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Class 19: Work time


Groups work on their projects



  • Work time


News / Etc.

  • Remember the project reports are due EVERY FRIDAY at 5 p.m.
    • Make sure to include me, KY, GB, and MG in the recipient list
  • Read chapter 4 of POODR for Tuesday. (And please do it this time.)
  • About extension requests.
    • Reasonable: I got really sick and haven’t been able to work the past two days. Can I have an extension?
    • Reasonable: I need to help a friend with an emergency and haven’t been on top of my game. Can I have an extension?
    • Reasonable: In looking ahead to next week, I see that I have more things do than I can do a good job on. Can I have an extension?
    • Unreasonable: I had more things than I could do, all of which I knew about a few weeks ago. I know the assignment is due today. Can I have an extension?
    • And yes, I realize that my own delays sometimes match the “unreasonable” model, at least from the outside. (More often, I’m dealing with something like the second one.)

Upcoming Work

Please put your assignments in your planners or equivalent.

  • Paper: Comparatively reflect on the the new draft ACM code of ethics.
    • E.g., What changes do you see as particularly important? What other changes do you think should still be made? What else belongs? What doesn’t belong? Etc.
    • Comparison to prior code of ethics.
    • Reflection on what needed to change given the change in computer technology.
    • Approximately 1000 words. Correct grammar and spelling. I may invoke the MC/JS rule if there are multiple problems with grammar or spelling.
    • Due via email at 10:30 p.m. TONIGHT!
  • Regular work on projects.
  • Weekly Project Report, Friday at 5pm
    • What did you accomplish this past week?
    • What do you hope to accomplish in the coming week?
    • What obstacles stand in your way?
    • What resources do you need to help you accomplish your work?
  • For Tuesday: Read Chapter 4 of POODR.

Good things to do

Note: I do not do extra credit in two-credit classes.

  • Convocation today
  • CS Extras Thursday
  • Follow our teams to their various MWC conference meets
  • Concert Monday