
We consider iterators in Java. Iterators are objects that let us inspect the elements of a collection.

As you’ve learned by this point, one of the most common requirement for a new abstract data type is that it collects a group of values. Arrays, lists, queues, stacks, and priority queues all collect values. You can probably think of others: sets, dictionaries (or association lists), trees, etc.

No matter what type of collection you design, you will likely find that you reach a point at which you realize that your client would like to be able to see all of the elements of the collection, one at a time. Perhaps they want to print them out. Perhaps they want a naive search. Perhaps they want to put them into a different kind of collection.

How do you give your client the ability to, say, see all of the values in a linked list? One possibility is that you could give them access the individual nodes in the list. But that strategy breaks encapsulation; our clients should be able to use our structures without knowing how they are implemented.

Having the client focus on the particular implementation also complicates the client’s work, particularly as they consider replacing one collection with another (e.g., because they realize they want slightly different behavior). If the client has just spent the effort the get “visit each” working for a linked list, they’ll have a lot of code to replace when they switch the implementation to an array-based list.

In reflecting on these issues, the computer scientist Barbara Liskov developed iterators as a way to permit clients to visit the elements of any collection in a uniform way while preserving encapsulation.

Basically, an interator is an object that gives you access to the elements of a collection in a systematic way. There are a few different ways to design iterators, but the most common is to provide two basic methods: next(), which grabs the next element of the collection (provided it has one), and hasNext(), which one uses to check the precondition of next().

 * A simplified iterator.
public interface Iterator<T> {
   * Get the next value in the collection.
  public T next() throws NoSuchElementException;;

   * Determine if there are more elements.
  public boolean hasNext();
} // interface Iterator<T>

Classes that can provide iterators typically implement the Iterable interface.

 * A simplified version of the iteratable interface.
public interface Iterable<T> {
   * Return a new iterator for this collection.
  public Iterator<T> iterator();
} // interface Iterable<T>

A client can then process any iterable class with code like the following.

  Iterator<String> it = stuff.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext() {
  } // while

Note that this code has achieved both of our primary goals: The client does not need to know anything about the implementation of stuff, and the client can use the same code no matter which kind of collection they are using.

To make things even easier, the designers of Java added a special syntax for this type of situation, the for-each loop.

  for String val : stuff {
  } // for

Behind the scenes, the for-each loop behaves the same way that the next/hasNext loop we wrote earlier works. It’s just a bit easier for most of us to read.

As you might expect, this only works if stuff implements Iterable.

Implementing iterators

How do we implement iterators? It depends on the particular class that we are iterating. Let’s start with parts of a simple ArrayBasedStack class.

public class ArrayBasedStack<T> implements Iterable<T> {
  T[] values;
  int size;
  // ...
} // class ArrayBasedStack<T>

An iterator for this class will likely need to keep track of the current index into the array and either step forward from 0 to size-1 or backward from size-1 to 0. We’ll use the latter technique.

// The following is not correct Java code; it primarily exists
// for illustrative purposes.
class ABSIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  int index;

  public ABSIterator() {
    this.index = size-1;
  } // ABSIterator()

  public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
    if (! this.hasNext()) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return values[this.index--];
  } // next()

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return this.index >= 0;
  } // hasNext()
} // class ABSIterator<T>

There’s a slight issue with this code: How does the iterator have access to the size and values fields of ArrayBasedStack? The solution is to give the iterator access to the underlying stack.

class ABSIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  int index;
  ArrayBasedStack<T> stack;

  public ABSIterator(ArrayBasedStack<T> stack) {
    this.stack = stack;
    this.index = this.stack.size-1;
  } // ABSIterator()

  public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
    if (! this.hasNext()) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();
    return this.stack.values[this.index--];
  } // next()

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return this.index >= 0;
  } // hasNext()
} // class ABSIterator<T>

We can now write the iterator method for our ArrayBasedStack class.

public class ArrayBasedStack<T> implements Iterable<T> {
  // ...
  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new ABSIterator<T>(this);
  } // iterator()
  // ...
} // class ArrayBasedStack<T>

Iterating linked structures

If you use arrays to implement your linear structure, you’ll find that an approach like the one we used for ArrayBasedStack works reasonably well. You can iterate from the front, the back, or even the middle (which you may have to do for array-based queues).

