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Class 17: Work time + OOD


Groups work on their projects. Sam checks in on planning.



  • Work time


News / Etc.

  • I’ll do a quick check-in with each group to hear your plans for the week. The rest of the morning is yours. The mentors and I will be available to answer questions.

Upcoming Work

  • Paper: Comparatively reflect on the the new draft ACM code of ethics.
    • E.g., What changes do you see as particularly important? What other changes do you think should still be made? What else belongs? What doesn’t belong? Etc.
    • Compare to the prior ACM code of ethics.
    • Approximately 1000 words. Correct grammar and spelling. I may invoke the MC/JS rule if there are multiple problems with grammar or spelling.
    • Due via email at 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 2
  • Regular work on projects.
  • Weekly Project Report, Friday at 5pm
    • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • What do you hope to accomplish in the coming week?
    • What obstacles stand in your way?
    • What resources do you need to help you accomplish your work?
  • For Tuesday: Read Chapter 3 of POODR. (Read Chapters 1 and 2 if you have not read them already.)

Good things to do

Note: I do not do extra credit in two-credit classes.

  • Convocation TODAY (11 am in JRC 101). Important topic, excellent speaker.
  • Strange Escape Room stuff.
  • Protest Bot workshop, Friday 4pm in Burling 1st.
  • Swimming and Diving Saturday 9ish-1ish.
  • Tailgate 11:30 Saturday on the Grassy Knoll.
  • Football Saturday.