mats weigh more than a few hundred pounds each), and give the specators something to gape in awe at between matches.
More realistically, our town is growing in population, and GHS is known for bringing in a big crowd for our wild and energetic games. Seating fills up fast, which pushes people to the four doors of our gym, or onto laps, which might be more intimate, but quite a bit less comfortable over long periods of time. This bond will enlarge our gym to a 1,695 seat physical education complex, creating a promissing oportunity for more participation in Grinnell High School, and more interaction between the community and School.
This new gym will prove to be well worth the money put into it. If you will look at the "costs" section of this web page, you will appreciate the term "a bang for your buck." The community, athletes, teachers, students, and speakers will greatly benefit from you voting "yes!" on Sept. 9, and we guarantee you will feel the rewards of standing by your community in passing this bond.