Course details

Thursday, 29 August 2024
In this assignment, you will gather information about the structure of the course and then respond to a few basic questions about the course. yourself.
Each student should submit their own responses to this assignment. You may consult other students in the class as you review the course materials. If you receive help from anyone, make sure to cite them in your responses. You do not need to cite course pages you were instructed to read for this assignment.
Please submit your responses on Gradescope.

Course details

As you might have been able to tell from the first day of class, I have a wide variety of opinions about learning and teaching in CS which are reflected in how I run the class. You can (and should) learn more about these perspectives from the course web. In this portion of the assignment, you will review the course web and answer some basic questions.

First, read the following items.

Log in to Gradescope and navigate to this class.

Finally, look for the the “Course details” assignment, select it, and answer the questions there.