Learning Objectives and Learning Assessments

To directly assess your mastery of the learning objectives of this course, we will conduct a series of learning assessments over the course of the semester. The use LAs of this course is inspired by mastery-based testing practices found in mathematics.

LAs will be given as take-home problems.

Each LA will correspond to one of the learning objectives described below.

If you do not complete the learning assessment for a learning objective the first time, you will have multiple chances to retry.

The objectives may change slightly during the semester as the schedule shifts.

In solving those problems, you should only rely on (a) the course Web site, (b) the standard Java reference pages, (c) your notes, and (d) the code you’ve written. You may not search the Web for answers, you may not use LLMs, and you definitely may not use StackOverflow or Geeks4Geeks or any such sites. When a problem asks you to provide sample code, you should use code you’ve already written for the class (or updated version of that code).

Object-Oriented Design

I expect that by the end of the semester, you will have mastered the basics of object-oriented design. In particular, I expect that you will be able to

  • describe and use four pillars of object-oriented design:
    • encapsulation (OOP LO #01: Encapsulation)
    • inheritance, representing a form of the is-a relationship (OOP LO #02: Inheritance),
    • composition, representing a form of the has-a relationship (OOP LO #03: Composition), and
    • polymorphism, including both
      • parametric polymorphism (OOP LO #04: Parametric Polymorphism) and
      • subtype polymorphism (OOP LO #05: Subtype Polymorphism);
  • apply object-oriented design principles to separate interface from implentation (OOP LO #06: Data Abstraction)
  • identify and use a variety of basic design patterns (OOP LO: 07: Design Patterns), such as Model-View-Controller, Factory, Singleton, Adapter, and Decorator;
  • identify objects and classes that will contribute to a program or solution, design those objects and classes, and implement those objects and classes (OOP LO #08: Object Design); and
  • describe a common layout of objects in memory (OOP LO #09: Mental Models).

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

I expect that by the end of the semester, you will have significantly extended your skills in the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms. In particular, I expect that you will be able to

  • describe and implement classic algorithms, including
    • binary search (Algorithms LO #01: Binary Search),
    • sequential search (Algorithms LO #02: Sequential Search),
    • insertion sort (Algorithms LO #03: Insertion Sort),
    • selection sort (Algorithms LO #04: Selection Sort) [Optional/Bonus],
    • heap sort (Algorithms LO #05: Heap Sort),
    • Quicksort (Algorithms LO #06: Quicksort),
    • merge sort (Algorithms LO #07: Merge Sort),
    • graph and tree traversal (Algorithms LO #08: Traversal), and
    • shortest path (Algorithms LO #09: Shortest path)
  • design new algorithms using a variety of approaches including
    • greed (Algorithms LO #10: Greed) and
    • divide and conquer (Algorithms LO #11: Divide and Conquer);
  • read and interpret the formal definition of Big-O (Algorithms LO #12: Big-O Notation);
  • informally analyze the running time of iterative algorithms and the number of steps in complex nested loops (Algorithms LO #13: Analysis of Iterative Algorithms);
  • informally analyze the running time of recursive algorithms (Algorithms LO #14: Analysis of Recursive Algorithms);
  • describe use loop invariants and use loop invariants to better design and verify iterative algorithms (Algorithms LO #15: Loop Invariants).

Design and Analysis of Abstract Data Types and Data Structures

I expect that by the end of the semester, you will have significantly extended your skills in the design, implementation, and analysis of abstract data types and algorithms. In particular, I expect that you will be able to

  • describe and implement classic ADTs and data structures, including
    • lists (ADT/DS LO #01: Lists),
    • stacks (ADT/DS LO #02: Stacks),
    • queues (ADT/DS LO #03: Queues),
    • priority queues (ADT/DS LO #04: Priority Queues),
    • dictionaries/maps (ADT/DS LO #05: Dictionaries),
    • hash tables (ADT/DS LO #06: Hash Tables),
    • binary search trees (ADT/DS LO #07: BSTs),
    • heaps (ADT/DS LO #08: Heaps), and
    • graphs (ADT/DS LO #09: Graphs)
  • implement one or more data types using arrays (ADT/DS LO #10: Array-based Structures);
  • implement one or more data types using linked structures (ADT/DS LO #11: Linked Structures);
  • design new ADTs using the PUM (philosophy, uses, methods) approach (ADT/DS LO #12: Design ADTs);
  • design new data structures using the LIA (layout, implement, analyze) approach (ADT/DS LO #13: Design Data Structures); and
  • design, implement, and use iterators for one or more compound data types (ADT/DS LO #14: Iterators).

