Microsoft Teams

We will use Microsoft Teams for much of the communication in this class. You should have already been added to the course Team. If not, please let a member of the course staff know, so we can get you set up.


Teams includes a chat tool that permits text chat, audio chat, and audio/video chat. I prefer to do one-on-one help with text chat, but will also move to audio or audio/video chat as students ask. Feel free to send me a note when you have a question. I may not reply promptly, even if I appear to be on teams or to have read your question. However, I generally reply relatively quickly.

You should also feel free to use the chat tool for meeting with other students. Teams appears to be Grinnell’s recommended video chat tool for students.

As in most text chat programs, you can use @name to tag someone. @staff should send a message to the class staff, but only if you click on the suggestion that pops up.

When you type a bit of program code, you can use backticks to set it off.

If you have a lot of program code, you can begin it with three backticks.

Questions and answers

We have a channel for questions and answers. You should feel comfortable asking questions in that channel. You should feel comforable answering each other’s questions in that channel. The course staff (primarily the course instructor) will regularly check that channel for questions. We prefer that you title your questions. You do so by clicking on the A with a pen unerneath the message. You should see an “Add a subject” line where you can type the title or subject. You must also enter something below the subject. You submit the question by clicking the paper airplane button in the lower-right-hand corner.


I tend to use the announcements channel primarily for announcements of events on campus. I also use it to announce changes in deadlines and such.

Class Chat

Feel free to use the Class Chat channel for building community. I am unlikely to spend much time on this channel unless you explicitly tag me.