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Warning! This schedule, like much of the course, is under development and may change significantly.

Week 0
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
8/24 Getting started
We explore the basics of the course.
No reading No lab
Week 1
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
8/29 Prepare for partner meetings
We get ready to meet with our community partners.
No reading No lab
8/31 Project descriptions
We examine the primary projects for the semester
No reading No lab
Week 2
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
9/5 Approaching projects
We consider how teams might approach a sample project.
No reading No lab
9/7 Team building
The team considers what roles each member will play.
No reading No lab
Week 3
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
9/12 Team building, continued
We continue to engage in team-building exercises.
No reading No lab
9/14 Rethinking OOD (1)
We consider some core principles of object-oriented design
No lab
Week 4
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
9/19 Surprise reports
Your pointy-haired boss asks for something unexpected.
No lab
9/21 Rethinking Git and version control
No reading No lab
Week 5
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
9/26 Professional ethics
We consider some of our repsonsibilities as software professionals.
No lab
9/28 Professional ethics, continued
We continue our explorations of professional ethics
No lab
Week 6
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
10/3 Project reports
Groups tell us about where theyare
No reading No lab
10/5 Pause for breath
We pause for breath before the alumni visits.
No reading No lab
Week 7
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
10/10 Alumni visits
Our alumni mentors visit the course.
No reading No lab
10/12 Debrief on alumni visits
We discuss what we can take away from the alumni visits.
No reading No lab
Fall Break
Week 8
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
10/24 Prepare for the second half
We prepare for the second half of the semester
No reading No lab
10/26 Work time + OOD
Groups work on their projects. Sam checks in on planning.
No reading No lab
Week 9
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
10/31 Work time + OOD
We discuss some important issues. Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
11/2 Work time
Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
Week 10
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
11/7 Reports
Groups report on their progress
No reading No lab
11/9 Work time (and OOD)
Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
Week 11
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
11/14 Check-ins (and OOD)
We quickly check in with each group
No reading No lab
11/16 Work time (and OOD)
Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
Week 12
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
11/21 Reports
Groups report on their progress
No reading No lab
Thanksgiving Break
Week 13
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
11/28 Work time
Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
11/30 Work time
Groups work on their projects
No reading No lab
Week 14
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
12/5 Reports and Wrapup
Groups report on their progress. We discuss the course. Groups prepare presentations.
No reading No lab
12/7 Final presentations
Groups present their work
No reading No lab
Finals Week
Date Topic Reading(s) Lab Work Due
No reading No lab