Software Design and Development

I expect that by the end of the semester, you will be a competent beginning software developer. In particular, in addition to having the skills described above, I expect that you will be able to

  • work with one or more other students on the creation of a program (Development LO #01: Collaboration);
  • manage development of multi-file programs in Java using a build tool (in our case, Maven) (Development LO #02: Build Tools);
  • design, implement, and run unit tests (Development LO #03: Unit Testing);
  • develop software using an integrated development environment (in our case, Visual Studio Code) (Development LO #04: IDE);
  • collaborate on and keep track of the development history of code using a version control system* (in our case, Git) (Development LO #05: Version Control);
  • read, understand, and modify code that you did not write (Development LO #06: Code Reading);
  • exercise good practices in documenting code and create Javadoc documentation for Java programs (Development LO #07: Documentation);
  • design and develop libraries for use in other programs (Development LO #08: Build Libraries);
  • use libraries in your own programs (Development LO #09: Use Libraries);
  • signal and recover from errors using exceptions (Development LO #10: Exceptions);
  • responsibly incorporate code that you did not write into your own program (Development LO #11: Ethical Reuse); and
  • understand and explain the responsibilities of a software designer (Development LO #12: Professional Ethics).

Typical LA structure

The vast majority of LAs look something like the following

Please provide evidence that you have mastered this learning objective. Your evidence will often consist of a combination of program code that you’ve written for the class (or an updated version of that code) and narrative text to explain the code and its relationship to the objective.

[a field for your answer]

Please include citations, as appropriate.

[a field for your answer]

[ ] I certify that the answers above represent my own work, except as indicated in the citations.

Some notes for successful LAs

These notes were developed in response to some student answers to LAs.

General issues

Many of the LAs have two fields, one for your answer and one for any citations you might have. Use the top field for both commentary and code. Use the citations field only for citations.

Please take the time to anonymize your code.

Please make sure to include reasonable citations.

  • Not “Labs” but the particular labs you used (either “Lab on X” or the URL).
  • Not “Google” but the particular sites you found using Google that contributed to your answer.

Please follow coding conventions. (You’ll get credit even if you don’t, but it’s good practice to follow coding conventions.)

Please follow good coding practices.

  • Decompose.
  • When representing ranges, use “lower-bound inclusive, upper-bound exclusive”. There’s a reason that so many standard procedures follow that model.

When describing code, start with a high-level explanation. Often, that’s all you need.

Do not ask me to follow links. Everything you want me to look at belongs in your answer field.

Object-oriented Programming

OOP 4: Parametric polymorphism (generics)

Make sure that your description of parametric polymorphism does not also apply to subtype polymorphism. They are both kinds of polymorphism, but they achieve their goals in different ways.

Make sure to include code that demonstrates that you understand and can use parametric polymorphism.

OOP 5: Subtype polymorphism

Make sure that your description of subtype polymorphism does not also apply to parametric polymorphism. They are both kinds of polymorphism, but they achieve their goals in different ways.

Make sure to include code that demonstrates that you understand and can use parametric polymorphism.

OOP 6: Data abstraction

For data abstraction, think about how we’ve designed ADTs and their corresponding implementations all semester.

Make sure that you explain why we want to use data abstraction (why we want to separate interface from implementation).

Our textblocks are not a very good example of data abstraction, since the interface there is intentionally open-ended. Look for an interface where there is a clear expectation of what each method does; one in which all implementations should do the same thing on the same series of procedure calls.

Your goal here is to think at the internal design level; not separating user interface from implementation, but separating the interface to a library from the underlying implementation of that library.

OOP 8: Object design

Identify objects and classes that will contribute to a program or solution, design those objects and classes, and implement those objects and classes.

Note that this asks you to give a problem, describe what objects and classes will help you solve that problem,, and give the implementation of those classes. A single class, without context, is unlikely to suffice.


Make sure your algorithm is correct.