What about linked structures? Iterators should be relatively straightforward, at least for linear linked structures. We’ll have our iterator keep track of the current node. next() advances to the next node. hasNext() verifies that the node is not null.

public class LinkedStack<T> implements Iterable<T> {
  public Node<T> top;
  // ...
  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new LSIterator(;
  } // iterator()
  // ...
} // class LinkedStack<T>

class LSIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  public Node<T> current;
  public LSIterator(Node<T> start) {
    this.current = start;
  } // LSIterator(Node<T>)

  public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
    if (! this.hasNext()) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();
    T val = this.current.value;
    this.current =;
    return val;
  } // next()

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return this.current != null;
  } // hasNext()
} // LSIterator<T>    

Iterators, complexified

If your iterators need only provide next and hasNext methods, they can be fairly straightforward. However, in practice, Java’s iterators often provide a variety of other methods, some of which may “complexify” your implementation. (Those who care about the English language might say “complicate” rather than “complexify”.)

One optional method in java.util.Iterator is remove. This method is supposed to remove the value that was just returned by next. If we’re to do that with linked structures, we’ll need to make sure that we keep a reference to the node that comes before the node we just returned (therefore, one that is two back from the current node). If we might remove the element at the start of the linked structure, we may even have to refer back to the enclosing class.

How can you have an optional method in an interface? We have it throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

Are there other complexities in iterators? Here’s an important one: What happens if we modify the underlying collection while we’re iterating it? For example, what happens if we have two iterators, and call remove with one of those iterators? Alternately, what happens if, while iterating a stack, we push or pop some elements?

There are a variety of techniques one can use. The easiest is to make it clear that your code is not guaranteed to work if the underlying structure changes. But this is Java; we try to be as careful as we can. Hence, you may want to have your program keep track of whether or not the underlying structure has been modified (e.g., by keeping track of the number of modifications in the structure, and storing that number when you create the iterator) and then throwing a ConcurrentModificationException if the structure has been modified during iteration. ConcurrentModificationException exceptions are runtime exception and hence need not be described in the method signature.

Writing iterators with anonymous inner classes

You may recall that way back at the start of the reading on anonymous inner classes, we considered problems in which we create one-off classes, classes that only need to be used only in one situation. How will anonymous inner classes be useful when we write iterators? Well, most of the times we’ve written iterators, we’ve need to refer to fields and of the enclosing class. And so it’s much easier to write iterators as anonymous inner classes, rather than as helper classes. Here’s a portion of a typical array-based stack class that uses this technique.

public class ArrayBasedStack<T> implements Iterable<T> {
  T[] values;
  int size;

// ...

  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new Iterator<T>() {
      int i = ArrayBasedStack.this.size - 1;

      public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
        if (!this.hasNext()) {
          throw new NoSuchElementException();
        } // if (hasNext())
        return ArrayBasedStack.this.values[this.i--];
      } // next()

      public boolean hasNext() {
        return this.i >= 0;
      } // hasNext()

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      } // remove()
    }; // new Iterator<T>
  } // iterator()
} // class Stack<T>

Concluding remarks

At their core, iterators are a relatively straightforward concept: Iterators are objects that allow the client to iterate the elements of a collection using next and hasNext or for-each loops. Their complexities occur mostly in terms of how we implement those two operations and other optional operations.

In Java, iterables are objects that have/return iterators.

Self Checks

Check 1: Iterating array-based queues (‡)

Sketch or write an iterator for the array-based queue class we recently studied in lab.

Check 2: List iterators

List iterators are fancier versions of iterators. In addition to allowing us to visit elements in the list, they also permit us to modify the list.

Skim through the documentation for “java.util.Iterator” and “java.util.ListIterator”. You should identify the primary methods, their meanings, and any other subtleties. Make sure that you can answer the following questions.

a. Where, conceptually, is a list iterator relative to the elements of a list?

b. What element does remove remove?

c. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, and call lit.add(x) and then immediately after call lit.add(y). In what order will x and y appear in the list?

d. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. Suppose we then call lit.remove() and then immediately after call lit.remove() again. What can or should happen?

e. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call lit.set(x) and then set(y)?

f. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call lit.set(x) and then lit.remove()?

g. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call lit.remove() and then lit.set(y)?

h. Can we add an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

i. Can we remove an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

j. Can we set an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

k. Can we add an element when hasNext is false? If so, where is the element added? If not, why not?

l. Can we set an element when hasNext is false? If so, which element is set?

m. Can we remove an element when hasNext is false? Never? Sometimes? Always?

n. Suppose we’ve created two list iterators, lit1 and lit2 for the list [a,b,c], and both are between the a and the b in the list. If we call lit1.add(d), what should return?

o. Suppose we’ve created two list iterators, lit1 and lit2 for the list [a,b,c], and both are between the a and the b in the list. If we call lit1.remove(), what should return?

p. Are there any other subtleties that you noticed about these two kinds of iterators?

Check 3: List iterators, revisited

Check our answers to the previous problems by writing a small program.


Most of this reading was newly written in spring 2019. The section on anonymous iterators is closely based on a section in the reading on anonymous inner classes from the fall 2014 version of CSC 207.

The self checks were added in Spring 2024.