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Class 20: Reports


Groups report on their progress



  • About reports
  • Reports


News / Etc.

  • Remember the project reports are due EVERY FRIDAY at 5 p.m.
    • Make sure to include all the alumni, me, KY, GB, and MG in the recipient list
  • Since KY won’t be here on Thursday, I’m moving the discussion of Chapter 4 of POODR to then. (Mostly so that there’s more time for her to help out today.)
  • KY will be running the normal mentor session on Wednesday night.

Upcoming Work

Please put your assignments in your planners or equivalent.

  • Regular work on projects.
  • Weekly Project Report, Friday at 5pm
    • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • What do you hope to accomplish in the coming week?
    • What obstacles stand in your way?
    • What resources do you need to help you accomplish your work?
  • For Thursday: Read Chapter 4 of POODR.

Good things to do

Note: I do not do extra credit in two-credit classes.

  • Vote! (If registered.)
  • Animated Films, Tuesday, Nov. 7 (TODAY), 11:00 a.m., Faulconer
  • CS Table (Computer-Aided Gerrymandering), Tuesday, Nov. 7 (TODAY), noon, Day Dining Room
  • Crip Technoscience, Disabled People as Makers and Knowers, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 4:15 p.m., JRC 101.
  • Pioneer Weekend, this coming weekend. Design a business idea (can be a nonprofit / for social good) have fun, get advice, and make money.
    • Sign up by Nov. 8.