Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : EBoards

CSC151.01 2014F, Class 38: On Two-Dimensional Design

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Exam Notes

On the exam, should we have *all* of our procedures check preconditions?
E.g., should str-rot13 check that str is a string containing only capital letters, or should 'shift-up' check that its input is an integer between 0 and 25, etc.?

str-rot13 should check its preconditions. The problem 3 procedures need not check their preconditions. Problem 1 says to check preconditions. On the others, it's somewhat up to you.

Does the procedure in problem 7 do anything sensible? It just seems like it has a lot of let expressions that define variables as the null list.

Yes, it does something sensible. The one let expression you see seems to be a named let.

Can I solve problem 3 using 65 as the collating sequence number for #\A?

No. You may not hard-code the 65. But that doesn't mean that you can't write concise and general code that will work equally well if the collating-sequence number for \A is 65, or 200, or 11, or whatever..

You know that (shift-down (char->integer #\A)) has to be 0, (shift-down (char->integer #\B)) has to be 1, and so on and so forth.

You also know that the letters are in sequence. So the collating sequence number for #\B is one higher than the collating sequence number for #\A, the collating sequence number for #C is one higher than the collating sequence number for #B, and so on and so forth.

Is #7 the only one that requires documentation?


Other Questions

Background: About the project

Two examples

You can find these in examples/project.

ellipses.rkt - straightforward, but makes compelling images

mandelbrot.rkt - Mandelbrot set

Questions and notes

General elements of design

Relationships between elements

Broader design principles

More examples