Anonymous inner classes

We consider Java’s “anonymous inner classes” as a programming technique.

Introduction: A problem

As you may have noted, in much of our recent work, we’ve ended up creating classes that (a) are used by only one other class or (b) are effectively used only once. For example,

  • In searching or filtering a list, we need to build predicates to guide the search or filter.
  • In sorting a list or array, we need to build comparators that determine how values are ordered. Sometimes we can use predefined orderings, but at other times we’ll need custom orderings.
  • We need to build iterators for most of our collection classes. (This is a case in which we’ll build multiple copies of the object, but the corresponding class only gets used by one class, and is not very interesting.)

For those used to functional programming, the first two issues suggest that we might use anonymous functions. For example, in Scheme, to select all the values less than 10 in a list of numbers, we might write (list-select numbers (lambda (val) (< val 10))) or (list-select numbers (r-s < 10)).

Java (at least Java up through version 7) does not include functions as a first-class data type, so it’s unlikely that we’d have anonymous functions in Java. However, in version 1.1, Java introduced anonymous classes, which can help serve the same purpose. In this reading, we explore the usage of anonymous inner classes.

Detour: A simple problem domain

While we will eventually explore anonymous inner classes in the context of predicates, comparators, iterators, and more, let’s start with an invented situation that is simultaneously simpler and more complex than some of these examples.

At times, we want objects that can greet the user. We’ll call such objects Greeters, and give them a simple interface.


 * A very simple interface to be used in illustrating anonymous inner classes.
public interface Greeter {
   * Print a greeting.
  public void greet(PrintWriter pen);
} // interface Greeter

Here’s a simple class that implements the Greeter interface.


 * A very simple example of a greeter.
public class SampleGreeter implements Greeter {
  public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
    pen.println("Hello world.");
  } // greet
} // class SampleGreeter

Now, let’s try to think like Java designers. Sometimes, given an object, we might want to make a greeter for that object. Why doesn’t the object want to be its own greeter? Maybe we need more than one greeter, and want each to behave differently, or at least independently. (In case you couldn’t tell, we’re reflecting on iterators and iterables, as well as some other paired interfaces.) We’ll call things that generate greeters Greetables.

 * A very simple interface to be used in illustrating anonymous inner classes.
public interface Greetable {
   * Get the greeter.
  public Greeter greeter();
} // interface Greetable

Here’s a simple implementation.

 * A very simple class that creates a Greeter.
public class SampleGreetable1 implements Greetable {
  public Greeter greeter() {
    return new SampleGreeter();
  } // greeter
} // interface SampleGreetable1

Introducing anonymous Greeter objects

You haven’t seen anything too surprising so far, or at least I hope you haven’t. Now, let’s move a step further. Suppose we want to create a new Greetable that returns a greeter that returns the string “Hi!”. We could use the same technique as above. But we’re creating a Greeter class that only gets used once. What’s the alternative?

The alternative is an anonymous inner class. Rather than writing down the full class definition, we can use the keyword new, the interface name, and then the body of a class. That is,


 * A simple class that builds an anonymous greeter.
public class SampleGreetable2 implements Greetable {
  public Greeter greeter() {
    return new Greeter() {
      public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
      } // greet(PrintWriter)
    }; // new Greeter
  } // greeter()
} // class SampleGreetable2

What’s going on here? It looks like we’re calling a constructor for an interface, and we know that interfaces don’t have constructors. There’s also an open brace after the new Greeter(), rather than a semicolon.

Welcome to the world of anonymous inner classes. If you use new with an interface (and, in some cases, with classes) and then follow it with a code block, Java treats that as “I’m simultaneously describing a class and building an object in the class.”

Are there any advantages to this approach? After all, it’s not that much less code than in the previous example. The most obvious benefit is that we’ve achieved fairly strong encapsulation - since the class is within SampleGreetable2, nothing else can access it. We also have the normal benefit of anonymity - if the class is only used here, there’s no need to come up with a name for it. But these two reasons alone are not the only reasons we like anonymous inner classes.

Referencing fields of the enclosing class

Often, when we build helper objects, like Greeter objects or Iterator objects, they need to know something about the object they are helping. That usually means we need to have the helper object reference the object they are helping.

Once of the nice things about inner classes is that they can reference the fields of the enclosing class without explicitly including it as a field. In the following example, when we construct the Greeter, we copy and change a field in the enclosing class.


 * A simple class that creates an anonymous greeter and references an internal
 * field of the enclosing class during creation.
public class SampleGreetable3 implements Greetable {
  int i = 0;

  public Greeter greeter() {
    return new Greeter() {
      int num = ++i;

      public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
        pen.println("Number " + num);
      } // greet(PrintWriter)
    }; // new Greeter
  } // greeter()
} // interface SampleGreetable3

Suppose we wrote the following.

PrintWriter pen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
Greetable g = new SampleGreetable3();
Greeter[] greeters = new Greeter[] {
  g.greeter(), g.greeter(), g.greeter(), g.greeter(), g.greeter() 
for (int i = 0; i < greeters.length; i++) {
  pen.print(i + ": ");
} // for

Our output will be

0: Number 1
1: Number 2
2: Number 3
3: Number 4
4: Number 5

Of course, we could achieve the same effect by writing a separate class and giving it a constructor that takes i as a parameter, but that’s a lot more coding.

