Vote "Yes" on the Sept. 9 Bond Issue

By Nate Wright-Simmons, Peter Sullivan, and Seth Coster, Students of Grinnell High School

Theater Pool Gymnasium Classrooms Cost About The Authors Front Door

Hello, and welcome to our site. We are students with strong feelings of support for the bond issue that will be voted on Tuesday, Sept. 9th. This bond issue will give the students better facilities and learning environments through a new theater, pool, gymnasium, and classroom equipment. However, it will also increase property taxes. This has been an issue of debate among the citizens of Grinnell for several months. Please explore our site to find out how this bond issue will improve Grinnell High School, impact the future of the Grinnell community, and how the benefits will outweigh the tax increase.

The polls are open from 7am-8pm on September 9th. We encourage you to vote in favor of improving Grinnell High School and contribue to the needed 60% majority for the bond issue to pass.

Source: "Voters Face $4.2 Million Bond Vote" The Grinnell Herald-Register. 8 September 2003, page 1. (No author listed.)

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