
You’d think the syllabus and schedule would provide all the info you need for a course, wouldn’t you? But I’ve found over the years that it can be helpful to provide additional information. To ensure that you read the information, I even give you an assignment. What else is there? Let’s see.

Teaching, grading, and such

On teaching and learning
A bit of philosophy (more or less).
More details on grading processes (and a bit on the underlying philosophy).
A few notes on the grading platform we’re using.
A few notes on obtaining and using tokens.

Other important issues

Accommodations and adjustments
Policies and practices (and why I use two terms)
Accessibility of Web pages
Why I try to keep pages accessible and who to report to when they’re not.
Academic integrity
A long document that attempts to explain key issues of academic integrity in this course and in the discipline.
AI programming assistants
Some notes on why I discourage the use of AI programming assistants in my introductory classes.
Metacognitive reflections (Pre-reflections and Post-reflection
Advance warning of the questions we will ask before and after each mini-project and SoLA.
Notes on taking notes
Some notes on why you should take notes, along with some note-taking strategies.

Java stuff

Project setup
Instructions for setting up a new project for VSCode and Maven.
A drop of Java style
A few important Java style tips.
Messages from checkstyle
Attempts to decode the messages checkstyle gives.


Spam from Sam
An attempt to log all the email I sent this semester.

Other versions of the course

These also aren’t strictly handouts, but I didn’t have another place for them. The list is incomplete.

CSC-207 2023 Fall (Rebelsky)
The site from the last time I taught the course.
CSC-207 2023 Fall (Jiménez)
The other fall 2023 section of the course.
CSC-207 2019 Spring (Rebelsky)
The site from the prior time I taught the course.
CSC-207 2014 Spring (Rebelsky)
The site from the prior time I taught the course. I’m not sure why I teach the course every four or five years.