But we’re not done yet! Not only can we reference the fields of an enclosing class when we build the inner class, we can even reference them when we run the method.


 * A simple class that creates an anonymous greeter that references a field in
 * the enclosing class at the time is built and at the time it greets.
public class SampleGreetable4 implements Greetable {
  int i = 0;

  public Greeter greeter() {
    return new Greeter() {
      int num = ++i;

      public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
        pen.println(num + " of " + i);
      } // greet(PrintWriter)
    }; // new Greeter
  } // greeter()
} // interface SampleGreetable4

If we run code similar to the above, we’ll get

0: 1 of 5
1: 2 of 5
2: 3 of 5
3: 4 of 5
4: 5 of 5

Referencing parameters of enclosing methods

Things are going pretty well. We can reference a field of the enclosing class when we build an object in an inner anonymous class. We can reference a field of the enclosing class when someone invokes the object’s methods. What else would we want to do? Well, if we are used to a functional model, we might even want to be able to reference a parameter or local variable in an enclosing method. For example, we might want to write something like the following:

Greeter makeGreeter(int n) {
  return new Greeter() {
    public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
    } // greet(PrintWriter)
  }; // new Greeter
} // makeGreeter

However, if we try that, the Java compiler will greet us with a friendly message something like the following: error: local variable n is accessed from within inner class; needs to be declared final
1 error

What’s going on here? The Java compiler is worried that n gets referenced in a method that may be called when that method is no longer in scope. (And we can be pretty sure that it won’t be in scope when greet gets called.) Some languages like Scheme have a clever way of dealing with these issues. The designers of Java, on the other hand, didn’t want to have to deal with those complexities. Hence, Java is only willing to let you reference the parameter if it knows that the parameter won’t change, in which case it can just grab the current value. The final modifier is how you tell Java that it won’t change. With this update, we can write the following:


 * A simple class with an extra method that creates an anonymous Greeter that
 * references a parameter.
public class SampleGreetable5 implements Greetable {
  int i = 0;

  public Greeter greeter() {
    return makeGreeter(++i);
  } // greeter()

  Greeter makeGreeter(final int n) {
    return new Greeter() {
      public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
      } // greet(PrintWriter)
    }; // new Greeter
  } // makeGreeter
} // interface SampleGreetable5

You may have a chance to explore this particular issue in lab.

What does “this” mean?

You’ll note that we have not been using this in referencing fields. That’s because this can feel a bit ambiguous for inner classes - does this refer to the inner class that we’re building or to the enclosing class? Let’s try updating the 4th example to see what the Java compiler tells us.

public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
  pen.println(this.num + " of " + this.i);
} // greet(PrintWriter)

As you might expect, we get another helpful message. error: cannot find symbol
                pen.println(this.num + " of " + this.i);
  symbol: variable i
1 error

We’ve learned a lot from that message. The compiler didn’t complain about this.num, so it seems that this refers to the inner class. It did, however, complain about this.i, and so this does not refer to the enclosing class. It turns out that to refer to the enclosing class, you prefix this with the class name.


 * Explicit references to the location of various fields.
public class SampleGreetable6 implements Greetable {
  int i = 0;

  public Greeter greeter() {
    return new Greeter() {
      int num = ++SampleGreetable6.this.i;

      public void greet(PrintWriter pen) {
        pen.println(this.num + " of " + SampleGreetable6.this.i);
      } // greet(PrintWriter)
    }; // new Greeter
  } // greeter()
} // interface SampleGreetable6

Anonymous predicates

At this point you may be saying to yourself “Cool! I can use this when working with predicates.” Or you may be asking yourself “How can I use this in practice?” (Guess what, one answer is “with predicates”.) So let’s do a quick exploration of why anonymous inner classes might be useful for predicates.

We’ll start with a sample use of predicates, printing all of the values in an array for which the predicate holds.

 * Print all the elements of the array for which pred holds.
public static <T> void printMatching(PrintWriter pen, T[] vals, Predicate<T> pred) {
  for (T val: vals) {
    if (pred.test(val)) {
      pen.println(val + " ");
    } // if
  } // for
} // printMatching(PrintWriter, T[], Predicate<T>)

Now, suppose we have an array of strings and want all of the short strings (say the strings of length less than or equal to 4). We could write something like the following:

Predicate<String> small = new Predicate<String>() {
  public boolean test(String str) {
    return str.length() <= 4;
  } // test(String)
}; // new Predicate<String>

Now we can print the small strings in our test with something like the following.

java printMatching(pen, essay, small); `

That seems much easier than defining a whole new class, doesn’t it?

Concluding thoughts

Like anonymous functions and named lets in Scheme, anonymous inner classes are powerful and convenient for experienced programmers and a bit overwhelming for novice programmers. Take it slowly, and you’ll soon find that anonymous inner classes will be a useful tool for many situations.

As we noted at the start of this reading, anonymous inner classes were added to Java long before things that resemble anonymous functions (“lambdas”, in common Java parlance). In a bit, you’ll learn about lambdas in Java and when they can and cannot be used to replace anonymous inner classes.


Most of this reading is closely based on a similar reading from fall 2014. I’ve reformatted the code and rewritten some text.

I did a bit more cleanup in Fall 2023.