Make sure you explain the inputs and outputs.

Please follow custom and write ranges as “lower-bound inclusive, upper-bound exclusive”.

Algorithms 3: Insertion sort

Please make the “insert” in insertion sort explicit in both your code (i.e., by writing a separate insert procedure) and your narrative.

Algorithms 4: Selection sort

Decompose! You should write an indexOfSmallest or indexOfLargest procedure.

Algorithms 5: Merge sort

Please follow custom and write ranges as “lower-bound inclusive, upper-bound exclusive”.

Algorithms 6: Quicksort

Please follow custom and write ranges as “lower-bound inclusive, upper-bound exclusive”.

Algorithms 11: Divide and conquer

Make sure that you clearly explain the principle of “divide and conquer” before you go on to your example of you employing that principle.

Algorithms 12: Big-O

  • Make sure you understand the “is in” notation and why we use it.

Abstract data types and data structures

ADTs/DSs #1: Lists

Even though Java includes it, get(int i) is not a core list operation.

ADTs/DSs #2: Stacks

Here and in other ADTs/DSs, start with the SAM, or at least something like the SAM. At least the SM. At least the S.

ADTs/DSs #7: Binary search trees

Bit trees are not BSTs. Neither are heaps.

Please include code for get and set.

ADTs/DSs #10: Array-based structures

Make sure to explain why we use arrays in implementations.

Make sure to explain how you are using an array in the implementation.

Make sure to include code that explicitly works with an array.

ADTs/DSs #11: Linked structures

Make sure to explain why we use linked structures.

Make sure to explain what the linked objects are in your structure. (The “nodes” or equivalent.)

Make sure to include code that uses your linked objects.

ADTs/DSs #12: Design ADTs

This LA is a bit less open-ended. I will give you a particular ADT to design. You are responsible for all the parts.

When I say to give me a Java interface, please give a complete interface that I can compile.

ADTs/DSs #13: Design data structures

This LA is also less open-ended. I will give you a particular ADT (or at least interface) to implement. You need not write working Java code. However, you should explain how you will lay out the data (L) and how you will implement the the operations (I).

The analysis part of data structure design means that you analyze the running time of your methods using bit-O notation (A).

Software design and development

Development #1: Collaboration

I need more than “I wrote code with someone else”. Please describe your process and why it was successful (or how you made it successful).

Development #3: Unit testing

Too few of you include comments in your unit tests. In my experience, you will forget why you wrote your tests. The comments help us remember.

  • Bad: assertEquals(Expected, Expression);
  • Good: assertEquals("Message", Expected, Expression)

I expect to see a mix of tests and explanatory text. The text should explain what unit testing is and why we use it. It might also describe the tests. The tests should be sensible, real tests.

Development #5: Version control

Please include a git log from a project.

Remember that the log is supposed to show collaboration. That means there should be more than one committer (or an explanation as to why there’s only one committer).

Development #6: Code reading

ode reading is more than “there’s a for loop here”. You should describe the design decisions embedded in the code and the relation of the class to a larger ecosystem. (Why did someone create this class?)

The specification says “Read, understand, and modify code that you did not write.” I’d like to see appropriate modifications and a description of that modification.

Development #7: Documentation

Central tips:

  • Make sure to use Javadoc comments.
  • Make sure to use correct spelling.
  • Make sure to comment methods, constructors, and fields.
  • Make sure that your comments say more than “Helper method”.

The following things would be nice, but are not strictly necessary.

  • Document parameters and such. (I don’t regularly do so, so I won’t force you to do so.)
  • Put in section separators.
  • Include internal comments to explain more confusing parts of code.
  • Do not include internal comments that simply restate what the code does. // Add one to x above x++; does not help the reader and therefore just clogs your code.

Development #9: Use libraries

Please focus on libraries in which you don’t know the internals. (That is, don’t say “I used Sam’s X class.”) You’ve demonstrated knowledge of using such libraries in the Code Reading LO.

Most of the libraries you’ve used are from the Java API.

Development #10: Exceptions

Signal and recover from errors using exceptions.

Make sure you include an example of throwing an exception.

Make sure you include an example of catching an exception (or being ready to catch an exception).

Make sure that your recovery is reasonable.

Narrate both.